18: Star Lit Night Sky and Sweetness

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed and note from Dan saying he'll be here tonight. I decided to invite Lilly over, since Phil's out with Connor. Mark, Tyler and Ethan are gonna do some brainstorming today. "I'm so happy he finally asked you out!" Lilly smiles. "I know! I'm so happy! But I can't believe it's happening..." I trail off. "Why?" She asked. "I don't know... I mean why me? There's so many other girls on the earth to choose from yet he's after me of all people!" I explain.

"You're an amazing person Y/n. I'm sure he'd tell you the same." She said. It's hard to believe. I feel like I'm all shades of fucked up because of my past... "What do you think he's doing today?" I change the subject. "I don't know maybe he's gonna hang out with Connor and Phil before you're date tonight?" Lilly leaned on my black marble counter. "You think?"

"Yeah," she nods. A beep sounded from the oven signaling our food was done baking. I put on some oven mitts and grabbed the pan. I sat it on top of the oven. Lilly and I continued to chat until our fresh snacks were cooled a bit. Once we felt the delicious hot Cheeto cheese sticks were cool enough to eat, we grabbed one dipped it in some marinara sauce. "So good!" Lilly yells. "We did good," I smiled. She held her hand up for a high five. Our hands slapped together then we went back to enjoying our odd cheese sticks.

After eating the majority of them, we decided to turn on some music. Lilly and I jumped around singing to each other, going back and forth on verses, and singing so loud it sounded horrible.


I ran my fingers through my hair one more time making sure it looked okay. My nerves ate at me. "Breathe Y/n just breathe..." i whisper to myself. It's been a long time since I've been on a date. I really long time. It's not like me and Danny ever out went unless his stupid drunk friends wanted to.

Okay bad thoughts go away right now. I took a deep breath and smoothed out the (f/c) dress I was wearing. It was strapless and the bottom was big but too big and flared. Went barely above my knees. The doorbell rang making me jump. I shook my head at myself and put a smile on my face. I opened the door, my smile quickly dropped. Outside was a the one man I didn't want to see tonight. Danny. I tried to shut the door but he stuck his foot inside stoping me. "Please Y/n, just listen!" He yells. "Why?! I thought we told you to leave me alone!" I shouted back. "Just listen and I'll leave you alone..." he trailed off, his voice growing softer. He sounded genuine... that's a tone I've never heard him use before.

I opened the door slowly. "What?" I ask, my face hard and tough. I'm not going to show him how seeing him actually makes me feel. Danny starts, "Can I-" I cut him off, "No. You can not come in that's not what you're here for. What do you want?" I harshly ask. Fuck that, you aren't coming into my house. "Let me start off by saying, you look gorgeous." I cocked an eyebrow and put my hand on my hip. "I'm so sorry. What I did was horrible. I had a bunch of anger issues... My dad was the same way and I guess I just took after him... and I miss you so much. I...feel like I need you in my life." he trailed off.

"You didn't have to be like him! Didn't it hurt you seeing him treat your mom like that?!" I asked. He said nothing. "Exactly. You could've been better than your dad. Maybe then we would've worked out. Now we can't. There won't ever be an us again. There's too much to get past and I'm with someone else now. There's no way you can be in my life. You hurt me way too much." I told him, my voice getting softer with every sentence. I saw a car pull up and a very handsome yet very worried and angry looking Dan got out the car. "Why in the hell are you here?!" He shouted. Danny turned around, and sighed, then turned back to me. Dan ran over to us and stood in front of me. "Dan I'm fine," I tell him. "Why are you talking to him?" Dan asked. "He just came to talk," I say trying to calm him down. "What if he hits you??" Dan asked turning around to face me. I look into his eyes and say, "He won't okay? Just calm down." I say soothingly. Dan sighs and gets behind me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist protectively.

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