44: Oh My God!

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letting you knoww because I know some of you will be like THATS NOT HOW THAT WORKS but bare with me okay! I've never had this experience so I won't really know what it's like but I'll have my shot of what I think it's like from what I've seen. Okay enjoy the chapter! Love you Kittens💕

Four months have passed, a day before Vidcon. I swear I grow a little tiny bit more everyday. My belly is big in my opinion, it also looks like I should probably be only six to seven months with just one. I've done my research. I feel fat and this is only the fifth month. Dan and I were invited to Vidcon. Which I'm so excited about! This will be my first year going. I just pray my feet and back won't hurt at the end of it. Since it's here in the US Dan and I have decided to officially move after it. Phil is also here so they can both do their things. I'm accompanying Lilly. I know once we do our Q&A we will have a lot of questions. Everyone's going to wonder about my tummy because well it shows a lot now. None of our fans know we're engaged or that I'm pregnant. I guess their questions will be answered there.

I just hope I can handle it. I've never really spoken out in front of crowds. Dan tells me it's not as bad as I think but what if I screw up? Lynn came through the door, holding bags and smiling making me wonder what was up.

"Hello Mrs. Happy," I chuckle. "Y/n I know you haven't found out any sexes yet but lookie at what I found!" She takes two onesies that has teddy bears all over it out of the bag. "Awh well isn't that just adorable!" I smile examining it. "I couldn't help myself! I just saw those and new I had to buy them!" She smiles. "By the way I know you're going to be in London when it's time so I was thinking maybe a week before they're due I come down there? I don't want to miss this moment, I mean they are my God children," Lynn says.

"Of course! I'd love you to be there," I smile. "Where's Dan and Phil?" Lynn ask. "Getting me some more ice cream."
"Ah of course."


"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Dan ask getting next to me in bed. "Traveling, a little. Vidcon, I'm scared... what if-"
"Stop that! You'll be fine, you know Lilly just think of it as there's only you two and you're making a video! Just have fun and be yourself. They will love you as much if not more than they already do! And don't be worried," Dan places his hand over my belly, "I'm sure the lot of them will be excited about the twins. Just don't be like one of those people that have those awkward silences," Dan laughs. "I won't! I will be avoiding that all day tomorrow."
"Good, hey!"
"Yes?" I answer. "I love you." I grin looking at Dan. "I love you too." Dan's hand falls to my side as he moves to kiss me. His soft pink lips landed on mine, moving slowly. I smiled into the kiss, making Dan smile. I felt something pushing my belly from inside. I gasp, my hand immediately going to my tummy.

"What? What's wrong?" Dan ask frantically. "The babies!" I say smiling. I feel it another time. "What about them?" Dan ask worriedly. I grab Dan's hand and put it to where I felt it. One of them did it again, and right against Dan's hand. I look at him. His eyes widened a smile on his face. Dan sits up, sitting on his legs. "Oh my god," he whispers. "That is so amazing..." he smiles looking at me. I see a tear rolling down his face. I grin, and wipe his tear with my thumb.

He leans down and gives my tummy butterfly kisses. He removes his legs from under him and lays his head on my tummy, as his hand rubs it soothingly. "I've read by this time you should be starting to hear... I just wanna tell you I love you very much. I can't wait to see you both," Dan says.

I put my fingers in Dan's hair. I feel more movement. I'm guessing Dan did too because he chuckled and kissed my tummy again. It's not too long now and we haven't even gotten prepared. I know we will soon though because I should be having a baby shower next month after we find out what they are going to be. This just became really really real. The tiny humans are now moving... wow.

I wonder what we're having, both, two boys, or two girls.

Dan gets up, and kisses me. Once he pulls away, I yawn, feeling myself become kinda tired. "Alright Mommy time for bed, we gotta get up in the morning," Dan laughs. I put the covers over me and say, "Okay Daddy it's time for you too mister," I laugh. We both turn off our lights, and lay down. Dan puts his arm around me, my back to his front. He slips his hand under my shirt and puts his hand on my bump. That's adorable. "I love you," he tells me. "I love you too handsome."

Next day, Dan and Phil has their show today, mine and Lilly's are tomorrow. So after theirs we're gonna just hang out, sit at the booths and meet people. I'm excited to go explore the floor! We all stop to take photos before heading to where the boys were. I'm so excited to see Troye Sivan play today as well. I wonder how him and Connor are doing. I mean from the looks of their social media's they're great, but looks can be perceiving.

Dan and Phil walked out and everyone screamed. Dan looked at me, I gave him a smile. He looked back at the crowd and sat down on the chairs provided. "It feels great to be back!" Phil said into the microphone making the crowd go wild. "So Dan anymore traveling horror stories you want to tell?" Phil asked making everyone laugh.


Phil points at the person holding their hand up. Looked to be about fourteen. "So I've seen you and Tyler being very close is there something we should know about?" She says. Phil looks at Tyler who was right next to me. Tyler nods and gives Phil a smile. "Yes, Tyler and I are in a relationship," Phil says a smile on his face. The crowd goes crazy, cheers erupting all over the room. "Since when?" Someone yelled. "A few months ago," Phil chuckled. How cute! It makes me so happy to see Phil happy.

"Another question?" Phil says looking among the people. Someone stood up and said, "This one is for Dan!"

"Alright then."
"I know you and Y/n are dating, but is it true she's pregnant?" Dan looks at me. "If she's willing to come up here and give you an answer then you'll know," Dan smiles. Nervousness set in the pit of my stomach. I walked up to the stage. Dan gets up and helps me up the stairs. I sit next Phil and I'm given a microphone.

They had to ask. I'm wearing a white tank, an army green vest over it, with dark blue ripped jeans. I'm wearing converse because I can't just let them go even though my feet are swollen. "Yes, I am," I admit. Everyone started cheering, making both Dan and I smile. Dan laced his fingers with mine and kissed my hand making everyone get louder. My cheeks were burning and if I could, I'd hide them.

"I," I start to give them a little time to calm down, "I promise I will answer more questions during Lilly and I's show just send them out to me on any social media and I'll read and answer them for you all." I smile, using my arms to lift me. Dan watched for me, and make sure I got down alright. "Like she says more questions will be answered tomorrow," Dan smiled.

After their show we went on to explore more of Vidcon and also interact with fans which is one of the most sweetest experiences I've ever had because they're face to face.

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