Black Jack {We All Have the Same Parts}

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 I just got into this anime

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 I just got into this anime. HE IS SO GOD FREAKIN HOT! I swear I have a problem, just UUHABJBBSJND. I seriously need help oh bejeeses. He is the center of perfect main characters, just ugh he's so god damn swave, Anyway enjoy!~

   "Scalpel." You fold out your hand and the nurse hands you the small knife. You sighed and wiped the bullets of sweat from your forehead. "Needle." She hands you the metal. You grab the small pin and poke a piece of string through the hole at the top. You gently jab the needle through the skin of the patient and slowly drag it from top to bottom of the wound, stitching it together to stop all blood flow. 

You had been working at the same hospital for almost 3 months now, slowly and steadily becoming everyone's senpai to go medical crazy over. As for that, you just brushed it off ignoring the requests and offers many had pushed to you. 

In truth, you had your eye on someone completely different then everyone else. Black Jack, as people call him. He is one of the most successful, non licensed male doctors Japan has ever had, having over almost 30 successful procedures tallied up. For someone so young in age, he sure had talent. He was also your secret 'crush'. You smile and place the needle and thread down on the cart beside you. "Good job Mrs. L/n!" Fellow occupants cheered and congratulated you for your 20th procedure being done. You pull down your mask and look through the assistant window. 

"T-thanks you guys."

You pull off your surgical gloves and wipe the extra blood off your wrists. Someone opens the ER room door to let you out with you thanking them soon after. Your heels clicked against the tiled floor as you made your way to your office. 

"You did amazing Mrs. L/n!" You turn towards your fellow co worker. "Thank you, I appreciate it." You smile and the woman does the same running off towards her next patient. You hang your head back down to your papers and look over them once more before reaching into your pocket to grab your buzzing phone and answering it. "Hello? This is Y/n L/n speaking." The voice on the other side sounded frantic. "Miss, please it's your mother, she's-she's very ill! Please come quickly!" Your eyes widen and you immediately jolt into a sprint to your office, taking off your coat then leaving the hospital in a rush.

People had tried to stop you from missing anymore appointments but you had told them it was important. You hopped into your car and slammed the door, revving up the engine and speeding towards your house. Traffic was not on your side today having stopped every car in it's way to where ever they were going. "Shit." You mutter under your breath and look out your window just to make sure there was a way around all the extra time. A black cape fluttered in the distance of the enlarged crowd on the sidewalks that anyone normal would be able to spot. It was Black Jack, you were sure of it. You jam your steering wheel to the left and park there, jumping out of your car to catch up with the man you had met before. "Jack!!" He stopped for a second before moving again. "Damnnit Black Jack!!" He turned this time starring at you. You made and annoyed face. "Come on dude I know your not deaf." He smirks. "What do I owe the visit of queen L/n herself."

"Oh, hardy har. I need your help. Someone just called me and they say my mothers in terrible condition, I want you there with just in case something goes horribly wrong." You look the odd ball in the eye. He just stands there with a smug smirk on his face. "What are you waiting for queen B?" You groan and wave him over to your side.

You both step into your car and start to head in an easier direction away from all the traffic. 

"Did they say anything about the heart, brain anything?" He asks. You shake you head. "What I'd told you is all they'd said." He scratches his black and white hair and thinks for a second. Before long, you had pulled into the driveway of your mothers house. Paramedics were everywhere, the lawn, the porch, the backyard, even the garage. 

"Excuse me what happened here?" Black Jack asks one of the medical workers. "A woman here has a serious hip bone fracture, not sure if we can fix it or not."

"Sorry but that woman is my mother! You have to fix it." You say. "Never mind if you can't, then stitches here, can." You smirk looking up at the tall man, rolling his eyes at you. "Is he licensed?" You stop in your tracks. "Uhh,"

"Yes. Yes I am." He cuts you off. "Yes. Yes he is." The paramedic waves his hands over to another person wheeling your mother off into a ambulance. "Hey, this guy says he can help." The man turns and looks at the both of you. "Who are you?" You smile. "I'm doctor L/n over at PMD hospital, this is my assistant Haruko." He nods. "I've heard of you, Okay get in the car." You both run over to the backside of the car, hop in and sit down next to your mother. "It's recent so they can still save her life." Black Jack tried to calm you. " I know." He looks over his shoulder at you. You sigh and look at your mother whom was lying on the cot eyes closed, and almost in a sleep like trance. "Hey," He clasps his hand on your chin gently and turns you towards him. "It's going to be alright." He leans in and presses his lips onto your cheek. You smile. "Thank you..." You return the act to him and he blushes. 

Oh god I am so sorry that I haven't uploaded lately but I have almost 4 stories typed up and ready. Anyways hoped you enjoyed love chu!~

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