Quasimodo ♡

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This story has been requested for weeks so here yah go! Also 50 chapters. HECK YEAH! You could even say we are half way there! *Horse cries in distance*

The bells of Notre Dame rung through out the air of France. Gargoyles scatter around the bell tower waiting for Quasimodo to get back. "Don't you think it gets lonely out here without someone else?" One asks. The other 3 shrug. Before anyone else could say anything else, the large corridors open and a small man with a hood over his head limps over. "Hello guys!" He says removing the back his from his head. "Q ya back!" Another yells. They all gather around him and talk over him bombarding him with questions. "Guys, Guys I will answer all your questions later just give me a second!"

He shuffles over to his stuff and drags it over. "Lemme just get it out..... there we go!" His large hand graphs into a bell someone had dropped into the streets and he had just happend to stumble upon it.

"Q where the heck did you get that?"

"I found it in the streets just walking around." They all hum in response. "Do you know who lost it?" He shakes his head no. They all nod. He quickly snaps his head over to the old clock strung up on the wall and notices that the large hand a struck 7. "Well, time for me to ring."

Your pov

You roam the streets at dusk looking for the little silver bell you lost earlier that day. Your mother have it to you when you were little so it meant a lot to you. You look to your right and see a gypsy with emerald green eyes and hair black as night. Quickly, You jog over to her place and put the last two tokens you had for today inside the hat she had placed infront of her. "Keep dancing!" You softly say to her as she bows in appreciation.

You run over to a small alleyway as the france police car zooms passed you. You were a scavenger, and knowing very well they did not like scavengers. In the alley you had a perfect view of the bell tower and the bells. Suddenly you eyes picked up and small figure and a small light shining from above. With curiosity over flowing you, your feet start to pick up and head over to the tower.

His pov

I sigh as I quickly wipe some sweat off my forehead and walk away from the large bells. "Guys you can stop acting now." I hear a chorus of deep sighs of relief. "Thanks Q." I smile. "Well time for me to head out."

"Where are you headed?"

"I'm trying to find the person that lost this!" I show the bell and it glisens in the moon light.

"Oh ok just be careful!" I throw on my hood and jog to the large door. I quickly place my ear to the door just to make sure no ones coming. Tap tap tap. My eyes widen. "Someones coming hide!" I whisper yell.

Your pov

I run up the cobble stone steps and in the end I spot a large corridor a with black iron embellishments. 'Wonder what this is.' I place my hand on the door handle and push down to open up to a large room with a table, chairs and a beatuiful balcony. Next to all that were the bells. They were beautiful. You let out a airy woah and walked over to them. "This one kind of reminds me of my bell...well that I lost." You say sadly.

Q's eyes widen. He was hiding underneath the table since it was dark and figured you couldn't see him. 'So this bell is hers?' He crawls out from underneath the table ignoring his friends pleas and walks over to you. "Um. Miss?" You jump and turn around to find a small hooded figure. "Yes?" You say with s bit of fear in your voice. "I- is this yours?" The small figure pulls out the same silver bell you had lost earlier. You smile. "Yes! I've been looking all over for it where did you find it?" He nervously shuffles over to you and places it in your hand. "In the streets..." You keep smileing. "Thank you so much...?"


"Thank you Quasimodo. If its not to much can I ask if you can take off your hood?" He looks away. "I'm sorry people say I shouldn't."


He sighs. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Slowly but carefully he removes his black his from covering his face and you gasp. 'I knew it she even think I'm a freak...' "You have a bunch of crime on your face lemme get a napkin"

His eyebrows raise up and down in confusion. "So that means your not scared of me?" You look back at him like he was crazy. "What's there to be scared of?" He smiles. "It's just that whenever I try t-" You start to wip some of the crumbs off. "Sorry continue."

He sighs. "Whenever people try to get close to me they want to see my face and they get scared and call me a freak..." Your smile quickly turns into a frown. "Listen I don't see why they won't like you. Your perfect just the way you are and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." And with that you quickly kiss him on the forehead and pull away smiling. You notice the old clock behind him and check the time.

"Oh my. I have to go!" You quickly get up and grab the bell and head towards the door. "Wait!" You hear quasimodo yell and you turn around. "Can you tell me your name?" You smile. "Y/n. Bye Q."

I got it done. ^3^ I'm thinking about doing a supernatural funny texts book idk tho.

Next chapter Kuzco. Gurrll. He like the Alyssa Edwards of disney. Without the backrolls.

Various X Reader One shots!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora