42: Right..?

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We make it up to Dan's parents front door. "Do I look okay?" I ask glancing at my outfit again. I'm wearing a dressy black shirt that's kinda tight. I can still fit my jeans so of course I wore skinnies. They're light blue and ripped. "You look perfect!" Dan rings the door bell. It seemed as if his mom was waiting by the door because the door swung open. "Hey guys!" She greets warmly. She hugged us as we walked in. "How was the trip back?" She ask. "It was great. I didn't slip up!" Dan chuckles. I shake my head at him. Poor baby just has bad luck sometimes.

"Dan!" Adrian came running at Dan. Dan held his hands up defensively as his younger brother attacked him with a hug. I smiled at the two. "Hey Y/n!" Adrian said holding his arms out for me to give him a softer hug. Once we pull away Dan and I migrate to the living room to find his dad. "Hi Dad!" Dan says happily. His dad looks up then gets up to say hi and give us both hugs.

We then go to the kitchen to meet with Dans god parents. This isn't the first time I've met his family members but I can't help but be shy. It's been such a long time. "You guys came just in time! Dinners almost done, Adrian come help set the table please?" Dan's mom shouted. "Y/n make yourself at home no need to be shy hun!" She smiles at me. I nod and smile back still not knowing what to do. "Let's go sit," Dan says. I follow him to the couch and sit next to him then I lay my head on his shoulder.

"So how are we doing this announcement and when?" I ask. "I'll warn my mom in advance and she'll get the table quiet for us, we can do it whenever you're ready babe," he tells me. "I guess during it?" I question. "That's fine," he smiles pecking my lips. He gets up and goes to the kitchen to find his mom.


"Okay guys quiet now, Dan said he had something to tell us!" Dan's mom makes everyone get quiet. She's been anxious about wanting to know what it was we had to say. Once everyone was quiet she tells us to go on. "We're getting married!" Dan says happily. His mom and god mom screams and ask where the ring is. I show her the gorgeous ring Dan gave me. "God, Dan! Good job on the ring!" She says examining it.

"One more thing," Dan says. He looks to me and I breathe out before saying, "We're pregnant with twins!" I grinned. "Oh my god! I'm gonna be a grandma!" Dan's mom says happily. "That's amazing guys!" Dan's dad comments. "How far along are you?" Dan's mom ask. "Only six weeks so far," I answer. "When did you guys find out??" She asked. "Two weeks ago."
"Wow, so what's happening? Are you moving here or are guys gonna live down there?" She ask. "We decided to live here," Dan says. "Yes! When??" She ask excitedly. "Soon, we still have to get my things together, but we'll let you know when."
Dan's mom decided we'd celebrate with some dessert after dinner. The sweetness mmmm. Even though they didn't want me to I thought I'd help her and Dan's god mom clean.

While everyone else went to the living room to talk I stayed with the girls to clean. While Dan's mom rinsed I put them in the dishwasher. "How did your parents take the news?" Dan's mom ask striking up a conversation. "My mom was nothing but happy, over joyed, but my dad on the other hand wasn't so impressed," I say admittedly. "Oh I'm sorry... whys that?" She ask. "He thinks Dan just wanted me for my body which I know that's not true and hopefully he'll see that," I say to her. "He just doesn't know how good of a man Dan is, he'll come to terms with it soon," she says. I hope she's right.

"Is that the reason why you're moving?" His god mom asked. "No," I shook my head. "Well the what's the reason?" Dan's mom pushes. "Well, my ex last year he was thrown into jail for breaking into my old house and nearly choking me to death.. and apparently he's escaped and he might be looking for me. There won't be any way or at least it'll make it harder for him to get to me if I'm here. I don't want him hurting my family," I explain to them.

"Me either, good thing you guys are coming here then, I'd rather you both be here and safe," she tells me. "I couldn't agree more," his god mom chimes in. I smile at her as we finish up the dishes. We join the boys in the living room. After a bit more conversation and showing them Dan's proposal (Lilly recorded it) it was time for Dan and I to leave because we were getting sleepy. After hugging everyone we leave and head back to the apartment.


Dan and I walk to the door hand in hand. I'm so sleepy I almost fell asleep on him in the car. He opens the door Dan stops before going completely in. Why'd he stop? "Babe?" I question. He walks in slowly not saying much. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and walk in front of him. There was a girl sitting on the couch. She was a dirty blonde with bleach blonde streaks. Her hair was curled and bouncy. Her cheeks darkened. Eyeliner sharp but uneven. Eyelashes were darkened, like her eyebrows. Lips were thin but dark red. Bright blue eyes stared at Dan and I. She was wearing one of the shortest brightest pink skirts in the world. Her shirt was super tight, and she was petite. On her feet were black open-toed stilettos.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make her leave!" Phil says.

Was this the girl that cheated on Dan? I didn't even think he'd go for someone like this... I heard he was really hurt by her when she left. I feel like nothing compared to that.. Why hasn't he said anything to her yet? Make her leave! He couldn't have missed her....right?

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