20: Guess I Thought Wrong

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Phil's POV:

I woke up Connors head on my bare chest, a cover covering us. I guess he put a cover over us last night. Thoughts of last night started flooding through my brain. How we went from the couch to the floor. How he bounced on me, and his extremely sexy moans. I looked around at our surroundings and realized WE'RE AT Y/N'S HOUSE, AND ON Y/N'S FLOOR, USING Y/N'S BLANKET!! Did they see us?? Did they think we just crashed at Connors place?? Oh shit, we'd better get up before they do! I looked down at Connor to see how adorable he is while he sleeps. Hehe so cute. Now I don't wanna wake him.. but I need to. Alright Phil you can do this!

I whisper, "Connor!" I shake him and whisper his name again. "Hm?" He mumbles adorably tired. "We need to get up before Y/n and Dan notices we're down here." I tell him. "Oh shit we crashed at Y/n's." he whispers looking around. "Ugh I need a shower," he complains chuckling. "Then go take one I'll let you borrow a pair of my boxers," Phil said. "I can't do that, you only have limited pairs." He explains.

"I don't care, I'll go buy more if I have to." I tell him. "Okay well, I'm gonna go get the shower started and you just bring them to me." He told me. "Okay," I agreed. He slipped on his old pair of briefs, and ran to the bathroom. I slipped on mine too and walked into my room. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I saw a sleeping Dan in the bed. Dan and Y/n slept in different beds? I thought they were getting closer! Especially since they went on a date last night! Maybe since I was gone Dan thought it be respectful to sleep in this bed last night...

I could hear the shower start. I walked over to my suitcase and quietly got a pair of boxers and one to sit until my turn to take a shower. I walk out and quietly shut the door. Once I get to the bathroom I open the door, and walk in. I shut the door and say, "They're on the counter."

I reach for the door but I am stopped. "Where are you going?" Connor asked his head poking out from the shower curtain. "I thought you'd want me to leave?" I questioned. "Well I don't so get in here," he smirked. A shower with Connor? Okay! I shrugged. I stripped out of my boxers, and got into the hot shower. In seconds I felt Connor's soft lips one mine. Im sure he had more in mind than just a shower...I'm not complaining.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up to a cold, empty bed. The other side completely untouched... I was expecting to wake up in Dan's arms or at least by his side... Was he disgusted by the sight he saw last night..? Was Danny's harsh words slithering their way into his head as well?? Maybe he thought I was fat... was my body too ugly for him...

I felt my eyes start to burn as tears started streaming out of them. I should've known that I couldn't be enough for someone. Fuck!! I sobbed into my pillow as quietly as I could trying not to wake the house up. I clutched my (f/c) blanket, and brung it up trying to find more comfort in it. For the next hour I knew this is where'd I'd be. Not getting up, looking at my window, crying, and thinking about what I've done wrong now.

Phil's POV:

After my morning fun with Connor on the shower wall, we decided we'd get clean, and get out. After actually getting dressed, we sat down on the couch and thought about what'd the excuse be for what happened last night. "We got so drunk we got naked and just crashed?" Connor suggested. "How about... we just crashed at your house and came back here to hang out after I had a shower?"
"That seems more legit than mine so yeah that's good," Connor chuckled. Connor looked me in the eyes and started to bite his bottom lip. Connor stood up, then put his hands on my shoulders as he proceeded to put his legs on either side of my body.

"So how was last night for you?" He asked. My cheeks heated up at the question, and butterflies erupted in my stomach. "It-t was... um..incredible...t-to be honest." I admitted my eyes tearing from his gorgeous bluish/grayish eyes. I felt a hand cup my chin, and pull my head slowly towards the gorgeous guy in front of me.

I looked him in his eyes. He didn't wast time in leaning in. Once his lips touched mine, I swear I could hear a choir singing. God, his pink soft lips are heaven against mine own. His hands moved from my shoulders to them clasping together, and his body pressing up against mine. I moved my hands up to caress his cute ass. Connors ringtone sounded playing Troye Sivan's song 'Youth'. His phone was on the pile of his things on the floor.

Connor quickly jumped off  me and ran to his phone. He picked up and slid the answer button. "Troye!" Connor smiled. I heard footsteps coming from around the corner. I saw Y/n come out of the hallway and into the kitchen. "Hey!" I said to her cheerfully. "Hey," she said, sounding very raspy and tired. She walked into the kitchen, and walked over to one of the cupboards taking out a cup.

"Just ask me....Troye, you know I won't hate you....Come on sweetie......" My heart sunk at the cute nickname he had for him. I heard Connor gasp. "Of course I will!! Could you pick me up from someone's house though?" My stomach dropped. Did Troye just ask him on a date? He continued, "I don't have my car cause I knew I'd get waisted last night.....
Y/n's..... Yes the YouTuber... Texting you the address right now, could you also take me to my house cause I sure as hell didn't bring anything nice... Thanks T! See you in a few!" With that he ended the call.

"You guys won't believe just happened! Troye just asked me out!" Connor said with the hugest smile, I've seen him have since I've seen him. The pit in my stomach now felt endless.

Y/n POV:

Troye Sivan is coming to my house! My fucking house! I need to at least not look like too much of a bum. I put my mug of hot water down and put a tea bag in it. I ran to my room and, tried to freshen up as much I could minus my red puffy eyes. "He'd be willing to give me an Autograph right??" I asked. "Course he would!" Connor smiles. "Look at my ship finally sailing.." I whisper to myself. I guess what happened between him and Phil was just a one night stand with no strings attached type of thing.

I slip on a flannel over the shirt I was wearing. I sat on the couch on the opposite side from Phil. I looked at him to see he was lost in thought but with sad eyes, twiddling his fingers. I wonder if he's okay. I'll ask when Connor leaves. We all hear a knock on the door, a very excited Connor walks over to answer it. He opens the door to reveal the blue-eyed angel himself. Connor hugged him tightly, his arms going around his neck, Troye's around his waist.

They're so cute!! "So Troye, this is Y/n and Phil! Dan's sleep somewhere." Connor chuckled. "Oh Y/n! It's so good I get to meet you in person!" Troye says, putting his arm around Connor. "Why is that?" I ask, confused. Why would he want to meet me? "I think your voice is gorgeous! You should collab with me one day!" He smiled. "Oh my god! I-I'd love to!!" I agree, I plaster a smile on my face. "Great, um here do you have a piece of paper?" He asked. "Um yeah hold on!" I told him. I ran to my room and found my old note book.

I grabbed a pen from a cup and ran back into my living room. "Write your number down and I will give you a call when we can do this." He smiled. I wrote my number down, and ripped it off the paper. I handed it to him and he thanked me. "See you guys later, I have a date with a pretty hot guy." He winked at Connor. I saw Connor blush, and smile. "Stop god, your making me blush!" Connor smiled. "That's okay! It's adorably cute," Troye smiled, pulling Connor into him and kissing his cheek. I wish I had something like that. "Alright let's go babe," Connor said. "See you guys later!" Troye said as they walked out. I shut the door behind them and locked it. Aw man! I didn't get my autograph... well I got something better I guess. Okay, now it's time to ask Phil what's wrong. I walk over to the couch and sit on the opposite side of him. "Phil are you okay?"

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