10: Well Oh Shite

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After leaving the Science museum, we went to a near by Lexa's. An Italian restaurant. We walked in and within minutes we were seated in a booth. Then they took our drink orders. I'm so ready for food! Dan has been acting distant since he held hands with me. He hasn't looked at me really. False feelings maybe? He could have been caught up in the moment... I guess I was wrong. My heart clenched. As I looked at the menu I suddenly felt like I didn't want to eat anything. I know I should though because I haven't eaten all day. I guess I can order some and not eat much... God! I'm such an idiot! I felt a foot tap my leg pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up at Dan to see him smiling, his dimples showing making him look adorable.

All my thoughts wiped away as a small smile stretches my lips. I tap him back while still scanning over the menu. I find what I would like to eat. I shut my menu and look up at Dan who is now on his phone. He was smiling at something, God his dimples drive me crazy. I got on my phone and tapped him again. We played footsies under the table once more and this went on until our waiter came back with our drinks. "Have you guys decide what you wanted to order?" He grabbed out a note pad and a pen.

Dan told him what his order was. Then once he turned to me so I can order he looked me up and down. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and cleared my throat. I didn't look at him as I told him my order. I looked at Dan who wasn't paying attention to me because was glaring harshly at our waiter. Aw he's being overprotective. I wonder in what way though? He's giving me mixed signals. He took our menus. "Is he gone?" I asked Dan quietly.

"Yeah," Dan nodded. "God, that was...creepy." I say. "Tell me about it." Dan agreed. "Are you okay because you looked like you were about to tear his head off." I chuckle. "Yeah, I'm fine... It's just...never mind." Dan looked like he was fighting with himself. "You can tell-" My phone rang cutting me off.

It was my friend Kimberly. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey!" She said cheerfully. "Hey Kim what's up?" I asked. "I was just making sure you didn't forget about the Masquerade Ball this weekend." That had totally slipped my mind! It's a party she has every year! How did I forget about it?! "No, I haven't forgotten..." I sheepishly say. "Okay! I'll see you Saturday!" She says. "Alright bye." I say. "Bye," she hangs up. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked. "I forgot about this Masquerade Ball thing my friend Kimberly was planning. I don't even have a proper dress for it. Then I don't know if you even want to go." I panic. "Okay, calm down everything's gonna be fine. I have a suit I packed, I'll go." Dan told me calming a bit of my nerves. That's only one thing of many that I have to worry about. "Okay, now I have to think about what dress I'm gonna wear." I say. Looks like Lilly and I have some shopping to do.

"So tomorrow are you cool with going to the mall and hanging with Mark? I mean it's because you know girl shopping... According to lots of guys it gets boring. You guys can go look for masquerade mask, and help Mark find a tux if he doesn't have one? Maybe you guys can go to an arcade?" I question. "Yeah, I don't mind I guess. I'll be making more friends." He smiles. "Okay great! Are you sure? Because I don't want you to feel like I left you." I explain.

"I know, it won't because I understand. You've gotta have your girl time. I am gonna be here for a long time and obviously I'm not a girl." He said. I got up and sat next to him. Then I hugged him tightly. "Thank you," I smile. "You're welcome." He smiles back.

I saw Dan look at his phone and smile. "What are you smiling about over there?" I ask him. "Your video! I mean it's mine...but you're mostly in it!" He says. "What video??" I ask. I haven't posted another one yet. "You haven't been on YouTube have you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Go look on my channel." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, and got on my phone. I opened YouTube, then Dan's channel.

He posted a video yesterday. It's thumbnail was one of me driving. The title was called: Hanging Out With Y/u/n [you're username] I felt even more puzzled as I clicked on it. "Can we play that again?" Dan's accent sounded through the phone. I gasped and paused it knowing exactly what the first part of the video was about. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone. After getting both headphones in I pressed play. Can't Help Falling in Love started playing then boom my voice was as clear as day. I moved the point forward to see Dan had recorded the whole thing.

Then you hear Dan say, "You have such a beautiful voice." I smile remembering that moment. Then my smile drops thinking about how I'm singing on the Internet. Thousands of people have seen it! "Dan.... You want to die don't you?" I ask. "Before you kill me look at the comments and likes!" He told me. I scrolled down to the comments.

Comment 1: Dan you're with Y/n?! What's going on here???
Comment 2: Aww I ship it!!
Comment 4: NO NO NO NO NO
Comment 5: WhaT iS goinG On HeRe?¿
Comment 6: Who's that Taylor guy? ;)))
Comment 8: What in the hell is going on and why didn't we know about it???

Positive comments, some negative, but the positive out weigh the negative. As the video went on, it showed the moment when Dan and I were just walking throughout stores. He even manage to get Taylor on camera with us all. Once the video ended, I put my phone down on the table. I took out my headphones, and placed those on the table as well. I looked up at Dan crossing my arms. He was biting on his sleeve looking quite adorable, but I kept a hard face.

He glances up at me, and a smile stretches his lips. "How's it going?" He asked. "Daniel..." I warn. "Yes?" He asked putting his phone down. "You're so getting it later." I threaten. "We'll see about that." He smirks. "Yes we will."


Lilly and I had come to the mall to look for dresses, and Dan and Mark went to help Mark find a good tuxedo to wear. Lilly and I had walked to Caralels. The place had amazing dresses especially. As Lilly and I looked through dresses I eventually found a f/c one. It was a high low dress, the dress a little below the thighs right above the knee. Then it had big ruffles going down the back. "I really like this one." I show Lilly. She also had a dress in her hand. It was dark purple, pencil like and had a slit in the side. "That ones so cute! Pick a couple more then we'll go try them on." I nod and pick out a few more beautiful ones.

Then we go to try them on, we both ended up picking the first ones we got. Lilly looked really good, I felt confident and I felt good. "I want this one," I say. "You should get it you look really good in it! I don't really like this one though." She says frowning  at herself. "Try on the red one next." I tell her. "You think that one will look good on me?" She questions. "Yeah," I nod.

"N/n can I tell you something?" She ask. "Anything," I answer. "I think I like Mark..." She says. "What really?" I ask. "Yes! I mean we've been hanging out a lot more." She smiles. "This reminds me of high school." I chuckle. "Let's not bring up Jerry. Now, what should I do???" She ask. "I think he likes you. Maybe you should admit your feelings." I tell her.

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