John Smith X Reader pt. 2

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Hey guys just before I start the chapter I just wanted to share some pretty funny photos me and my best friend had taken the night before. We had a Disney marathon and let me tell you it was as the youngens say, "Lit"

But anyways hope you enjoy the chapter! Love chu!~♡

    Stepping out of the boat, you kept your eye on him incase he did something funny. "I'm John Smith." You look at him funny. "John...Smith?" He smiles. "Yes! What is your name?" You squint. "Your name." He says slowly and kindly. "Y/n...l/n." Meeko's little eyes nearly popped out of his head. You've never spoken this odd language before, so it was a bit surprising, and impressive.

    You both sat down on the grassy hilltop. You had John's hat in hand and stare at it oddly, making faces into it. "And this thing is called a hat?" You ask him. "Yes it protects our heads from anything that hits it." You 'oh' and continue examining the hat, putting it on. "Your going to see more of those you know." You look at him. "What do you mean?" ._. "We are going to build houses, roads and more things here."

"Our houses are fine."  You sneer at him.

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying that we are just going to improve the lives of you savages-"

    "Savages?!" He closes his mouth. "We aren't savages." He sighs and you get up and begin to jump up the trees branches. He climbs after you. "Wait! Savages aren't what you think! They are just uncivilized peopl-" You hang down from the branch you were on. "Like me?" You moved back up and sat down swinging your feet looking down at John, attempting to climb up to you. "If you're not careful, you'll fall." He rolls his eyes and continues to climb up, much before he fell back down to the ground with a grunt. "Told you."  He looks up and squints at you. 

  You giggle and jump down to him hold your hand out to help him up.  He grabs onto it and pulls himself up, grinning to you. His blue eyes looked into your e/c orbs, studying every detail and crease to your face. His hand slowly moves to your cheek and brushes small stray hairs away, tucking them behind your ear.

  You smile and breathe out. "John may I ask you something?" He nods and continues to listen. "Why are those men digging the ground?" He looks to the distance and sees his men. "They are searching for gold." He replies back to you. "Gold?" He grabs something from his bag, and pulls out a coin. "Gold. It's very valuable and my leader says it is here." You walk up to him. "We don't have any of this gold that you speak of. We do have this though." You take off the bag you had slung on your hip and pulled out a husk of corn. He chuckles. "No, no. Well the boys are going to get a surprise when they find out." You laugh and nod.

  "John, I would like to show you something if you don't mind." You stand up and he does as well. "I would love to." You run off with him chasing after you.

You halt to a stop in front of your canoe and step in. John steps in soon after. "So where exactly are we going?" He peaks over your shoulder. You smirk heading down a smooth river towards a tall curtain of moss. You move the green away, accidentally hitting John on the head. "Sorry!" He smiles. "It's fine." He brushes the access off and looks  ahead. In front was a large tree, beautiful flowers speckled across the vines and two large stumps facing it.

  You take a deep breath in and move forwards. The canoe slowly stops in the mud and you lay your pattles in the ground. John hops out of the boat and follows you up the tree. "You guys seriously do like climbing things don't you?" You roll your eyes. "Not all of my people." You place yourself facing the great tree and wave him over, patting a seat next to you.

  He moves next to you. "Grandmother Willow?" The tree doesn't do anything for a minute then ever so slowly changes form to a woman's face. John was flabbergasted, mouth hanging open and eyes nearly popping out of his skull. "D-did that tree just?" He points. You take his shoulder and look him in the eye. "Look again..." You ease him to look a bit harder and the face comes to. "Hello...John Smith." She smiles. "Is...she, it talking?" He says panicked. "Yes. Calm down." You rub his back and stand up, gently pulling him with you. "Go on say something." You scoot him up. "H-hello?"

"Hello. Y/n you picked a good one-" She looks into his eyes. "-good soul and kind spirit. He's very handsome too." She winks and he turns to you.. "I like her." You laugh. "Y/n do you know why he is here?" Grandmother asks. "He and more pale faces are digging for this 'gold'." She scrunches her face up. "Gold?" You both nod. "Hmmm......Nope never heard of it."

You shake your head and move back down to your canoe. "What so you think about her? " She whispers. "What about her?" She snaps him softly with her vines, and he rubs the spot. "Well, she's very kind, but circumstances come to be, we couldn't be together. People wouldn't understand." She gives him a sad smile. "You never know until you try!" She lifts her roots, tripping John to sit down sliding down next to you. "Maybe they would maybe they wouldn't." You turn and John slips his hands into yours, smiling.

"Maybe, Just maybe..."

  To be continued...

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