-disney week- .day 4.

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Male Megara 

Bruvs I know that some of this is gonna be wrong, so I apologize, especially if you are reading this from Greece...whoops. I studied some of the Greek gods in Acting 1 so hopefully I'm not too offensive. 

Ya dress, couldn't find a smaller pic lol

Ya dress, couldn't find a smaller pic lol

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"Leave me alone!" You shout. You struggle to maintain your dress whilst running away. Everyone expected something from you and for you to give it to them. It was hard to move around with how you were made by Zeus. Your dress floated around you occasionally due do what it was made of, making it hard for you to run. You were one of the demi gods that controlled one of the many elements. Your dress was crafted from water and hair glowed a pale pale blue. The others had chased after you as you had run away. You were done with the others and what they always expected from the smaller powered gods.

You juggle yourself over large piles of clouds and steps as you make your way down Mt. Olympus.

You could see the grassy plains of earth getting closer and closer to freedom. Sadly as you got closer so did the other gods. You turn your head for only a moment to see how far away they were and they weren't that far. You grunt and push yourself harder. 

You were at the final leg of the steps when you could hear multiple gods shout after you. You block out the voices and reached the last step. You plant your feet onto the grass and smile. None of the gods could reach you unless they take on the form of a human. The only other gods that were allowed on earth without their human form were demi gods. Even if any of them were to come find you it would take a few days to complete human form. 

You smirk and slow down walking away from the now fading steps of Olympus. 

Luckily enough, Your sanctuary was around here. You speed up the large hill where a top is the building of which your practice was worshiped. You climb to the top and check if anyone was there. 

Everyone was gone and you sigh in relief. You walk inside and smile. It was beautifully decorated with a giant fountain built in the middle to represent the element water. The only color that was showed in here was multiple shades of blue and white to represent what your element is. Gold coins were spewed in the fountain, probably wishes for a good rain season. 

You perk up as soon as you hear footsteps outside coming in. You panic and run over and behind one of the many pillars placed inside. You peek around the side and see a man walk inside. Your mouth opens a bit in surprise. He had semi wavy short dark brown hair held together by a reddish brown headband, and wearing a pinkish purple warrior toga showing off the bigger parts of his body. His sandals were encrusted with armor plating on his shins. He was also pretty muscular and not to mention handsome... You blush. He walks around for a minute before sitting down by the fountain.

He looks around for a few before sighing. "Why the hell was this the only place here??" He groans. "Hades makes me so aggravated..." He mutters, unfortunately you heard. You gasp but slap your hand over your mouth as he perks up. 

"Who's there?!" He shouts. His voice echoes throughout the building. You stay quiet. "Come out." He demands. "Now." His voice booms.

You peek your head out from your hiding spot and he spots you. 

Your hair illuminated the walls and pillars inside while your dress flowed around the pillar. Your face turned a dark blue in replace of red the longer he stared at you. 

He coughs to snap you out of your's and his trance. "Who are you?" "My name is Y/n, I'm the demi goddess of water." You step out of your hiding place. His eyes widen. "Your a demi goddess??" He asks. You nod. "I'm guessing you don't see the glowing hair and floating dress." You say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway why are you here?" "I don't know, why are you associated with Hades? And can I not be in my own temple?" You ask back. He shuts his mouth, you chuckle. "Sorry...The gods were just, bugging me," You sigh. "I wanted to get away for even a little while so I can reorganize myself." "What about you?" You walk over to him and sit next to him. 

He doesn't speak for a minute. "My girlfriend left me a long while ago so, being selfish, I wanted her back so I went to the gods for help. They didn't want to be apart of 'my love mess' including Aphrodite, she was doing something else, so I went to my last option. Hades...The only way I would get her back was to sell him my soul...I got her back," You smile. "We were happy for a few months but she left me again." You frown. "That's terrible." He nods. "I stayed with her up until we left for the market, she found someone else and slowly fell in love with them." He rests his head on his hand. "I'm so sorry."

He shrugs. 

"I'm over it," "Well you shouldn't , your soul's kind of sold to Hades." He looks at you then rolls his eyes. 

He runs his hands through his hair then sighs. "He's been more uptight then usual now that this guy Hercules ruining his 'plan'." He explains. You furrow your eyebrows. "Hercules?" "Yeah, Hercules." 

"Isn't that Zeus's child?" You ask to yourself. "What?" The man asks. "N-nothing. Never mind, anyways what's your name you never told me." "Megara, friends call me Meg." You nod. "Meg...has a nice ring to it." He smiles. "Thanks." You fiddle with your thumbs. "You know Hades and I are kinda sorta enemies..." "Well who would like him?" You laugh. "Your right, but because of what I do, he doesn't really like me all too much." "Is he afraid your gonna ruin his 'hair'?" He asks. You laugh. "Oh ha ha is it because he's fire and I'm water?"

You ask sarcastically. He nods. "Oh you were serious. Well, naturally yes. I've encased him in stone once before those damned witches set him free. New souls were happy for those  few days." "You defeated him before??" You nod. "He's terrified of me. Although he doesn't like to show it most times." He chuckles. "Yeah if you sneak up on him he screams like a girl." "I know right?! He acts all manly now but as soon as you sneak up on him he's a small child." He laughs. 

He looks so calm and happy when he laughs. You smile. He looks over at you in a daze. "Y/n are you ok?" You shake your head. "What- y-yeah I'm okay. I'm great!" You save yourself from saying anything stupid. He smiles. "You know seeing that is that your a demi goddess, you seem pretty cool." He smirks. You blush blue once more. "I-I try I guess...The gods are really serious about things are done like 'if they don't have offerings they won't give you food or wine' or something like that. People shouldn't have to suffer, that's what I believe. So that's why I'm pretty calm with what I give and what I take and how I act."

He smiles. "That's really amazing." You shake your head. "No, it's only right you know." You nudge him. "If you ever need some help with getting out of anything just come here, ring that bell over there three times. I'll come I promise." He looks at you and smiles. He leans in and hugs you surprising you. 

Slowly you wrap your arms around him back. 

"Thank you." He mumbles in your hair. You nuzzle him. "No problem." You mutter. You push away as soon as you see blue flash against the wall. "Shit." You hiss. Meg pops up and notices what was going on. "What happened?" Your smile slowly goes to a frown. "Zeus just pardoned me for 3 days..." He raises an eyebrow. "Pardon?" "I'm not going back to Mt.Olympus for the next 72 hours." He frowns now. "That's bittersweet." "Why is it bittersweet?" You ask confused. "Well because you may not be going to Olympus, but you have somewhere to stay." You cock your head to the side. "I do?" He chuckles and smiles. "Yeah you do. You can stay with me for the time being."

You jump up. "Your joking!?" He shakes his head and stands up with you. "Nope I have a spare room, you can stay there." You beam. "Oh my god I'm not gonna go homeless!!" He bursts out laughing. 

"Your adorable." He sighs. You smile. "That's one of my specialties." You say proudly. He smirks and leans down to kiss you on the cheek. "Let's get going shall we?...Goddess." He walks past you, frozen in place.

He's really something, isn't he?

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