12: Not Again

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After the slow dance the party picked back up. Me and Dan walked off the dance floor and spent the rest of the party talking about random and stupid things and laughing at them. This time Dan didn't get awkward with me though! I don't know what that means exactly yet. I saw Mark and Lilly close to each other the whole night as well. Once Mark parked right in front of my house, Dan and I both got out of the car. "Thanks!" I waved goodbye to them. Then went into the house. I shut the door kicking off my shoes and neatly putting them next to the door.

Dan crashed on the couch and shut his eyes. I went into my room and slipped out of the dress. I put on a shirt, and some pajama pants. I put some socks on then I put my hair up in a way to where it wasn't in my face. I wonder if I should ask him. Maybe he's just being flirty and he has no feelings at all.... That's happened to me so many times. I need to think for a bit. I grab a jacket, and walk out of my room. I shove my phone into my pocket and walk out of the house.

I sit down on the swinging bench on the porch. I feel a gust against my skin. I shiver and put the jacket on. I swing slightly as I let my thoughts drift. I want to know what I should do. Should I tell him or should I not tell him?? I don't want to ruin our great friendship. Maybe It'd be best not to tell him... Well if I don't tell him then he'll leave and never know, but If I do tell him that could make him want to leave sooner and it would be uncomfortable.

I don't want him to feel awkward around me.... Is there a possibility he might like me back though?? Who knows? Ugh, everything is confusing. My thoughts are so all over the place it feels like fog clouding my brain. I want to know what to do! I should call Lynn. I pick up my phone and turn it on. I put in my password, and click on the phone app. I go in my contacts and find her name. Before I click on the number the door opens. Dan walks out in his pajamas too.

"You look like you could use some company." Dan shuts the door behinds him and sits down next to me. I put my phone down as I turn it off. "You okay?" He turns to me. "Yeah," I nod. "Why are you out here?" He ask. "Just enjoying the night. It's peaceful just to sit here." I shrug. "I agree, it's so quiet." He nods. The wind started blowing again, and I shivered. "Cold?" He questions. "Yeah," I nodded. Moments later he awkwardly, puts his arms around me. I settle into his warm embrace.

"You're so warm," I comment. "So are you," he chuckles. A soft giggle sounds from my throat. I move my head back and I look up at him. His eyes catch mine and I look back down, nervousness setting in the pit of my stomach. He pushes my head up gently making me look at him using his index finger. He starts to lean in slowly. I shut my eyes; my heart racing. Once he was so close I could his breath on my lips. "No!" We heard someone yell. Startled and wide eyed we both turned our heads, and looked to where the sound was coming from.

There we saw him standing up on the side of the car across the street. Danny.... I stood up, angry as hell. "What in the hell?! Have you been watching me??" I asked. He didn't answer, instead he said, "Just hear me out!"

I shake my head. "Your a psycho!" I yell. "Y/n please!" He begs. I cross my arms. Through gritted teeth I ask, "What?"
"I'm so sorry... I've gotten help! I miss you so much. The house has been so empty this past year.... The bed, it's been so cold without you next to me... Theres a void in my heart where you should be that I've tried to fill many many times. I won't do it again I swear!" He says. Hearing those words made flashbacks appear in my head. He used to say that all the time yet, he never meant it. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "No," I shake my head. "You used to say that to me all the time! You never meant it! Ever! I'm not ever going back to you...Ive had a happy life not being your personal punching bag I'm not going back to that." I was holding back tears.

"No!" Dan cut him off. I looked to see he was right behind me. "You don't deserve her! You've caused her so much mental and physical pain and she's done with you. She wants you out of her life for good. She's too good for a scum bag like you. You don't deserve a beautiful, talented, sweet angel. You deserve to be behind bars for years. Leave and don't you ever fucking come back." Dan said. He called me beautiful, he called me an angel.

"Let's go inside." I tell Dan. He nods and we both start to walk back toward the house. "No! No! No! This isn't how it's suppose to be!" Danny yelled hitting his head. "You brought this upon yourself!" I yelled, still walking. Dan opened the door I walked in then him. He peered his head through the door. "If you're not gone in the next ten minutes we're calling the cops." Dan shuts the door and locks it.

I could feel my barrier of tears break and they came pouring. I sunk down into the couch my face in my hands and let out a quiet sob. I felt arms wrap around me. I leaned into him. Dan shushed me and told me everything was going to be okay. He placed a small kiss on my head and held me a bit tighter. Once I was calmed down, I look up at Dan. "I'm sorry. This ruined a good night." Tears were still falling from my eyes.

Dan cups my cheeks in his hands and wipes the tears away with his thumbs. "It's not your fault Angel." The sweet name made me smile a bit and a blush wash over my cheeks. "Thank you, Dan." I smile a half heartedly. We share a nice warm hug. Once we pull away a yawn escapes my lips. "I think it'd be good for you to get some sleep." Dan said. I nodded. I got up and Dan picked me up. "Dan!" I laughed. "Yes?" He asked, walking towards my room. "You don't have to carry me to my room." I laughed. "I want to." He smiles.

Once he enters my room, he goes over to my bed and lays me down on it. "You're too sweet." I lay on my side. "Thank you." He smiles. He brushes some of my hair out of my eyes. "Get some sleep, Angel. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He walks out, closing the door behind him. I roll over onto my back and look up at the bumpy white ceiling above me. This is so crazy! We almost kissed! Danny ruined that for me! And it's probably not gonna happen again for the time that he's here. I need to call Lynn. I take out my phone that was in my jacket pocket still. I open it and click on her number.

It rang for a few minuets before she answered. "Hello?"

"Lynn I have so much to tell you." I say sniffling. "Are you okay? You sound like you've been crying or you're sick." Lynn knows me too well. "I have been crying." I tell her. "Why? Did Dan do something??" She ask worry lacing her voice. "No, but Danny did." I went on to explain to her what happened.

"Well it's a good thing Dans there to protect you." She said. "I know right. He's so great..." I say smiling. "Aww you two would be so cute!" She says. "I know right!" I agree. "Well I've got to go. Everyone is grumbling at me." She says. "Okay, love you." I say. "I love you too, N/n." I hang up the phone. I take off my jacket, and throw it at the end of the bed. I get underneath the covers, and turn my light off. I sigh, finally feeling my body relax.


Sorry for late update I've been sick af I'm getting better now. Alright love you my Kittens byeee

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