58: Sweet as Buttercream Frosting

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It isn't far from the Green Chamber. It was a bit smaller. It's built with brown bricks and is almost castle-like. There were balconies on either side of the building and had cement stairs leading up to the entrance.

Dan parks the car. He tells me to wait then my eyes follow him he walks around to my side. He opens my door for me with a smile on his face. He holds out his hand and I place my own on his. I use him and the car for support as I get out. We walk up to the venue hand in hand. As we walk in everyone's eyes are glued to us as we walk in. We walk wi the first group of friends we see. Zoe, Alfie, Louise, Pj, and Chris were all apart of this group. Pj had his arm around Chris's waist. I smile at the two.

"Hey, guys!" Dan greets the group. "Hey, guys! Congrats! You guys made me cry!" Chris says adding a soft chuckle. "Aw, I'm sorry!" I say. "I'm honestly so proud of you Dan! My child! You've grown up so fast. I️ thought it would never happen!" Louise says wiping a Fake tear away with her finger. Dan tilts his head downward and looks up at Louise giving her a look that said, "really?" Everyone laughs.
"I would appreciate it if you'd stop bullying me!" Dan says jokingly yelling. "Never!" Louise says. She evilly laughed then gave Dan a sinister smile. Dan grabs my hand and says, "That's our cue to go!"

"It was nice talking to you guys!" I smile as Dan and I walk away to another group. We continue on talking to everyone we could get to before it was time for Dan and me to have our first dance as a married couple.

For this dance we chose f/s {favorite song} to play as we danced. As the song started people gather around us. Dan puts his hands on my waist holding me as close as he could get me. My hands were on his neck. "You know, I was bummed to not see you next to me this morning," I chuckle. "I didn't know that I was going to be stolen from you until this morning when the guys woke me up." He explains.
"Yeah, the girls woke me up too. I honestly wanted to kill them for getting me up so early," I say.

Dan bends to my level to put his forehead on mine. "I missed you so much," He kisses my head. "I can't begin to explain how beautiful you look in that dress," He says smiling. "Thank you, I saw you cry," I mention. "I just had something in my eye," He says lying straight through his teeth. I roll my eyes. "And I'm a monkey's uncle," I say laughing lightly. "But you're not a monkey or a guy," he says. "Exactly my point!"
"In all seriousness though. Today is literally one of the best days ever. I never thought I'd be in such a good place at this point in my life. When I saw you walking towards me, everything just became so real you know? Like, I now have a wife and kids, and I'm so comfortable." He admits to me.

"You're the sweetest you know that?" I tell him cupping his cheek in my hand. He grabs my hand and kisses it. Then returns his hand to its place. I lay my head on his chest and I feel his hands rub my back soothingly.

The song was fading out and our DJ says, "Let's give it up for Y/n and Dan!" Everyone around us was clapping. "Now all you lovely people get out there!"
The DJ starts to play another song. Everyone around us walked out to join us. This song was more upbeat. Dan leans in close getting next to my ear he says, "Another thing though, I can't wait to get you out of that dress later." My eyes widened. That shook my body to the core. I️ feel the hairs on my body stand up. I have goosebumps. He stands up straight and looks at me a smirk on his face.

I feel a tap on my shoulder to see my Dad and Dan's mom standing behind me. "Kiddos we'd like to steal you away for a bit," Dad says. Dan goes with his mom and I go with my Dad.

"I wish you'd stop growing up!"
"I know it's weird to know I have kids and I'm married now huh?"
"It was so hard to let go. I'm still sorry for my actions in the beginning."
"It's alright now. I'm just glad you like Dan... and the kids." I chuckle at the last part. "Hey now! Even though I wasn't too excited to find out you were pregnant that doesn't mean I️ wouldn't have loved my grandchildren. I love them with all my heart." Dad says.

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