8: Oh I Thought...

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I wake up around eleven fifty-four in the morning. Dan and I are going to the mall today, and we're going to eat somewhere afterwards. I at least make myself look somewhat presentable before walking out. I should make breakfast for Dan and I. I walk into the kitchen and grab all the supplies I'll need. Waffles, sausage, bacon, pancakes, eggs, and hash browns. Yum! After getting the sausages, and bacon done. I start making the waffle batter, once done I pour it into the waffle iron. Then I go on to make the pancakes and the eggs.

Once I flip the pancake and move the eggs around I quickly go fetch my phone and headphones. I as I listened to the sweet sounds of (f/s) [favorite song]. Once I I was finished with the pancakes, I put butter all over them. I walked to the fridge and took out the syrup bottle. I sang as I bobbed my head and bounced lightly to the music. I could feel eyes on me, but I brushed the feeling off.

I put those on plates as well. Once I turn around to put the plates on the island, I nearly jump out of my skin. Dan was sitting there on his phone. I pulled out one of the headphones and said, "Dan you scared the shit out of me." I say. "Sorry I didn't want to bother you." He apologizes.

"It's okay, just make yourself known next time." I chuckle. "So I have made food! Um grab what you want, we can chill here until three then get dressed and go to the mall. Deal?" I ask. "Deal," he smiled. After grabbing what food we wanted, we started eating while we made conversation. "Phil said he'll be coming in a week." Dan mentions. "Yes! It's gonna be so fun! I can't wait to show him around too." I say. "You're gonna have to come visit us in London too! It'd be amazing to show you around." He says.

"Okay, that'd be cool! I would love to go." I say.


Even though there's so much room on the couch my head is on Dan's lap as we watch (F/sh) [favorite show]. Dan's fingers were playing with my hair soothingly. It feels like we've known each other forever. I turn my head to face him. "After this episode we should start getting dressed." I tell him. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips then back at my eyes. His eyes then avoided my own. "Okay, he answered. I turned my attention back to the TV. What was with that? Soon it was time to get dressed.

I got up and walked into my room. I walk to my two door closet, and open it. I find a (f/c) long sleeve shirt. I slip it on, and roll up the sleeves a bit. Then I find skinny jeans to go along with it. I slip on a pair of converse to top it all off. Then I go into my bathroom. I wash my face, then go on to make myself look presentable. Once I felt I look good enough for the public, I walk to my door. Stopping myself before I open it. I turn back and walk to my closet. I grabbed a flannel, and wrapped it around my waist. "Okay now I'm ready." I say to myself.

I walk out of my room. While I wait for Dan, I make sure I have everything I'll need for today. My wallet, keys, and headphones. "Ready?" Dan asked from behind me. I turn around to face him. "Yeah," I nod. Dan sticks his phone in his back pocket. I open the garage as we both walk out. Dan gets in the passenger seat, and I get into the driver seat. I turn the car on, and plug my phone up to the auxiliary cord.

"Here pick something," I hand Dan my phone. I looked behind me as I started to back out. Once we were out of the driveway, I looked over at Dan. He looked awkward and lost. "It's okay, just pick something." I chuckle. After a few moments of silence I heard the sweet sounds of Fall Out Boy's Uma Thurman. "Yes! Great choice." I smile. I started singing, and taping my fingers to the beat on my steering wheel.

"Could you type in Can't Help Falling in Love?" I ask. "I would like to listen to the Twenty One Pilots version though." I tell him sweetly. "Okay." Soon the amazing song was playing starting out with the ukulele. Tyler starts and I sing along with him. I glanced at Dan singing to him. He smiled and shook his head at me. I looked back at the road still singing. Once the song ended, a random song came on. "Can we listen to that again??" Dan asked. "Sure, restart it." Dan restarts the song.

I started singing again. Damn this song is beautiful!! I tap on my steering wheel to the slow beat to the music. "If I can't help...falling in love with you." I sang the last part. "You have such a beautiful voice." Dan comments. I smile, a blush coating my cheeks. "Thank you."


"Thank you for putting up with me in that store." I chuckle. "No worries. It was cu- funny seeing you go crazy over all that stuff." He laughed the scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "I can't help it," I laugh. I looked over at the next building and saw Taylor, he must be walking to the food court. "Hey Taylor!" I called out to him. He turned his head. When he saw me he smiled, and ran over to us. "Hey!" He said hugging me. "Hey!" We pull away.

"Dude it feels so empty without you." He told me hitting my shoulder lightly. "Aww does someone miss me?" I joked. "Yes! It feels like you've been gone for ages!" He laughed. I haven't been gone for that long. I looked over at Dan who was on his phone. Most likely going through Twitter. "Dan," I grabbed his attention. He looked up at us. "Taylor this is Dan, Dan this is Taylor." I introduced. Taylor held out his hand, and Dan took it. As they shook Taylor says, "Ahh so this is the guy you never shut up about."

I hit him on the chest earning a small 'ouch!' from him. "Are you going on lunch break?" I asked. "Yeah, wanna tag along?" He asked. "I don't mind, I'm actually kinda hungry what about you, Dan?" I asked. "I don't mind. Yes, food does sound pretty amazing right now."

"Okay well on to the food court!" Taylor yelled, putting an arm around my shoulders and pointing in the wrong direction. I face palmed, and sighed. "Wrong way," I laughed. He did it again only this time pointing at the right direction. "There we go," I chuckled. "Let's go." We all walked to the food court. "Are you hungry?" I asked Dan. "Not at the moment, it wasn't long ago we had breakfast." He explained. "That's true," I turn to Taylor. "We're gonna go sit down. Just come to our table." I told him. "Okay," he nods.

"He's a nice guy," Dan comments. "Yeah," I shrug. "I swear though if he hurts you in anyw-" I stop him. "Woe hold on there! Me and Taylor??? No! Oh god no." I shake my head. "Oh sorry, I just thought... Sorry." He apologizes. "Taylor and I, just no." I shake my head, and shutter a bit. "I've always thought of Taylor as a friend and nothing more." I smile. Once I saw Taylor coming back I said, "Let's go get some food."

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