No p2

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You sat up screaming, covered in sweat. Grasping your heart, afraid it would pound out of your chest, you took gasping breaths. You threw back the covers, feeling suffocated. Standing, you paced the room and tried to calm yourself down. Almost reaching for the bed next to yours, you had to break the routine. "Dean's gone, it's just you." You mumbled to yourself while wrapping arms around your waist. It had been you for almost 6 months now. Dean had stayed for the first couple, but you shoved him out, reverting to your old hunting habits. You needed to be alone and just think without Dean or... him around. Your thoughts had kept you up for days once Dean had left, then they started coming in nightmares: Sam leaving you to die, that old man actually getting what he wanted, Dean and Sam laughing while you screamed and begged for help. It was going to drive you insane. You had, without meaning to, grabbed your phone and had Sam's number pulled up. Hoping he wouldn't actually pick up, you dialed.


"Hello?" A groggy Sam answered. Crap "Hi Sammy." Your hand was over you mouth, but he still heard you. You could hear a bed creaking and knew he sat up, what you didn't expect was to hear a woman's grunt. "___?" Tears stung at your eyes, of course he hadn't missed you. He had found someone to fill his bedside. "I shouldn't have called. I'm sorry." You moved the phone, ready to hang up until Sam was yelling your name, begging not to hang up. "You have company Sam. Just forget about me, I guess you already have." With a humorless laugh, you threw your phone at the floor. It didn't shatter, but it definitely cracked the screen and hung up on Sam. You flung yourself on the rickety bed and cried your eyes out.

The town you were in was small and quaint. Honestly, you loved it. The dinner had the best pie, but you couldn't eat it without tears falling down your cheeks. The same thing happened when you walked into the cutest and most cliché bookstore. Sam and Dean would have loved it. The bookstore owner had offered you a job multiple times, after hearing you break down and tell your story, minus the bumps in the night. She also had something similar happen with her from a complete stranger. You two had become fast friends and it was so tempting to take her up on her offer. After the phone call, you went in the next morning and accepted. She was ecstatic to say the least.

About two months past with no word from Sam or Dean. The bookstore was your safe haven, the town locals adopting you into their family. Everything was going wonderful, but that Tuesday changed everything.

The store wasn't very busy, you were doing inventory before the work hour rush hit. You heard the ding of the bell so you called out, "I'll be with you in one second!" Wiping your hand off on your jeans, you stopped mid step once you recognized who was standing in front of you. "Sam?" He looked terrible. His usually tamed hair was everywhere, like he hadn't brushed it in forever. Brown stubbly hair dominated his cheeks and chin. His eyes were dull and lifeless, until they fell upon you. "___?" Your name slipped past his lips in a soft hush. He took a step towards you, but you took one back. "What are you doing here, Sam?"

You weren't the ____ he knew. You would have flung yourself at him, hugging him until he couldn't breathe. Laughs would've been shared and you would have come back home with him where you belonged.

His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke. "I'm here to take you home, where you should be." You scoffed and put a hand on your hip. "So I can listen to you and Dean bring home girl after girl? Thanks but no thanks. I'm happy here, happier than I ever was with you." It looked like you actually punched him. With a flinch, he turned his puppy eyes to you. "What do you mean?" You sighed and looked to the ceiling. "Sam, it really hurt and scared me when you didn't help me when that old man shoved me out of that bar. He could have raped and murdered me for god sake!" When you raised you voice, you tried to calm yourself down and remember that it wasn't Sam's fault that old guys are creepy. With a softer voice, you tried to convey your feelings better. "Sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm just tired of waiting on you Sam. I'm tired of being sad and I just want it to stop. You and Dean were fine before me and you'll be fine after. It sounds like you found someone else anyway." When Sam looked more confused, you rolled your eyes at him. "The girl in your bed from a couple months ago? You can't tell me you didn't sleep with her." Silence and a guilty look was shown your way. A hurt and knowing crude smile made its way on your lips. "What I thought. Look, please just leave. I love it here and I have to get ready for the rush hour. Just please let me be happy. Please Sam?" Sam sadly nodded and made his way over to you. You let him hug you one last time and you couldn't deny that you savored it. With a kiss to your head, he was gone.

Even though it hurt that he left, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Breathing a sigh of relief, you moved behind the register. You were free to no longer pine after him and you didn't have to worry about not being good enough for him. Smiling, you greeted the customer who had just stepped in.

Hi guys! Sorry I've been kinda missing for a little bit. It's been stressful lately and I've been at Disney since Tuesday. Whoop! Let me know if any of you want to see some pictures, cause I love to share Disney with friends lol. This didn't go the way I wanted it to, but oh well lol. Rock on! -J

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