{Peter Pan}

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This was requested by @DreamyKawaii So lets all hope I try not to screw up, Hope you like it!~ sorry if it was a bit sort! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your p.o.v

I lean up against my window pane looking out into the stars. I try not to get my hopes up right away, But then again he may not show up like last time... Looking down at my already nervous palms, I try and clear my mind, waiting for him. People have said I was crazy, most said I was a lunatic, But I don't care I know he will come.

Eye's getting droopy, My eyelids close slowly making me drift off to sleep.

Peters p.o.v

Ok now I know I'm late, but I have a good reason why. I was.....umm.....yeah I don't have anymore good excuses... Great now what am I gonna tell her this time?! I'm so dead! Well unless she's asleep...Then I have a chance. I start to fly in with tink to London and I can easily spot her house, Mainly because her rooms light is always on no matter what. As we make our way across the rooftops as I soon enough see her drift off to sleep.

I sigh.

People like her shouldn't exist! She's to beautiful. Okay this may sound a bit crazy already but, I may have a slight crush on the brit... But I try not to let it get the best of me though. leaning up to her window I sneak in quick enough to not wake her up. Lightly picking up and placing my feet on the ground I sit next to the sleeping figure. Poking her cheek I try and knudge her awake. "Hey, Hey y/n wake up!" I whisper to her nudging her awake. As she opens her eyes some of her h/c hair fall into her eyes, I move the strands away. "H-huh what? Peter!" She quickly wraps me in a hug and pulls away, She smiles. "I thought you wouldn't come..." I look at her In sympathy. "H-hey now, don't say that, I always come don't I?" As I Stand up in a heroic pose. She nods her head yes. "Well I wish you were a bit faster though." I sit back down from where I was and look down at the ground.

"I'm sorry..." I lift her head up to look her straight in the eyes. I lean in closer to her, and so does she. As we both lean closer and closer I feel her warm breath next to mine. Watchig the gap getting smaller and smaller we finally close it with a small but passionate kiss. Pulling away from what seemed like hours, but was only a few seconds, she picks her arms up and wraps them around me, then gets up and waves me goodbye as I had to go back to Neverland. Standing on the window sill I wave her off and fly away.

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