Danny Phantom (Wait You're A Ghost?!)

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Okay let's be honest, we all had a crush on him when we were little, maybe even now....

You stand in the shadows of the school hallways. You don't really like being noticed all that much, well if you could be noticed. At the age of 15, you died from a reckless driver at the school entryway and ever since you were stuck at this hell hole.

"Danny wait up!" You here someone yell. You look around and spot him. Danny. You had a crush on him ever since you started highschool. Well until you died that is. Tucker ran up to him. "So you wanna hang out later today??" You saw Danny kind of pull back from the question. "Sorry my dad asked if I could help out with shopping...sorry." Tucker smiles. "No it's fine." You could see him taking out his phone and texting somebody, but who? 

You stayed there for a few more minutes when he left, then moved away to another place. Before you knew it, it was the end of the day and the school bell rang the same obnoxious tune it did everyday. You stayed in the shadows as always and speed Danny walking out with his two friends Tucker and Sam. You smile. You liked that he wasn't alone, kinda made you feel like you weren't alone. You slowly drifted back into the school until nighttime the only time of the day you could come out. As usual there was a lone security guard standing around that you liked to mess with but you didn't really feel like it this time.

An hour passes by before you hear the school doors being opened. You could hear chatter but nothing you picked up made sense.

"So somethings been bothering you these past days?" "Yes it's been feeling like somebody's here, but... Not." You got closer when you see who was talking. A large man and Danny stood there talking to the night guard. 'So that's why he ditched Tucker.' You thought to yourself.

I mean he did look adorable in the little outfit he was wearing though. He kept looking around as if he lost something. "'cuse me," He speaks up. "Has anybody died here?" The man nods and your eyes widen. "Yes actually, there was a young girl, around your age actually, that got hit by a drunk driver. Never really stood out in the crowd kinda hid herself in the shadows. Very shy kid as I remember." "What was her name?"

Why would he want to know that it's not like anybody wanted to know your name.
"Y/n L/n, I think." They both nod their heads. "Okay, dad you go check out the east hallways I'll check the west for now."The large man nods and heads to the halls. Danny started in your direction. You cuss to yourself and drift away. A few minutes in you notice that Dannys face had reddened. "That's where she went God damn it." He sighs and holds his hands out wide. What the hell was he doing?

Suddenly a green light surrounded him and his outfit and whole outside persona changed. His hair was now white and his eyes were green. Your mouth dropped. He sighs then turns around to a shocked you. You both stare at each other for a good couple of minutes before his face lit up.

"Y/n!" He starts to speed over to you. You didn't know what to do, so on instinct you speed away, him chasing you. "Y/n wait!" You hear him call after you.

You turn the corner and just your luck, bump into a dead end. You go down to the end of the walls. Shit. You turn around and there was Danny, waiting for you. "Y/n..." You frown and scoot up against the wall the closer he got to you. Finally, he was face to face, inches away from you. He instantly put his arms around your waist and squeezed. Slowly your frown turned into a smile.

"Hey Dan." You look down at him and notice the tears coming from his eyes. Once noticing this, you immediately squeeze him back. Out of the blue, he pulls away. "Did you know how worried I was?!" He shouts. You look at him. "N-no." "Well I was pretty damn worried! " You shrink back and Danny notices this." Look I'm sorry, just a lot of pent up feelings." You cock your head to the side. "Pent up feelings?" You asked innocently. He blushes. "Ugh, your too cute!" Without notice he grabs your cheeks and pulls you to him, kissing you.
You whimpered a bit at first but slowly melted. Danny couldn't seem to let go, and didn't seem like he wanted to.

You felt him move his lips against yours. He kept doing this until you got used to it and soon enough you did it as well. Your eyes flutter closed as you continue. His tears mixed in the kiss. You back away and look at him. "Danny..." You say. He crumpled down to the floor and you kneel in front of him. "Why...?" You furrow your eyebrows. "Why?"

"Why?! Why was it you! Why did it have to be you?! " He begins to yell. "Danny, look sometimes mistakes happen and you can't control them,"

"I could have protected you, you were my crush God damn it, I could have protected you!" You sympathetically look at him and stare at him in silence. "I like you too." He cries harder. All you could do was hug the boy.

The both of you at stayed there, in tears.

-_- Sorry I hadn't really updated. I was in Florida hehe

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