(Dance practice) Human!Sully

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   "Okay class. You're either here because you have detention or you genuinely want to become a dancer." You smile. Yeah you ain't messin around with this ish. Monsters University, where anyone can be anything, even dancers! You were probably the only one that was actually there because you wanted to. Not against your will.

All the guys had backed up into a corner hoping that they wouldn't have to do anything. That's normal.You sigh and tighten your bun once more while the teacher call role.


"Here. It's Sully." The teacher scribbles the name down and sighs in relief that they were done. "Okay class today we are going to be working on a special project you will have to share with the class the next day." You furrow your eyebrows. "Now in this hat-" They pull out a green hat. "-There will be names folded with different colors. If you are a boy you will pick a pink sheet, girls it's the opposite." We all nod as the guys groan. "Michael you will go first." You look over shoulder to the corner and see a small boy walk over, hands in pockets. "Also you will have to choose from this other hat I have out and pick a song as well as the type of dance you shall be doing."

   Mike foward over to the teacher and picks a pink slip. "Teresa?" The girl besides you walks forward and stands next to him. She puts her hand into the hat. "Formation, Beyoncé." They take the slip and move down the room.

Boy after boy and girl after girl it was finally your turn. You reach your hand into the green hat. "Sully?" You face the blue haired male and smile, he grunts and moves over to the other hat. "Bohemian Rapsoady (SPL?), Queen." He let's out a louder groan then before. "Oh shut it yah big baby. At least your not Randall. Panda...." He shudders and you make your way over with the other teens.

The rest of the class was spent with you sitting down with Sully mapping out what you were going to do.

"Do we have to do ballet!?" You nod. "We aren't going to just stand there head banging to the guitar part, as much as I want to." He bites his lip. "Guess your right." You chuckle. "Look I get that this is hard for you but your going to have to suck it up. I really need this grade and so do you, so let's do our best!" You smile at him. He smiles back. "Alright."

Time skip  ✂✂✂

  You breathe out and smile at your self in the dance studio mirror. Everyone was stretching around you, getting ready for their project. Sully, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. You walk over to him and place your hand on his shoulder. "Hey why are you so nervous??" He turns. "I've never really danced before!" You sympathetically smile at him.

"Your going to do amazing, just watch." He smiles. "Thanks Y/n."

"No problem."

"Y/n and Sully your up." He looks at you and look back, then face the dance floor taking strode steps to make it seem professional. You both get in your positions and let the music play.

Video above ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

You both breathe heavily, chests moving fast up and down. The whole class was cheering for you, even the teacher. You both look up at each other and smile, blushing quite a bit.

"That was awesome..."

Sorry for such a short chapter, I'm tired as hell, but I hope you like this! Anyways Love chu!❤

Various X Reader One shots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon