5: Worry

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Danny. "Y/n? Wow you look...gorgeous." He comments. On the inside, I cringed so hard. On the outside I kept a straight bitch face. "Yeah... Can I have my pizza?" I ask, holding out my money. "Y/n-"

"I don't want to hear it." I shake my head. I never would have had the courage to say something like that when we were still together. I take the pizza out of his hands and put the money in his hands. Before he could utter another word I shut the door in his face and locked it. Flashbacks of the things he did to me went through my mind. I felt tears threaten to fall from my eyes. I blink them back and walk back to my room.

"You're back!" Dan smiles. "I'm back!" I say attempting to sound as happy as I was before I left the room. I put on a fake smile. I feel like I've lost my appetite. "What's wrong?" He ask. "What? Nothing." I said too quickly. "Did something happen?" He asked. "It's nothing really." I shake my head grabbing a slice of pizza. I've gotta act normal. "Come on, talk to me." He says again but worriedly.

I sigh giving in, actually needing to talk about this with someone. I swallowed the piece of food in my mouth a looked up at the screen. "My abusive ex Danny just came to my door. He was the pizza guy that brought my pizza over. Just seeing him brought back so many memories. Now he knows where I live and that makes me even more afraid to be here by myself." I say. "How long did you say you were gonna be there by yourself?" He asked.

"About two..possibly three months. Why?" I ask. "I don't mind coming down there to keep you company. It'd be fun we can even make videos together!" He says. "Dan you couldn't. That's way too long for you to be away from Phil." I say. "You make it sound like we're together! Which we're not. It's no problem really." He assures me. "What about Phil?We both know how you are when you're a- you know what never mind." I chuckle. "Are you sure? I mean that's a long time. Plus I have work and all that stuff." I say. "Yeah it'd be fun! I can stay in a hotel near you." He reassured me. That would be a lot of money spending. It'd be better for him to stay here.

"You can stay here at my house. It'd be better and cost less." I laugh. "Are you sure? I can be a mess to live with for that long." He laughs. "I'm positive and think of this as a little vacation. I'll show you around and maybe we can go on a little vacation in another state." I chuckle. "Yeah that'd be fun! When should we do all this?" He ask.

"Let's wait till Monday so you can prepare." I say. "Okay, that sounds cool." Dan nods.


After talking to Dan I found ways to entertain myself. It's gonna be Sunday tomorrow, so I have no work. I'm taking a four days off from work so I can spend time with Dan when he comes on Monday. I'm so thankful for him coming down here just to keep me company. He's so sweet. I wonder why he cares so much though.

I'm just another fangirl. Im surprised he even started talking to me. I need to go check the mail. I get up from my comfortable spot on the bed. I walk out of the house and on the sidewalk that leads to my mail box.

I see an unfamiliar car parked across the street. That's weird... I don't remember the neighbors getting new car. It doesn't even look like its new it looks like a beat down car. It looks like Danny's car. That couldn't be though...right? I need to stop thinking before I scare myself to London instead. I chuckle at myself then I shrug it off and quickly get my mail. Then I make my way back into the house. I lock the door. Damn that car gives me the creeps.

I look out the window to see it still just sitting there. I don't know what I was expecting it's a car it can't move without someone driving it. I texted Dan and told him about it.

Dan: It looks like your ex?
Y/n: Yeah it's creepy...
Dan: Maybe you should go stay at a friends house.
Y/n: I think I'll be fine as long as everything's locked
Dan: Are you sure?
Y/n: Yeah

Dans POV:

I worry about Y/n being there alone. Especially now since her ex knows where she lives. It made me sad to see him effect her the way he did. Just seeing him and the thought of him made her mood do a one-eighty.

I sighed and walked out of the room. I know Phil is in the lounge, I can hear him humming a song. I walk into the lounge and plop myself on the couch next to him. He looks at me and immediately knows something is up.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm scared," I answer. "Why?" He turns his body towards me. "Because of Y/n," I say. "Why because of Y/n?" He questions. "So I have decided that I'd go stay with her for a few months while her friend Lynn is gone on tour." I say, sighing. "You should be scared of joy!" Phil smiles.

"That's not why I'm scared though. Today, I found out she was in an abusive relationship. Her ex found out where she lives and now he could be stalking her." I tell him. "You might be over reacting." Phil says. "I just don't want her hurt." I look down. "Don't worry I'm sure she's fine," Phil reassures me. "Come on let's start getting you packed up," he says. "I don't leave till Monday." I say. "We don't want to have a repeat of Australia do we?" He asked. That was painful, and horrible. "No.." I trail off. "Okay then let's get going." He told me.


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