Thomas O'mally

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In this one shot you both are human!!

The streets of Paris kept filling up with different kinds of people like salmon. The wind gusted pass you flinging your hair around your face. You let out a delighted sigh as you pass different bakeries wafting out scents of freashly baked pastries. You smile. Just when you thought nothing could go wrong out of the blue someone grabs you and turns you around with force. "Give me your money!"

The man says shielding your eyes. He sounded familiar, he had such a deep voice. "Thomas what the heck are you doing?" You hear a sigh. "Baby come on! Lemme have a little fun with roleplay!" You roll your eyes just as he uncovers them. "I will of you won't stop sneaking up on me like a crazed maniac!"

You say while chuckling. He bends down to get to the height of your ear. "But I'm your maniac." You shudder a bit from the chills his voice was giving you. "Stop doing that we are in public!" He rolls his eyes playfully.

His eyes dart up and notice that the two of you were right infront a nice little pastrie shop and started heading inside dragging the unknowing you behind with him.

"Thomas?" He turns around and hums in response. "Never mind." You happily smile and walk behind him letting the red head lead the way. "I didn't know you were in the mood for sweets." You say looking up towards him standing in line waiting. He smiles and looks down at you. "Well if I'm with you must mean I have a huge sweet tooth." He says while pulling his hands around you to quickly hug you. Your face felt like pompeii exploding. Too soon? After a little while of waiting the both of you got what you wanted and headed it off the shop.

While you were striking down hand in hand you quickly notice a bench and speed walk towards it.

The two of you sat down and pulled out the pastries. Without hesitation you quickly bite into yours feeling the warmthe travel down your throat. "Y/n face me please." Thomas asks as you turn towards him. Without warning the man swiftly catches your lips with one move. The puzzle pieces felt like they just fit so together while in the moment. Noticing that pesky air was trying to get in the eay of things you pulled away.

"What was that for?"

"You had crumbs on your mouth. What?! Can't a man kiss his woman jessh!"

Sorry if this was really crappy I'm tired. Any way since I have been out I feel like I should make it up to you guys by asking 2 simple questions that I need you to answer. While I was gone I recently became obessed with this little thing called Gravity Falls and Disney XD is disney Soooooooooooooooooooo ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Dipper pines ←


Young! Ford← (He's mah fav bro)

Also since I have been out I am going to let you choose3 YOUTUBERS! It may be boy or girl but I am only doing three of the most popular ones written in the comments. (I'm not talking about how many subscribers they may have!)

Love chuuuuu!~ P.s Does anybody have an obsession with Lizzza like I do? I need halp

Various X Reader One shots!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant