53: Time Has Come

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"Let's get you checked out to see if the twins are okay, you said your water was a a tinge of pink. Did you see a clot of anything?" She asked. "I think so?" I tell her. "It might've just been your plug coming out then but we'll check anyways," she tells me. She sits on the stool. "Lift up your gown, you can keep the blanket covering your lower region," she says chuckling. As she turns on the computer I do as she says and she squirts the jelly on my tummy. It doesn't feel so weird now since I've grown used to it over the months.

"How far apart are your contractions hun?" She asked moving the wand around. "Um maybe about 10 minuets apart," I answer. "How long have you been in labor?"
"Since last night it happened while I was asleep. Hurt so bad it woke me up."
"You poor thing, well it seems not far now," she says as she finds the babies. "Everything looks alright... we'll keep watch on you just in case alright? Look at that babies are also turned." She says putting the wand back in its place and wiping off the transducer.

I grab onto the rail feeling another contraction. I sit up and breathe in and out. I feel Dan start to rub my back soothingly. Dr. Cooper waits till my contraction passes before speaking again. "I'll be back in a bit to come check on you alright?" I nod and she walks out.


I moan in pain once again. They've given me pain killers, but it didn't help so much after an hour. I want to push so badly right now. My contractions aren't giving me much of a break anymore! Where in the hell is Dr. Cooper?!
"You're doing so we-"
"Dan, I am not doing well! This shit hurts so bad! Where in the hell is the doctor button on this thing?! I need her in here right now!!"
I say picking up the remote still panting from the pain. My forehead was glistening with sweat. My hair was sticking to my forehead it's probably also looking like a mess.

I find the button and push it three times before settling it down. My contraction passes. I cherish this break I have because I know it won't be long. "Water, Angel?" Dan asked. "Please?"

Angel? He's calling me an Angel at this time? I feel like a demon right now! A doctor walks in asking me what's wrong. "Is it time now??" I ask frowning. I looked at the doctor with my pleading eyes. Please!
She puts on some gloves and tells me to put my feet on the footrest.
She checks my entrance for my cervix. Hopefully it's at the length needed to start because I'm ready. It's been an hour here already. There's a knock at the door. "Hold on!" The Doctor answers for me. Taking her hand away and taking off her gloves, she tells me some of the best news I've heard all night. "It's time!" She smiles. "You have..?"
"Dr. Cooper!"

She gives me a thumbs up. "You can come in!" She raises her voice. Lynn walks in holding the diaper bag and the hospital bag. "Thank you so much Lynn really," I tell her sighing afterwards.
"I hear it's time to deliver the little munchkins, which I'm staying for." She smiles.
"Are you sure you wanna stay for that? I mean, I feel like I'm going to be a demon being sent back to hell," I tell her. "Yes I'm very sure, I want to see my god children come out," She smiles.
Dr. Cooper soon arrives with two other nurses.

"Thank god," I breathe out. They set my feet up on the footrest. "Okay Dan and..."
"Lynn," Lynn answers for her. "Lynn, you're gonna want to hold her hands, one of you will have to help with giving her water though and putting a cold towel on her head. I'm sure she'll get hot," she instructs Dan and Lynn. They both nod their heads. They pull my blanket back and lay it over my legs. Dr. Cooper sits on the stool at the foot of the bed. The nurses stand beside her.

"Alright honey you can push when you feel like it okay? If the urge just isn't there my nurses will tell you when to okay? When you do, you're gonna have to push like your pooping."
I nod at her words. I feel a contraction hit me. Dan grabs my hand, I start to bear down as if I were taking a poop. The pain I already had intensified. I felt so much pressure. I cry out clenching my teeth, and squeezing the hell out Dan's hand. When my contraction passes, I take a breather. Lynn grabs my hospital mug filled with water and holds the straw to my lips. I take long gulps then lay back relaxing a bit.

"She's gonna need the cold towel soon," Dr. Cooper tells her nurses.


"Okay, Y/n I'm gonna need you to slow down a bit, take a breather before continuing," Nurse Charlotte informs me. I stop and steady my breathing. Dan taps my head with the cold towel which is soothing.
"Okay on your next contraction go." It took a couple minutes before it was time to start pushing again.

I started pushing low again, my chin to my chest. I started to feel what was burning sensation. "Oh my god!" I yelled out in pain. I stop the pain becoming to much for me to handle. "This will be over very soon, you gotta keep going though okay. Take a breather and give me another push alright?" Nurse Charolette encourages me. I pant, shaking my head. "It hurts," I say feeling tears in my eyes.

"You're doing so well Angel, you can do this. After all this we'll have our kids here but you gotta push baby," Dan says to me then kisses my sweaty as hell head. His words and actions calm me. I nod agreeing with them. "Alright on your next contraction go," Dr. Cooper says. I nod inhaling and exhaling. You can do this Y/n. The kids will be here and this will all be over.

I start pushing again. My vagina was burning as it stretched making room for the infants head to come out. "It hurts!" I say whining.
"You're doing great! I see the head!" Dr. Cooper said. "Looks like they are going to have a full head of hair," Nurse Jane comments. My hands squeezed Dan and Lynn's harder than they already were. "Keep going hun," Lynn encouraged.
I continued, pushing, yelling, griping at my best friend and fiancé's hand. Soon we finally got one of their heads out.

"This time Y/n you're gonna have to give me a big push because now we have to get the shoulders out okay?" Nurse Charolette tells me. I nod, talking a big gulp. I feel the next contraction coming. I allow myself to breathe before going again. I bear down pushing again.
Dan made the mistake of looking. He looked back at me his face a little paler than usual.
"You're almost there, big push!" Nurse Jane tells me. I bear down as hard as my tired body would allow me. Soon I felt the tiny human slip out of me and my pain whoosh away. I sigh leaning back and relaxing. "It's a boy!" She smiles. She puts him on my body and I cradle him. Tears start to gather in my eyes. "I'm a mom," I say to myself smiling. Dr. Cooper clamps two parts to the umbilical cord and cuts the middle of the two clamps.

A few seconds of holding him I expect to hear crying but my baby was silent. I looked up to see him not moving. Dr. Cooper tapped his butt, still no movement. Worry paints Dr. Coopers face. "Take him," she tells Nurse Jane. "What's wrong?" I asked. Without giving me a chance to process my thoughts he was taken off of me. He was still silent as they picked him up. My stomach dropped and my heart rate sped. "Where are they taking him? What's wrong?" I ask. "Right now, we need to get the next baby out alright? Let's focus on You're little girl."
"Why can't I know? What's going on with my baby?" I feel my stomach drop.

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