40: Take Care

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"Let me see the ring!" Mom says. I show her my hand. "Oh this is so gorgeous! You know it'd be smart to have the wedding after the babies are born so you can fit into your dress! This is amazing! Oh D/n our little girl has grown up so fast!" She yells.

I could tell everything was upsetting my dad... I can't do anything about that right now though. If anything, anything I will say will upset him and cause him to go ballistic on me. My mood and everyone else's was just too happy to deal with his unnecessary bullshit at the moment.

"Do you already have a bump forming?" Lilly asked. "Yeah! Lookie!" I raised my shirt. It wasn't too much of a difference but it was noticeable. "That's so adorable!" She smiled. "How far along are you?" Dil asked. "Only five weeks now," I answer.

It wasn't long until everyone was migrating to the living room and I had made my mom stay back to talk.

"Yeah hun?"
"You should probably talk with Dad and come back tomorrow," I tell her. It'd be the best choice for everyone not to be here when I have a discussion with him about this.
"I can try my best. Knowing his stubborn ass though, there's no telling what'll come out of this. It was hard enough to get him to like Dan or the thought of you dating again. Kids might make him feel like Dan has only wanted one thing even if he proposed tonight, trust me I know your dad," she explains.

She's totally right. My dads so stubborn. What's running through his head right now is that me and Dan have been doing this for awhile (possibly the start of our relationship) and this has been Dan's intentions all along. He's just so convinced every guy is like him when he was younger. In that case every guy would be a complete hoe! But I know for a fact that's not true.

"We'll have a talk tomorrow for now though, go live your fairytale of a night! Go be with your fiancé!" She smiles. I listen to her and join the group. Since there was no more room and Dan was on the end of the couch, I sat in his lap my back against the arm of the couch. His arms wrapped around me, he was cautious of my tummy though. He put his hand under my shirt and put his hand over my bump.

This is so sweet. Dan continues to make me happier by the second. I love it when he's like this, it reassures me Dan's here to stay. This ring will do the same job for me.

"So when did you find out about the twins?" S/n asked. "Well I found out I was even pregnant because I was having the symptoms, Ollina first suggested it though," I gesture to her, chuckling a bit, "I found out about there being two today though. The doctor was asking me weird questions and I didn't know why until we saw them on the screen." I smile and feel Dans hand rub my tummy lightly.

"This is so exciting!! Hazeabelle will have cousins soon! I'm gonna be an aunt!" S/n says happily.

I love the happiness around me. It makes me feel happy and helps me to forget. I just wish Dad was as happy to hear the news.

The night went on and soon my family left off to where they were staying for the night. I'm sure my parents were at S/n's. That left just my best friends and my fiancé. It feels so odd to say that. I'm finally getting what I truly wanted years ago when I was with Danny. I just wanted love from someone and all he did was hit me. He's a sorry excuse for a man. He can't even barley reach the surface of what a real man is. "Thanks for the night Y/n and congrats!" Lilly says as her and Mark stand. "Thanks for coming you two!" I smile hugging them both.

They left the house and I made sure the door was locked behind them. "We're checking out for the night. Goodnight Y/n!" Lynn says. "Night," I tell them. I look back at the kitchen. It was spotless thanks to mom. Thank god I didn't have to. "Today was a success!" I say to Dan as we both walked up the stairs. "I know! Your dad looked like he was about ready to kill me.."

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