34: So Unexpected

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Okay guys it's decision making time again. Now! I read your comments okay? And I have seen you guys aiming toward it and especially after this chapter well let's just say you'll probably want it😂 so smut or no? If yes I will dedicate a full chapter to it so for those that want to skip over it can do so. Also as you guys may have guessed by now I am not from the U.K. Nor have been there sadly. I know the majority of you may be from there so name some nice places I can look up so in the future the story can continue there please? Alright love you Kittens enjoy the chapterrr!

Hours later Dan and I are getting ready. Lynn, her girlfriend Ollina, and Lilly and Mark are joining us on a dinner and movie date. "Are you almost ready?" I ask Dan. "Yeah are you?"
"Mhm!" I mumble. Once I look at myself one more time to make sure I looked up to my expectations, I was ready. Dan and I left out the house to meet up with our couple group. Getting into the car my head started to spin. I rested my head in my hand as I shut my eyes. "You okay?" Dan ask.
"Yeah I'm fine just a dizzy spell," I brush it off. Dan continues to stare concern written all over his features. "I'm fine! Now let's go Y/n is getting hungry," I laugh. Dan doesn't laugh but he does look away and start to drive. There's nothing for him to worry about.


We'd decided that we'd drink after we go to the movies because we don't want to be drunk or tipsy while we go. Especially Lynn she gets really loud and giggly when she's the slightest bit tipsy or drunk. I was about to take another bite out of my (f/f) but then the room started to spin. I tried to shake the feeling off again. This time I could feel bile burning my throat as it made its way up. Without saying anything I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As the feeling became more vigorous I started to walk faster. I passed my multiple people covering my mouth. I finally made it to the surprisingly spacious bathroom. I busted into the first stall that was open and dropped to my knees. The puke spewed from my mouth chunks of earlier food and current food filled the toilet. I heard the door open and someone moved my hair so it wasn't it my face. I spit out what was left, wiped my mouth with toilet paper, then flushed it all down the toilet. Not looking at it of course cause I know it would make me sick again.

"Y/n are you okay?" Lilly's voice asked. She seemed far must not be the one behind me. "Yeah what'd you eat today?" Lynn asked. She was the one holding my hair up. "(F/f/r) {Favorite fast food restaurant}." I answer. "Maybe something of theirs was bad?" Lynn says looking back. "How are you feeling?" Lynns, girlfriend, Ollina is a nurse. Lynn helped me pick myself up off the ground. I feel almost normal now. No more dizziness or feeling like I'm going to puke. I just feel weak. "Weak," I answer going to the bathroom sink. I rinse my mouth out trying to get rid of the horrible taste of the vomit. "Have you been experiencing some symptoms of a stomach virus before you got here?" She asked. "I got dizzy in the car but that's about it. I thought it was just a little dizzy spell. Other than that I've felt just fine today. There hasn't been any indication that I'd throw up and usually that starts half an hour before the real thing actually happens. This was just so sudden..." I trail off not understanding what was happening to my body. I felt a yawn coming on. I yawned covering my mouth. "Y/n have you been feeling tired lately?"

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Like, have you been wanting to go to bed earlier?" Thinking back on it I have. I've started taking more naps than usual and going to bed a little earlier. "Yeah more naps and I'm earlier to bed why?" I ask. "Lynn don't get mad at me for asking this okay? This is for medical reasons, but Y/n have your breasts been more tender...sensitive?" She asked. "A little bit...why?"

"You guys go back out there I'm going to run to the convenience store across the street." We all exchange glances but agree anyways and the four of us walk out of the bathroom. Lynn, Lilly, and I all walking to the table while Ollina walked out of the restaurant. We all sat back down. "Baby are you okay? What happened back there?" He ask. "I don't know, maybe the food we had earlier was bad. I'm just gonna have a water though."

I don't know what's going on with me. This is the first today. Maybe the food we had was bad earlier. That has to be it right? "Are you sure that's all it was?" Dan asked. "Yes, I don't know what else would be wrong with me."
"Do you wanna go home?"
"No, I think I'll be good. I feel just fine now." Both men looked at me with disbelieving eyes. "I am! Okay calm down." I tell them.

"What do you think she went to go get?" I ask Lynn. "Honestly no clue. She's unpredictable, should be back in no time though." With each passing minuet I was getting more and more nervous. Five minutes later Lynn got a text from Ollina telling us to meet her in the bathroom. "We'll be back," I say to the boys. The three of us headed to the bathroom to see Ollina holding a bag. She held it out to me. "What's this?" I ask taking the bag from her hand. "Well..." she trails off. I reach into the bag to pull out a pregnancy test... A pregnancy test?!!?! I looked at her shocked.

I threw the thing into the bag and held it away from me trying to give it back to her. "I can't be..." I say softly. "When was the last time you two had sex?" She asked me. I racked my brain to try and answer that question.... I'd say about a month ago.

"Maybe a month ago?"
"Well everyone's different you may just be starting to show signs now. Go take it and we'll see." She says. Well she's demanding. I go into the stall, and read the directions. The results won't appear until about fifteen minutes afterwards. Plus for pregnant, minus for not. I do my business on the stick and shut the cap. Once I clean myself and pulled up my pants, I flush then I exit the stall.

I laid the test down on the counter while I washed my hands. "Now we wait..." Ollina says. Lynn starts a timer on her phone.

"Could you imagine if you are though??" Lynn says excitedly. "I know right! A little niece or nephew! I can already tell they'd be so cute because they already have good looking parents!" Lilly adds. While they talked about how cute it'd be I started to think about scary this is. I might be pregnant... I could be carrying a human inside of me. What am I going to do if this is true? How will Dan take the news? My heart started to race and I started to feel light headed. I leaned onto the counter and held my head. "You okay Y/n?" Ollina asked.

"Yeah just nervous..."
"Don't worry about it until you know for sure, you never know. You could be worrying about a problem that's not even there," Ollina says touching my shoulder. I look at her a nod. "You're right.. someone distract me and make me laugh or something..." I say. "Wanna hear another tour story? And this will be after we found out about Kell and Vic," Lynn mentioned. Ooh I like the sound of that. My attention was pointed towards Lynn as she told me about the interesting couple. They are adorable. I hope things continue to work for them. Lynn kept on until the startling noise of her alarm went off signaling that it was time.

I was afraid to look. All I had to do was turn around and grab it. Why am I so scared? It's probably not true. He wore protection. I breathed in and out heavily attempting to calm myself. "Hey whatever happens you got this! You're stronger than you think," Lynn says. My eyes closed, I turned around and grabbed the test. I opened my eyes to see what I had been dreading to see.

A plus sign telling me it was true. My stomach to the floor, I dropped it and walked back slowly. My hand covered my mouth. There's a tiny human growing inside me... what am I suppose to do? "Are you okay?" Lilly asked. "W-what am I gonna do?? A kid? Can I handle a kid? What will Dan think?" I ask not really anyone. "What matters is what you think, Y/n... this is your kid. There's adoption and there's abortion... if you're considering having an abortion do it now while it's still new. It'll be even harder to do it when he/she is bigger," Ollina says. He...she... this is a person...

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