27: Everything's Gonna Be Okay

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Our car ride was filled with music. Both comical and horrible dancing. Anyone that looked in our windows would either laugh or shake their heads at our stupidity. I made a point to stay awake this time because I felt bad he was driving. At least we can make a long drive a fun one. I did take a moment to reflect on how far we've come.

I mean I thought Dan could never like a weird person like me. He's weird but I don't think he's quite on my level.

Once we made it home it occurred to me how short of time Dan has left here. I'm excited for my best friend to be home but then my boyfriend is going to be leaving. I mean I've always wanted to see London so I'll visit him there. I hope the distance won't effect our relationship negatively. We had decided to sit and watch a movie to relax for awhile. My thoughts caused me to be clingy. I snuggle up to him, and put my arm around his abdomen.

He kissed my head and held me tighter. I sigh finding myself feeling my heart sinking.

"What's wrong, Angel?"

"I just realized how close you are to leaving," I say sadly.

"Don't worry, we'll skype every day, you can come visit," he says rubbing my back soothingly.

"I know, I'm just gonna miss you so much." I admit to him.

"You can come visit me!" He said trying to brighten up the situation.

I will definitely be doing that soon. Over the months I've gotten so attached to him. It's going to be weird not having him by my side at night or waking up next to him in the morning. We should go out tomorrow and make the best of what days he has left here.


We didn't have any specific plans for today, so later on in the day with a little driving around we've found ourselves downtown. Just to see what's going on. To help us out with our adventure on finding something fun to do, there was a sea of people here. We parked the car and followed the crowd. As we walked, our hands were laced, back and forth they went as we walked.

I smiled loving these little moments. I find myself cherishing them a lot more now. I know it's not the last time I'll see him but it will be my last time seeing him by my side for awhile.

Once we had made it where everyone was going, we found out there was a tiny carnival type event going on down here today. The smell of food hit our noses. Looking around there were food trucks filling up empty places that weren't occupied with games that people could play to win prizes.

"Are you hungry?" Dan asked.

Is he hungry? We just ate not more than hour ago.

"No are you?" I ask.

"Not really my eyes are just bigger than my stomach right now cause that burger sure does look good," Dan chuckles.

God, his smile is amazing.

"It really does look good. I know I wouldn't finish it even if I wanted to. I'm way too full." I laugh.

Dan put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. A grin took over my lips as his pressed against my head. As we walked further in the more and more fun it looked. There was a place where people were dancing. There's a fruit bar. There's more games to play. There's a volleyball court. Everything just looks so fun!

Dan and I grabbed some drinks. I could tell there was some alcohol in them. I could taste it. I swear if I get tipsy... A few more drinks later I was definitely tipsy maybe just a little more.

"Let's go dance!" I say jumping out of my seat.

"You my lovely are drunk," Dan laughed.

"What? Psh no I'm not! I just wanna dance, come dance with me!" I giggle and take his hands.

"Are you sure you don't think it's time to go?" He asked.

I'm not having it. Y/n's not having it. Sam's not having it. I giggled at my own Brandon Rogers reference. I want to dance!!

"Yes, I'm sure now come with me hot stuff!"

I take his hand and pull him up. I pull him to the dance floor. I start moving my bodies in way I wouldn't if I were sober.

M/n POV:

I hadn't heard much out of D/n since this morning. I don't feel one ounce of sadness though. I told him not to mess with me when I'm tired. He knows not to mess with me when I'm tired. I don't know why he thought it was a good idea. I didn't want to be bothered with his foolishness. His silence has actually been very nice. I was cleaning the dishes when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see D/n was there. With no intention of talking to him, I turned around and continued to do the dishes.

"Why?" He ask.

"Why what?"

"Why go back on my word like that?"

I sigh, and shut off the water. I grab the rag on the side of the sink and dry my hands with it. Throwing it into the sink and I turn around a sigh folding my arms.

"Well?" He says waiting for an answer.

"You word is dumb and unnecessary. Ridiculous even," I tell him.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because our daughter is grown up now. She's a woman, she's been doing great on her own." I explain.

He looks down and leans against the wall frame a sigh sounding past his lips.

"She's our little girl...."

"I know she is, but she's all grown up now. In your heart she'll always be our little girl but it's time to let her be. She's been doing just fine on her own. I know Danny really really gave us a scare, but Dan is not like Danny. There's such a huge difference, a huge huge difference. You can see it. Danny never looked at Y/n the way that Dan does." I explain.

"And that scares me..." he trails off.

"Why?" I ask cocking my head to the side.

"Because I know that soon I might be walking her down the isle..."

My face softens. He can let her go he just needs time to realize she might be falling in love. I walk over to him and throw my arms around his neck. He hugs back his arms wrapping around my waist. I kiss his cheek.

I say softly, "Everything's gonna be okay."

Never Been Hurt (Dan Howell x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin