25: Mr. Snoopy

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Y/n's POV:

Mom was right, Dad did make Dan and I sleep in different rooms. It felt way too empty without Dan next to me. Neither of us could sleep and we were both texting.

Dan- I miss you!!
Y/n- I miss you too!!!
Dan- I wish your dad wouldn't have made us sleep in separate beds.
Y/n- I know but there is always what mom said.
Dan- I don't want your dad to kill me
Y/n- What if it were my fault?
Dan- What do you mean
Y/n- Just wait.

I got up out of bed, turning on my phones flashlight to guide my way. I tip toe out of my room and walk across where Dan was. I open the door and shut it quietly.

"Now it's gonna be my fault."

"Yeah if your dad gets mad it is your fault." I roll my eyes playfully.
I smile walking over to him. I crawl onto the bed and get in with him. I lay my head on his chest and his arms wrap around my body. Cuddling into him I sigh in content.

"What is it?" He whispers.

"Nothing I just missed you." I say.

"I missed you too," he kisses my head. I could feel myself finally growing tired. I looked into the darkness as my eyes started to grow heavy.


"Yeah Dan?" I ask in somewhat of sleepy state.

"Do you think your dad likes me?"

I guess the dinner has been bothering him. Poor baby. I hate how my dad wants me to have the perfect guy that's up to his standards. He doesn't even think about mine!!

"I think he does, on the little fishing trip he'll get to know you. You'll get to know him. It'll be good."

"Will it be because of my beliefs that he won't like me?" Dan sounded like a worried child. It was adorably honestly.

"Honey, he's always had some perfect life carved out for me. I was suppose to be a doctor and marry some rich guy. I didn't want that so I left to chase my own dream. If he doesn't like you'll he'll have to get used to it because this is my life, it isn't his is and I want you in it, if you want to be in mine you will." I explain to him.

I sit up to kiss him on the cheek and then I return to my warm spot. After that no more words were spoken for the night. Instead the night was instead filled with the soft snores of Dan and I.

The next morning mom had woken us up like she said she would. Once we both decided we'd get up we walked out of the room to be hit with the smell of breakfast. Wow.. mom cooked!! Well it could have been grandma. Dan and I walk down the stairs to be met with the rest of the family at the dining room table.

There was French Toast, waffles, pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, homemade syrup, and salad waiting to be eaten on the table. This is definitely moms doing. I can't believe she decided to cook.

"What made you wanna cook mom?" I ask sitting at the table.

"Just felt like today would be a nice day for breakfast," she smiles.

Once dad prayed everyone grabbed and dug into the delicious food. It's been so long since she's made breakfast. God this is amazing.

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