15: D & P's Day Out

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"Come on!" I laugh. "Okay, okay just hold on!" I hear Dan laugh. "I hate it when he does this." Phil laughed. "He doesn't take this long usually." I chuckle. "He has his moments." Phil shrugged. "Okay I'm ready!" Dan says appearing from the hallway. I grabbed my keys and my phone then we all walked out the house through the entrance to the garage. I opened the garage as the boys got into their seats, then I slid into my own.

"Are you both sure you're ready?" I ask. "Yes," They answer. "You didn't forget anything?" I ask. I watch Dan as he pats himself down. "Oh fuck, I forgot my phone!" He quickly gets out and Phil and I both watched as the forgetful man ran back inside. "Is he always this forgetful?" I turn to Phil, who was in the backseat. "Did you not watch the 'I Nearly Blinded Myself' video?" He laughed. "True!"

"Dan needs to just have a checklist of all the things he needs before he leaves the house." I grin. It wasn't long before we saw Dan run out the house, phone in hand. He hopped back into the car, gasping for breath. "Geez you sound like you've been running a marathon." I say as I pull out of the garage. "I kinda did," he laughed.

"So where are we going first?" Phil asked. "You'll see." I smiled. Today, I want to show them both around. I want to take them to my favorite place here; Downtown. I find it beautiful, I hope they will too. As I drove, we all made conversation. Once we were close I played Panic! At The Disco's "Ready to Go". It always gives me a carefree feeling. I can do anything. I tapped the steering wheel, and moved my body not caring about how the other two thought of me as we drove. The beautiful sounds of Beebo's voice carried me away, like how Beebo pretended to be a plane in the music video. The only thing that brung me back was the song nearing its end.

I turned the stereo and glanced at Dan to see him just staring at me. "What?" I ask. "It's just...you really get into the music." He chuckled. "I know, was it too weird? Cause I think I can control myself next time." I laugh. "It wasn't too weird, but weird is definitely the word for it." Phil's voice sounded from behind me. "Okay, I'll turn my weirdness down a notch." I chuckle. "I find it really cute and adorable if you'd ask me." Dan said quietly.

Very shyly I say, "Thank you." My cheeks heated and a thin layer of sweat formed on my palms. "For what?" Dan asked. "For what you just said." Phil told him, smirking. "What'd I say?" He ask cocking his head slightly to the side. "Um...y-you called my weirdness cute and um..adorable." I say. "I said that out loud?!" He asked frantically. "I'm sorry! I didn't meant to say that! It j-"

I interrupt him saying with a smile still plastered on my face, "It's fine Dan." I swear he's the cutest! I pull into a parking lot only filled with a few cars, and parked fairly close to a garden they had here. "What are we doing here?" Dan asked. "We're walking," I tell him. I shut off the car, then everyone piles out of my car. I lead them into the entrance of the garden.

I feel myself become excited as I remember what's in here. I lead them into a built hallway made from leaves, vines, and sticks. They look around and I see them both taking pictures. I popped up behind them photobombing their picture. I smirk and continue to lead them through the vine hallway. Once we reach the end of it, we've set foot into a park.

Their faces lit up, but Phil was the one to run up a hill then slide down the huge bars coming from it. "Dan, Y/n! Come on it's fun!" Phil beams. "Why the hell not?" I shrug. I go around and walk up the gentle side of hill with no trouble. I sit in between one of the thick metal bars. Sliding down the metal bars I yelled, "We!"

Once my feet touched the ground I looked at Dan to see he was grinning at me. I smile back and wave at him to come over here and do it with me. He walked over to me and we both walked back around together. We walked up the gentle side of the hill. We both slid down the poles, me landing more graceful than Dan, (which is surprising cause I can be clumsy) who fell forward. I could barely move as I was laughing so hard, and my stomach muscles were hurting.

"I'm- sorry-" I gasped for air as I laughed. Dan stood up and smoothed his shirt out. Once I calmed down, I wiped tears from my eyes and picked myself up from the ground. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Oh now you ask that?!" Dan chuckled. "I'm sorry that was just too funny." I told him patting his back. "Let's go before I hurt myself again." Dan said.


My phone sounded from my back pocket. I reached behind me and took it out. The caller I.D. read 'Mark'. I answered, "Hello?"
"Hey Y/n!" He beamed. "What's up?" I asked. "You doing anything today?" He asked. "Just hanging out with Dan and Phil walking around Downtown why?" I asked. "Well you guys shouldn't be too far! Lilly and I are at Big Bear Shack! You guys should come hang out." He told me. "Okay hold, I'll ask." I took my phone off my ear and asked the boys, "Do you guys wanna go hang with Mark and Lilly?" I ask Dan and Phil.

"Sure," Phil agreed. We both looked at Dan for an answer. "I don't mind." He says. I put the phone back up to my ear. "Yeah sure, where are you guys again?" I ask. "Big Bears Shack." He answered. "Mkay, be there in a bit." I tell him. "Alright bye," I hang up the phone and start leading the way to the bar. We make our way to the bar getting there in a short amount of time. I open the door and we all walk in. I spotted Mark and Lilly at a big round table. "Hey guys!" I smiled. I sat down, scooting in so the boys could sit too. "How's your day going?" Lilly asked. "Pretty good, we've been walking around here for a while."

"Have you guys been to that new candy place next to the theater??" She asked. "No! I didn't even know there was a new candy place!" I said happily. "Now we've got to go! I haven't been there either." Lilly said. "So how are things with you know who?" She asked. "Yesterday when I went into work it was just a way to get me out of the house so he could get Phil, he even bought me my favorite Starbucks beverage." I smile. "Why aren't you guys dating yet?!" She whisper yells.

"I don't think he likes me that way! He's just being nice." Her jaw drops at my words. "You can't be serious. What about that almost kiss?" She asked. "That was just in the moment." I shrug. "You are in such deep denial about this." She shakes her head. "If you can prove it, I'll believe it." I tell her. "Okay, fine, operation believe is a go." She smirks.


So sorry it's late! It's been hard finding times to write because of school, drama, and getting ready for thanksgiving, but the day has come and I can relax for a bit. Woot woot! Hope you had a great thanksgiving! ❤️

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