Jack Wilder (Dead Envy)

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Requested by thee lov-a-ly   @JustGabby711

"Pick any card...except that one." You fan out the deck so the man could see. You and Jack had been wondering the streets of New York just to perform for strangers. A group of men had came up to you as you were wondering and you came up to them to perform your tricks. "-Now sir so earlier today were you playing....no, gambling?" He nods and gulps. "Was your winning card," You pull a card out of your shirt pocket. "King of hearts?" He shakes his head. "Oh," You smack yourself on the head. "Of course it isn't because its," You shake the card to reveal the true card. "The 4 of spades." His mouth drops and the men around him applaud. You smile and take a small bow as a joke. "Thank you I'll be here all week!" They all chuckle and begin to chat among themselves.

Your lover, Jack, was over with another group. You could see the sword he had with him, meaning he probably did his card slicing trick. That was your favorite to watch, and it was his favorite to show you. 

He just loved the way you stared at him in awe as he slices the card perfectly in half. His group erupts in applause as the two halves of the cards fall to the ground. You smile contently. A hand taps your shoulder and you turn around. It was the man you performed to. "Thank was amazing what you did back there." You smile and take the complement knowing it was only a distraction from the next question he was going to ask, and you had a good feeling about what that next question going to be.

"So since I see your probably just going to head home, do you maybe want to go out and grab a drink- I'll pay." You giggle. "As much as I would like a free drink, but I'm not sure my boyfriend would like that idea and speaking of which he is right there." You point out to the crowd Jack was in. The male chuckles nervously. "Well anyways if you change your mind, here." He hands you a slip of paper. You flip the paper over with your fingers. It was his number. You groan once he walks away. You turn over to Jack in which the crowd around him had started to disperse so you could get a better look at him.  

You smile over at him but he doesn't smile back. He begins to walk towards you and you do the same, except he keeps going past you.

You look at him puzzled and follow him on the side walk. "Jack?" He grunts. "Jack what's wrong?" He doesn't say anything. You both turn the next corner to your apartment complex and walk inside. "Jack please talk to me." He walks faster towards the elevator but you follow him in. The elevator reaches your floor and he zooms out as soon as the doors open. You jog to keep up with him, up to your flat door. Just as the door opens and closes your temper spews out. "Jack Wilder. What is wrong with you?!" You shout. He flies around. "You know what you did y/n!" "No I don't! Jack your talking crazy!" 

"Really then explain that phone number in your pocket!" You choke up. "Jack..." He growls with his Brooklyn accent. "Yeah, I saw it. I saw the whole fucking thing y/n. Don't act like you don't know." You frown. "You don't know what happened-" He cuts you off. "Yes, yes I actually do. The guy wanted to go out with you and you said yes." You look at him. "Jack that's not what happened." "Oh yes it is." You sigh and calm down. "Jack, the guy wanted to take me out for a drink but I declined and said that my B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D," You spell out. "Was waiting for me over there." 

He stops. He says nothing. "Now I'm pissed at you, that you would think that I would cheat on you or break up with you because of some guy I met on the street that asked me out when I was already in a relationship!!" You take deep breaths in and out, furious. "Y/n.." "No! Are you kidding me? Jack you know I love you. I wouldn't leave you for anybody. It's sad that you don't trust your own girlfriend to stay with you." He looks down. "I'm sorry." You scoff. "Oh now the apology! Oh okay, you know what I don't think you mean it." You cross your arms like a child. He frowns. "Y/n, I'm sorry you know that I assumed that. I didn't know that you turned him down, and I shouldn't have gone off on you." He says sadly. You bite your lip, thinking for a second if he really meant it. You hum. "Show it." "What do you mean show it?" You smirk. "Show me that your sorry." He lifts an eyebrow. "Show you I'm sorry." You nod. He smirks and walks up to you. "Show you?...." 

He comes closer to you. You nod and smile. "Jack...come on." He chuckles and lifts your head up to kiss you sweetly on the lips. You pressed yours against his and hug your hands onto his shoulders. He places his on your cheeks; you could hear small breaths come from his nose as he runs out of air and soon enough you do the same.

 He pulls away out of breath with his mouth closed. "Jack? Are you okay?" He nods and opens his mouth to reveal a folded card. He picks it up off his tongue and un folds it. "Mm king of hearts." You scoff and laugh. "You bugger! How the hell did you do that?!" You smack him on the chest playfully. He smiles at you while chuckling. You calm down and look up at him. "You look up at him seriously. "You know I wouldn't do anything to put everything on the line, right?"He smiles down at you and nods. "I guess I just got bit in the butt by the green monster." You giggle. "Bit? More like took over you." He laughs and rolls his eyes. "Your an ass." "Right back at cha."

Bruvs I am so nervous. In November I want to try out for my high school musical they are doing this year, The Addams Family, and I'm auditioning with 'It must be believed to be seen' from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory the musical and I'm sweating even thinking about it ughhhhh. Also I had to watch all of 'Now you see me' to write this 

Bit early but what the hell

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