M!child! Ariel X Child!Reader{Look what I found!}

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      "Y/n don't go far!" Your mother shout to you as you carry your feet towards the beach. You and your family had been invited to a gathering your relatives were throwing. You and her both got a small cottage to yourselves while your brother and father got one of their own. You wiggle your toes in the warm sand and breathe in the salty sea air. You smile. You've always loved the beach and anything in it. It almost felt like a second home to you, the sand wrapping around your toes like a warm blanket, and the ocean cooling you off while wiping the small particles off your feet as well.

You look out into the sea and spot a small rock near the seashell coves, where you normally find seashells in, and head over there. You reach the dark caverns and inside. Your 7 year old eyes widen at the sight. There were seashells everywhere of all different shapes and sizes, glittery and non-glittery, smooth and rough. 

You put on your flip flops whom you had taken off earlier so that you wouldn't get hurt on the access shell pieces on the ground. You walk forward to the rock you had seen on the beach and notice something strange about it. There was something green on it, and it looked slippery almost like a fish tail. You were easily curious about it and decided to reach over and touch it. Your small hands rubbed the fin like thing until you heard a small squeak from behind the rock. You jump back bit landing on your butt. A head popped out from behind it, starring at you. "Huh?," It cocks it's head to the side confused. "Why are you here?" It continues to look at you, and you him. "I-I saw this r-rock and wanting to look at it..." They smile. "It is a very pretty rock, isn't it?" He giggles. Quickly his eyes go right to the spot next to you. There was a red patch trailing from your hand.

"Oh my god! You're bleeding!" You lift up your hand. "Oh, I am." They panic. "What are we gonna do? I can't go down there, oh god!" You giggle. "I can go up there if you want,"

"No, no that won't be needed!" You give him a weird look. "Why not?" They choke on their words clearly having no idea what to say. They bite their lip. "I-I can't tell you..." You frown. "Why not?" They  look down. "It's hard to explain." You smile. "You don't need to explain, you could just show me!" They sigh. "You are really persistent aren't you?" You look at him funny. "What does persistent mean?" 

"Oh, never mind, just come to the back of the the rock." You smile and get up using your non bloody hand to look at what they kept a secret. As soon as you reach the other side, your eyes widened once more. "You're a merman?!!" He giggles. "You're the first person to not say mermaid!" You look up at him and smile. "Well, I've always liked merman's then mermaids." He makes a confused face. "But aren't you a girl though?" You pout. "Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't like Mermen." He smiles. "Okay. Climb up." You grip onto the algae infested rock and sat besides him. "So, what's your name?" He turns to you. "Y/n! What's yours?" He holds out his hand. "Arthur," He looks down at your hand. "You're still bleeding!!" You look down once more. "Oh fudge!" You hold you hand in an attempt to cut the bleeding short. Arthur thinks for a minute. He gasps. "I have an idea! Wait here!" He jumps down and off the rock diving into the sea besides him. 

You kick your small for a while until his head popped up from the blue. "Y/n! Jump down really quickly!" You nod your small head and leap off the rock. You land on your feet and crouch down to the water where he was laying with a piece of something, but you didn't know what it was. 

"Here, this will help clear it." He gently grabs your hand and places the paper like thing on your cut, wrapping it around and around. You smile once he's done. "There!" You lift up your hand and stare at it. "Thanks, Arthur!" He smiles up at you. "It's fine." The tide had been pulled in. "ARTHUR!" The ocean looked like it had been shaken. "Oh no, that was my dad! He's probably looking for me..." You frown. "Will I see you again?" He nods. "If you come back again?" You nod. "Yeah!" 

"Y/n?!" You turn and see your mother running towards the cave frantically. You stand up. "See you later Arthur!" He waves to you. "See you!"  


"-Then you die from the wrath of your father." Arthur laughs. You both were now 16 years old and sitting in the same spot you both met each other for the first time. "Well, I don't know what your mother did to you but,"

"Hey, she said she was worried and made me hot chocolate. Stop hating."

"I'm not hating!" He scoffs. "Your denying it therefore you were hating." He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a large crown peer out from the water. You tap Arthur on the shoulder. "Tritan." You whisper. He groans. "Dad, we can see you." He turns around and his dad peaks his head out from the water. "Come on Arthur," He makes a face. "Dad just 2 minutes? Please, without you here?" His father sighs. "Okay only 2 minutes!" He goes back into the blue. Arthur turns back around and sighs. "God he's annoying..." You giggle. "Tell me about it." He smiles. "Have I ever told you how pretty your laugh was??" You roll your eyes playfully. "Yes. Yes you have." 

"Well, its pretty." You smile. "Thank you." 


He groans. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow..." You look down at your lap shyly. "Guess I'll see you." Behind you hair that had fallen to your face, Arthur had gripped your chin and lifted it up making you stare at him. He quickly leans in and pecks your cheek before jumping off the small rock and swimming away with his father. You sat there for a while before finally moving from your spot and jumping off onto the sand cupping your cheek. 

Ugh sorry this is so late (And cringey)!!!!! God damn mid terms are coming and I've been extremely busy, so I hope you understand! This was requested by the incredibly sweet DanaStable and many more people who wanted another male ariel oneshot! Anyway, love chu!~

[P.s I have a new book out called 'Face-Ache' for all you Gorillaz fans! Specifically 2D, my little cinna bun. Hope you like it]

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