33: Unveiling

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~Months later, One year Y/n and Dan have been together~
In the past year:
After I was feeling better Dan returned home. Every day and night he was gone we FaceTimed. Dan came back a few weeks later to go to the court with me. Danny was found guilty and thrown into jail for his actions. Dan stayed a little longer then he went home. I decided it was time for me to go to the UK so for Dan's birthday I surprised him by being there. I stayed for a few weeks then returned home. Dan showed me around and we even went to a concert with a whole bunch of other YouTubers that lived there. Which made me really happy because I GOT TO MEET THEM and HANG OUT WITH THEM. I got to see Zalfie in real life!! Also my YouTube career has skyrocketed and I don't work at HotTopic anymore but that doesn't mean Taylor and I aren't close anymore. He's too much of a great fren.

Lately, Dan and I have been talking about telling our fans about us. We wanted to make sure we would be together for a long time before making it the least bit public. There's been theories, and videos explaining how we could be together. Like we're the new Phan or something. So, we will be confirming we are dating soon. I'm ready for it i'm not too sure on Dan yet. Today, I'm going to make a video on my experiences about Danny. This will be the first time I've talked about him publicly but I have a message to share through this. I set up my camera and sit on my bed. I made sure it was recording before situating myself and making sure I was comfortable.

"Hi guys! Today video is going to be kinda different... I'm sure I've mentioned my ex Danny but I've never explain what I went through with him. I'm not trying to make you guys pity me or something I just wanna show for those of you that need it that there is hope. Okay now he's one that started out really sweet. We were together for a while, then I moved in with him. I can honestly say that was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made in my life. He became so violent. It started with him getting mad at me very easily then he started yelling at me, then he started to get physical... The first time he did he slapped me. He apologized right after. Which up until that point he had never done so I thought it was genuine. I believed him and I stayed when I should've left when things weren't that bad. After that he got progressively worst. He started to call me names and if I didn't do something he wanted me to he would hit me. The first time I tried to leave, he threatened me. I felt trapped. I thought he'd kill me if I ever left. I was extremely unhealthy as well. I didn't eat and when I did, I threw it back up almost every time. I became very depressed and I had a fake smile on 90% of the time. I felt so hopeless. All I had at that point was Lilly and Lynn." I paused feeling my tears threatening me. They so desperately wanted out and I wanted them to stay in. "If it weren't for Lynn I don't think I would've made it out of there. She helped me and let me have a place to stay." I wiped the tears off my face and say, "Now I'm very happy. He's in jail. I'm away from him and living a better life. I'm healthy again and I'm in a relationship which I'll tell you about in another video one day. I just want you guys to know that even at your lowest point in some way shape or form there's some light. Make sure to-" Ding dong! I pause hearing the doorbell ring.

I get up and run out my room down the stairs. I look out the peep hole and scream. Dan's outside!!!! I swing the door open and throw my arms around him. He chuckles hugging me back. I pull away, "What are you doing here? You weren't suppose to be here for another week?" I ask. "It's our 1 year did you think I was going to let us spend it alone??" He smiled. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." He mentions. "I was talking about Danny." Dan nods his head understanding. He pulled out a bag from behind his back. "Food?"
"Yeah let me finish filming right quick."
"Alright," Dan walks in and places the bag on the counter.

We go up the stairs and he stands by my dresser as I get back on my bed. "Sorry someone was at the door." I chuckle looking towards Dan then back at the camera. "Anyways make sure to follow it. If you haven't found it yet just keep holding on and you will. You're gonna make it!" I smile. "Alright make sure you click that subscribe button if you haven't yet! And leave likes if you liked the video! Here's my social medias and yeah alright my lovelies I will see you s-" Dan cut me off kissing my lips. He pulled away and faced the camera. "You guys can see what that means if you click that video right here." He says pointing to a corner. I giggle and say, "I will see you soon I'm out!" I get up and shut off the camera. "You are something else you know that?" I tell him.

"What? I've known you've been ready to tell them and I am too," he smiles. "You're too fucking cute," I grab his face and plant his lips on mine. "Which camera do you want to use?" He asked pulling away. "You brought yours?" I question. "Yeah I figured I'd need it." He smiles. "Yours," Dan gets his camera set up. Once he's done he gets on the bed next to me.

"I know you guys know. I mean I'm sure it's obvious now and you guys have even made theories, a ship name, and we've read your books you pervs." We laugh. "Anyways, we just wanted to confirm that everything is true! And it's our 1 year anniversary!" I say. "Sorry it took us so long we wanted to wait till we were ready to say anything." Dan says putting an arm around me. I smile looking up at him. This wonderful man is mine. "Whatcha staring at?" Dan asked. "Nothing," I say looking away. "It's something," he smiles. "Really, Its nothing." I smile.

"Babe, what is it?" He ask knowing that nickname would break me down to tell him.
"It's just you..."
"What about me?" He asks.
"I feel so lucky to have you." My cheeks start to redden.
"Now you're so cute," he says kissing my cheek. "Stop it you're gonna make me blush more," I tell him. "But it's adorable when you blush." I roll my eyes. "No it's not it's embarrassing," I shake my head. We've forgotten about the camera being on. I couldn't help it. Dan's so amazing it's hard to not keep my attention on him.
"What?" I ask.
"I love you!" He yells at me. I laugh yelling right back, "I love you too!" He leans his head down to peck my lips. I look over at the camera remembering that it was on.

"Dan the cameras still on..."
Sarcastically, he says, "Whoops!" He knew. That DingDong. Dan looks back at the camera. "And just in case you guys were wondering we aren't fucking with you! Now if you guys wanna continue-"
"Can do it??" I ask.
"Do what?" He ask.
"The outro things!"
"Sure go ahead Angel," he chuckles. "If you wanna continue seeing our weird asses then click that bell it'll ring ya when we post! Don't forget about that subscribe because well yeah! Leave likes and comments! Alright you lovely people see you soon!"

"You're so adorable you know that?" I shush Dan and get up off the bed. "Turn off the camera lets go eat our food! Its calling my name so we'll edit later. I also missed you so I wanna spend lots of time with you," I tell him grinning. "M'lady," he says getting up, letting me pass him.

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