52: So Not In The Mood

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I'm worried about the babies now. I hear it's most likely suppose to be clear not pink. Even though it was a very light pink I don't trust it. I need to call my doctor.

"Brian I need you to call dan and tell him what happened, Lynn I need you in here with me so you can call my doctor while I change," I tell Lynn. Brian walks out of the room and Lynn shuts the door. I start to change out of the drenched clothing as Lynn dials Dr. Cooper.

She picks up on the fourth ring. "Hello?"
"Dr. Cooper??" I say. "Yes Y/n?"
"My water was tinged with pink, I don't know if that's good or not.." I tell her.
"Get here and I'll make sure everything's alright, okay? Get here quickly," She tells me. "Okay," I say and hang up the phone.

"Y/n! Police are here!" I hear Alex say. I slip on dry clothes, and house shoes. Then walk out with Lynn. We go into the living room where two police men were standing.

"My abusive ex he tried to come at me again, he was here. I had to hide in the bathroom and lock the door to keep from getting hurt by him-" I cut myself off, pursing my lips, and groaning lightly as a contraction attacked my body.

"Sit down Y/n," Lynn tells me holding my hand and arm. She helps me sit down. I squeeze her hand as my contraction passes. The door opens and Dan walks in a worried look on his face. He sees me and runs over to me.

"Are you okay? Did he touch you??" Dan ask frantically his voice deepening when said the last word. He had his hands on my face examining me. "I'm fine babe, I'm fine," I tell him. He sighs in relief hugging me. "I knew I should've stayed," he says mostly to himself.

"I'm officer Paul, Did anyone else see anything?" He ask. "I chased after him but he disappeared on me," Alex said. My eyes widened at him. Lynn got to it before I could though, "Alex! You have to be carful with him! He probably had help to get here and they could be here so you need to be carful!"

"Dan we need to go, Dr. Cooper says she needs to see me. My water was a very light pink color. I'm worried," I tell him. "Let's go," he says standing. "Do what you have to do," I tell the boys. "Lynn could you finish packing up the diaper bag and my change in clothes and bring it to the hospital," I'll tell you what room I'm in later. Dan helps me up then, we head to the car. He helps me in the car and then shuts the door for me. After getting in we back out the parking spot.


Dan parks the car and helps me out. We walk into the hospital, and Dan gets me to the front desk. "Her water broke," Dan says. I feel another contraction attacking me. I hunch over leaning on the desk putting my head on my arm.

"Alright, Honey do you want a wheelchair?" The nice old lady says. "Yes please," I tell her. She gets up to get one for me. I sit down and she puts the foot rest down. Dan gets in front of me and bends his knees to get down to my level. I grip his arm and lean forward breathing heavily.

"Carla are you busy?" She ask grabbing a nurse. Black hair, blue eyes, curvy. "No, I'll take her to the floor," she says. "Hi," she says. Dan gets up and she starts pushing me to the place I'm suppose to be at. With Dan following. The contraction passes, and I sigh in relief.

We go into an elevator. She presses button 3.
"I like your shirt," she comments Dans black and white stripped shirt. "Thanks," Dan answers simply. "Geez I feel so short compared to you," she giggled.

Oh hell no. You better not be flirting with my man right now- calm Y/n calm...
We stop on the second floor letting two others in then we get to the 3rd floor and we pile out.

"So nice of you to bring your friend here!" She giggles.

Friend? Friend?! Oh hell no! Hell no!

"How are you doing Love?" Dan ask.
"I'm a little okay for now babe," I tell him sweetly trying to cover up my bitterness.
Quietness fell over the three of us. I'm sure the nurse could sense my jealousness. How rude of her anyways! I'm going to tell someone about her! What's her name...? Carla....? Carla! You messed with the wrong man!!

The doors to floor I'm suppose to be on finally open. She wheels me out, Dan following. We make it to an empty room. There's a bed with feet rests and chairs. A computer right next to it with the wand for a sonogram. The walls were a pastel yellow with a white strip in the middle. Carla reaches for me to help me but before she touches me I tell her, "Don't touch me... I would rather have my fiancé help."
She's pissed off a woman in labor.

Dan already next to me comes in front of me. I hold my hands out and he helps me up. I sit on the bed sighing in relief. "I'm gonna go get your clothes to change into," she says walking out.

"I hate her," I tell Dan. "I could feel the hatred radiating off of you babe," Dan laughs. "I mean hell, you're mine..."

I go quiet realizing I've said that out loud. I look up at Dan to see him smiling his dimples visible. "Your possessive side is so adorable."

I feel another contraction starting up. "Dan! Dan!" I say reaching for him. He gives me both his hands and I start to squeeze them as the contraction became more powerful. I whimper in pain.
"You did this!" I say through clenched teeth.
"I'm sorry?" Dan said It coming out more a question. My contracts are becoming closer together.

"Hello Miss..." The voice didn't sound like Carla.
"Howell," Dan answers for me since I wasn't in a proper state to. "We need to contact her doctor so who did you have and has your nurse that's been taking care of you? Has she given you your gown yet?"

"I don't like her!" Is all I could manage to get out. "Why?"
My contraction was starting to ease. Panting I say, "She was flirting with him."
"Okay, I'll get that taken care of, who's your doctor?"
"Dr. Cooper," Dan says. "Okay I'll get in contact with her and bring you the gown."

Five minuets later she came back.
"Dr. Copper said she'll be here in a few, until then change into this," the nurse tells me sweetly. I like her way better than that other nurse. She walks out closing the door. Dan helps me get changed into the gown. I get into the bed and cover myself with the covers.

Dan pulls a chair closer to the bed then he grabs my hand and kisses it. "You're doing great gorgeous," Dan says smiling. "Me gorgeous right now?" I said. My hair is a mess, I probably look exhausted from having such a restless night last night. I'm so hot my hair is sticking to my face.

"Yes! There's never a time when you don't look gorgeous," Dan says smiling. "You're so sweet," I say giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "You know that's the softest you've squeezed my hand all day," Dan laughed. I rolled my eyes at him chuckling. "Shut up."

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Dan says. Dr. Cooper walks in a smile on her face.

I'm sorry for ending it there BUT the next chapter is most likely gonna be REALLY long knowing me and it would've taken longer. I wanted to get this chapter out to you guys as soon as possible! I love you my Kittens! Again, thank you so much for reading. This is by far my favorite story to write, I love all the support I'm getting to I just wanted to say thank you! 😘

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