35: Over Joyed

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Ollina is right... maybe Dan will be accepting. I can't abort them nor will I put them up for adoption. This is my kid. They are my responsibility as well as Dan's no matter what happens. "I don't think I could do any of that," I tell the group putting a hand on my stomach. I'm gonna be a mommy... "I'm gonna be a mom!" A smile then stretched my lips. Happiness exploding in my heart. I can feel my love growing for my unborn already. Lynn smiled then hugged me. Lilly joined in then Ollina the shrugged and got in on it too. "Thanks guys, for being here for me," I say.

"Always N/n," Lilly says. They all pull away and Lynn ask, "So when are you gonna tell him?"

"In a couple days hopefully. Maybe a little sooner? I wanna surprise him. I'll come up with something to do," I say smiling.


"You seem so happy after just being sick," Dan comments getting into bed. "Okay one, I wasn't sick and two, you make me happy to just be around you."
"You're adorable you know that?" Dan kisses my cheek as he gets next to me. All my excitement has tired me out so once I got comfortable I fell asleep fairly quickly.

Dan's POV:

Y/n is out like a light. Its been about fifteen minuets and I still can't sleep... maybe I'm just worried about Y/n. She seems fine but I don't know really. I feel like I should be up just in case she needs me if she gets sick again. My poor baby. I see her phone turn on, it illuminating the dark room. Who could be texting her at this time of night? Maybe it's Lilly or something. I slip out of bed my bladder feeling full even though it was a short time ago since I last used the bathroom. I walk around and go into the bathroom to do my business. Once I walk out I see Y/n's phone lit again. I look over at it my curiosity getting the better of me. It was a text from Lilly in their group chat they had with Lynn. It read: Again congrats Y/n! I know you and Dan will make great parents, good luck 😉

Parents?? What does she mean by parents?? Y/n isn't... she can't be I wore protection... I can't have a kid! I've barely got my own life in check to have one! I'm not ready... I don't even think Y/n is ready...I gotta get out of here. I need air. I need to be away from here. I grabbed my jacket from the chair, and slipped on some joggers. After putting on my shoes I grabbed the keys to the rental car and I left the house. I drove not really having a destination. I stopped in a random neighborhood. I turned off the headlights and leaned back in my seat. I don't know what to do... a kid? When did she find out about this and when was she even gonna tell me? What are we going to do? Are we even ready? Am I even ready to take care of a kid? I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

Can I handle this? I don't know if I can...I got on my phone a looked up flights back to the UK. Would it be best for me to do this? Phil should be up. I need him right now. I call him, he picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" His voice answered. "Phil, I'm freaking out man."
"What's wrong?"
"What about her?" He ask.
"I found out about something but you can't tell anyone!"
"I promise, now what's up?"
"I found out that she's pregnant and I'm freaking out. I just left the house. I needed time to myself.." I explain.
"Congratulations!! Wait, shouldn't you be jumping for joy right now? This is a big thing that's great not bad!" Phil says.
"What if we're not ready? What if I'm not ready, Phil? I don't want to hurt her but I'm scared!"
"Okay breathe.. and calm down."
I breathed in and out trying to steady my breath.
"Now, Dan, no one is really ready. To be honest I'm sure you two will do just fine, but don't leave her because your scared bud. I'm sure she's just as scared as you are, and don't let her go through this alone. She needs you just as much as you do her. They need you just as much as you do them, Dan. You're a strong man you got this." Phil's words calmed me. I should be happy about this...but I'm so scared.

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