2: New Life

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I know I haven't gotten anything but 10 reads so far but thanks for them and for that this chapter is for you! The vid is a song from the band Pvris (Paris) Lynn "your best friend" is from that band! Pic of her above! Okay love you my kittens sorry for any mistakes ❤️
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"I am home!" I sing as I walk through the door. I get no response. I shrug Lynn must be with her girlfriend. I walk into my room and shut the door locking it. I strip down into nothing and take a quick shower. After taking the nice hot shower I sat down on my bed and continued Dans new video on my laptop.

Wait! I need food. I pause the video I walk out of my room, carrying my laptop with me. I walk through the hallway and into the kitchen. I sit my laptop down and then I looked through the cabinets to find anything good to eat. After failing I look in the fridge. After finding nothing I decide to just order some pizza. I make the call in then walk over to the couch carrying my laptop with me. What to watch?

Supernatural, Stranger Things, Vampire Diaries, maybe Bachelor in Paradise. So many choices! I decide on (f/s) {favorite show}. I watch the show until I hear the doorbell ring. I get up and walk over to the door. I look out the peephole and see it's the pizza guy. I open the door and he hands me my pizza and the (f/d) {favorite drink} I ordered to go along with it. I sit down with the my delicious best friends and press play.


I feel hands shaking me awake. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep. "Hm?" I asked. "Go to bed," Lindsey chuckles. "Oh yeah," I sit up and rub my eyes. "Goodnight Y/n." She walks out of the room. "Night," I say back. I pick up the box of unfinished pizza and shut the TV off. There's only two slices left Lynn must've gotten some. Well two slices you are my breakfast for tomorrow. I put the box in the fridge then proceed to go to my room. I'll clean up the rest tomorrow. I shut the door.

Not even bothering to turn on my light I use the flashlight on my phone. I crawl into bed and get on my phone. I've been a fan of Dan and Phil for a year. Of course still, my teenage girl comes out so when they post a new video I'm on it like cheese on pizza. Or ketchup on fries. Or Dan on Phil. Or Phil on Dan. What even are my thoughts?

It's amazing how one person can effect your life in such a positive way though. Last year I struggled after leaving Danny. I was happy and relived I didn't have to deal with him anymore, but it was a struggle to get back on my feet. I had to quit my job at Starbucks because he could find me easily there. Then I started watching more YouTubers and I found myself getting happier. I got a better job that I know I'll enjoy, hopefully that's just a side job for now though.

I'm just doing so much better for myself. My thoughts were fading as I found myself falling asleep.

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock. Luckily I don't have to work till ten so I could sleep in until nine. I pick myself up and swing my legs over to the side of the bed. My hair is probably a mess. I get up and walk to my bathroom. I looked at myself. You can see the tiredness in my eyes.

Having to pee, I do so, then I wash my hands. When I'm done I keep the water running as I put some on my face to wake me up a bit. I grab my drying towel from the wrack and dry my face. After making sure there was no sleep in my eyes I did my usual morning routine.

After I had put clothes on and the lanyard I wear to work, I slipped on my shoes and grabbed the left over pizza. Then I was out the door. I ate while listening to the radio as I drove. Ride came on and I sung along. I'm so proud of those smol beans. It wasn't long until I had made it. It was 9:50. I had already finished my food so I grabbed my trash and I threw it away before entering the store.

The day went by as usual. Asking people if they need help, helping people, ringing people up, and lunch in between that. Lindsey being a great best friend brought me food and we talked and joked around. She told me about how her band is finally taking off. Hopefully they'll be playing concerts for bigger crowds soon.

As the rest of the day went on I found myself getting bored. We weren't busy. I found myself making a Dan and Phil edit. Nothing too good just a weird picture edit of Dan and Phil just all over the place being goofy and adorable. In the middle are the words "thank you". I put a watermark on it then off to Twitter we go.

I go on twitter and post the edit. I tag Dan and Phil. I type, "Random edit of @Danisnotonfire @Amazingphil 😊". I get likes, the laughing emoji comments, and awes. I return to work until it's time to go. I text Lynn asking her where she was. She said she was at band practice and I asked if I could crash it.

She said sure we don't mind. So I drove to her bandmate Alex's house which is where they have their band practices. I knock on the door and Brian answers the door. He greets me with a smile and a hug. Then I walk in. I sling my arm around Lynn who was taking a drink. "How's it going?" I ask her. "Pretty good, ooh you wanna hear this song we've been working on?" She asked.

"Yes, let me hear the amazingness." I say. I follow them to the basement and sit down on the couch. It starts off with the drums then the keyboard and guitar come in. I bob my head to the music. It sounds amazing. Then Lynn starts singing.

Ugh I love her voice! I move my body to the music. My phone vibrates and check it to see Dan has tweeted the word, "Damn". Nothing else just Damn. I comment, "Whatever it is everything gonna be fine." I slip my phone back into my pocket. I continue to listen, until the song ends.

"Guys! That was amazing!! I can't wait to hear you guys play that at a concert!" I say. "Really?" She ask. "Yeah!" I nod. They know if it sounds good or bad I will be honest about it. Only because if I know they can do better I will tell them hey you guys can do better. "I can't wait till we play at a concert." Alex chuckles.

We hang out for a bit more having a nice time. It was a Friday night and I had weekends off so I was free for tomorrow. A couple hours passed it was about 9 o'clock. We're having a conversation about going to see Melanie Martinez in concert when she comes here. I check my Twitter. I have a new notification telling me Dan had replied back. I gasped and covered my mouth. "Oh my god!" I say, squealing. "What happened?" Brian asked.

"Dan Howell replied back my tweet!!" I say happily. The tweet reads, @(u/n) {username} Thanks :)
I took a screenshot of this amazing amazing moment i tweeted @Danisnotonfire I hope things are okay though. You should go check out my edit ;)
My outside excitement was over but on the inside I was a screaming teenage girl.

It was almost 11 in the morning when me and Lynn finally went home. We both were so tired we just went to bed. The minuet I got into bed and cuddled into my sheets to I find myself awake. I checked my Twitter to see no more of Dan. Part of me was disappointed part of me expected it. Next I find myself on Instagram scrolling through liking things.

Then I get another notification from Twitter. It was Dan! I click on it and he said, "Amazing artwork lol :P"
I said back, "Thank you, thank you." Moments later I got another notification saying @danielhowell
starting following you. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. Then I saw I got a message in my messages. I clicked on it and I see it was Dan he had said "Hello."

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