37: 1+1=4

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNNNN anddd For those of you that just skipped over the last chapter, I'm not gonna make you guys wait for the next actual chapter so here you are! 💘 Love you my Kittens!

A week later, Dan and I had scheduled an appointment to see the baby yesterday. The sweet nurse told him today would be fine. They also told me to make sure I didn't eat anything so we could keep a clear path to see him/her. I'm so nervous, but my excitement over powers my nervousness. We still haven't told a bunch of people. The only people that know are the people that were there that night and Phil. Well I've asked my parents to come down here this weekend and for Dan's parents we're gonna go back to the UK.

I wonder where we're gonna live after this.... the UK or are we gonna stay here? Cause I know me and Dan can't be separated like we have been when the baby comes.
(A/n you guys comment that one here!)

Dan and I get out the car and head into the doctors. The receptionist has me sign a few papers about myself. Then Dan and I sit and wait.

"I wonder what the baby looks like right now. I know they don't look like a baby yet but like I don't know I'm just curious," Dan says. "Well you'll find out shortly. I'm just as curious as you too though. Depending on how actual far along I am will depend on what they look like. For all we know they could still be just a little spec," I smile. With a little more conversation and waiting my name was finally called into the back. Dan and I both get up and follow the nurse into the back. After doing a regular check up, the nurse takes us to an ultrasound room. It was definitely more homey in here than anything. There was a comfy cream colored chair where Dan could sit. The bed had a long blanket at the end that had black and white polka dots. The bed it's self was white with a black pillow. There was white flowers on the counter, their vase with a black design on it. The computer next to the bed was faced a little towards the bed itself was white. The chair next to it was black and it had a teddy bear next to it. There was a little table that had a laptop on it also was accompanied by a lamp. There was also a flatscreen TV on the wall that was on but the screen was black. The nurse hands me a sheet and tells me to undress from the waist down and hands me a sheet. The she leaves telling me the doctor will be with us in a bit.

I go to undress then I remember that Dan is there. It'll be fine he's already seen you. Don't be so shy now. Your definitely weren't a week ago. I kick off my shoes and socks then hand them to Dan. I pull down my pants and panties handing those to Dan as well. I could feel his eyes on me but I ignored him and laid down on the bed. I covered myself with the sheet and turned my head to the side so I could face Dan.

"It's so weird to know this is actually happening and I'm in this position. I also thought it might be Lynn or one of her girlfriends that I'd be here with. Not me," I admit to Dan. "I know I didn't expect for myself to be here so soon either, but it excites me. I just hope the kid isn't as awkward as I am," Dan chuckles. "You're not that bad," I say to him ruffling his hair. "You know what though?" He ask. "What?"
"I'm glad it's you I'm experiencing this with though," he smiles. "Aww you're so sweet." Dan kissed me softly. It wasn't too long before we heard a knock on the door. Dan and I looked at each other, then look back to the door. I say, "Come in?"

The door opens revealing the doctor. She had bleach blonde hair. Was on the very petite side. She had black glasses and I could tell there was tattoos on her arms that were being covered by her lab coat.
"Y/n right?" She ask. I nod answering her question.
"I'm doctor Livy but you can just call me Liv," she smiles warmly. "So this is your first one?" She ask. "Yep sure is."
"Okay well if you ever decide to have a second kid you'll be a pro by then," she chuckles. She sits in the computer chair next to us and types something in in her computer. The tv showed what she was doing on her computer. This neat. She dims the light with a switch she has next to her. "Can you lift your shirt to your breast for me please?" She asked. I did what she asked exposing my little bump. "Are you sure you're only a month along?" She asked.

"Yeah... I think?" I question myself.
"When did your symptoms start?" She ask. "A week or so ago." She nodded and mumbled something I couldn't hear.

She put some warm liquid on it then some cold blue gel. She put the wand on my stomach and then the screen came to life. As she moved the screen did too. "Now I don't think you'll be able to hear your baby's heart beat yet."

I felt Dan put a hand in mine. "Now how many weeks did you say you were?" She moved the wand farther down. "About five now why?" I ask. "Just asking," she says. Why the weird questions? One little black blob was on the screen. "There it is," she smiled. She moved further to get a better picture and another little black blob appeared on the screen. "Well.. as you can see, you're not having just one. I suspected that you seemed a little big to be having just one." My eyes widened as my heart rate sped. Does that mean two? There's not one but two little humans growing inside me...? She moves to where they're both in the middle of the screen. "That's baby A and that's B," she says using the cursor to point to them. Those are my babies... I could feel myself start to tear up a bit.

Dan's hand squeezed my own gently. "Let's go ahead and get this printed," Liv says. After pressing print, small printer printed out the picture like a Polaroid only it already had the picture made. She handed it to me, and printed out a second one for Dan. I look at Dan to see his reaction. There was a smile on his face. I watch as she wiped all the products off my stomach.

"Now the next time you come we will be doing a Transvaginal ultrasound. It's painless and it'll give us more information on the babies. After that it'll be on you whether or not you'll want to keep coming back for more regular ultrasounds. We can do once a month or once every two months it doesn't matter just let me know okay? Here is my office number," she pauses grabbing a card out the stack of cards and handed it to me, "now I'm already scheduling an appointment to see you again in about two weeks and by then you should be six weeks so maybe we'll be able to hear a heartbeat." She smiles.

"Alright I'll leave the room so you can get dressed have a good day." She walks to the door and opens it, "By the way I may call you before the appointment to give you some instructions on what to do before the appointment," she explains then walks out of the room. After I get dressed Dan and I go grab something to eat before going home.

"Lynn!" I know she's home her cars out front. "Yes?" She ask walking out of the kitchen. "So we found out something today at the doctors," I say.
"Good or bad?"
"Good," I smile.
"Then what is it?" She ask smiling. "There's not just one..." I trail off. "Well then how many are there??" She ask excitedly.
"Two," I answer.

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