Birthday Boy

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      "Dean. Deeeaaan. Waaaake uuuup!" I felt someone poking and shaking me. I simply grabbed her and pulled her to me. "Ugh Dean! I said wake up not cuddle with me. Pllleeeeease wake up baby!" ___ continued to poke me. I blinked and looked down at her, "Alright, alright I'm up. Why am I up?" I mumbled. Her beautiful e/c lit up and she smiled, "It's your birthday silly. So you have to get up and celebrate." I totally forgot it was my birthday. "Is it really?" She nodded with barely contained excitement. Sighing, I sat up and she kissed me on the cheek. "C'mon! That's all I get?" ___ smirked at me and teased me by saying, "That's all you get until you get up and meet us in the kitchen." That was all the incentive I needed.

       I walked into the kitchen expecting something simple, like cereal. God, was I wrong. Sammy and ____ had completely decorated every inch of the kitchen. Streamers and balloons hung from the ceiling and a birthday banner was displayed in the very middle. My jaw dropped. "You guys did all this?" I asked, my voice dripping with surprise. Sammy looked sheepish while ___ was practically radiating pride of their handiwork. "Do-do you like it?" she suddenly seemed nervous. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her, "I absolutely love it." Striding over to Sam, I hugged him tight too, "Thanks man. This really means a lot to me." Sam squeezed me lightly and chuckled, "It was all ___'s idea. I was needed because I'm your brother, but also, I'm the only one who could reach the ceiling." I laughed too and glanced over to ___ who seemed like she was talking to someone. As I walked over, I heard the fluttering of wings. 

           I turned around to see Cas standing there with a terribly wrapped present. "Hey Cas! Thanks for answering, but I told you to surprise Dean."___ whined from behind me. Cas turned to look at me and said in monotone, "Surprise." Sam and I lost it while ___ face palmed. "Whatever man, thanks for coming." He nodded and set the present on the table. "Dean, I need to take you to the library immediately. I'm a distraction." ____ groaned and shhed him. I turned to look at her, but she waved me off. "You gotta go." I gave her a curious look, but followed Cas anyway.

      We sat in the library for about half an hour when Cas perked up and said, "We are now free to walk to the kitchen." I got up and I was surprised again. The table was covered in food: waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs, biscuits, fruit, granola, and stuff I didn't even recognize. I looked up to ___ and Sam who had plates in their hands. "I know Sam need his 'rabbit food' so hope you don't mind." ___ smiled. I was handed a plate and my stomach rumbled and growled. "Birthday boy goes first!" Sam yelled. I could hear Cas saying, "Sam, Dean is not a child." He just rolled his eyes and tried to explain what he meant. I stacked my plate high with food and ___ remarked, "You're gonna need a bigger mouth." I just laughed and stuck my tongue out at her. She mimicked me and laughed too. 

      The food was frigging awesome and I had my family with me. I thought the day couldn't get any better. I was wrong again. Sam, Cas, and ___ cleared the table and brought in my presents. "Guys, you didn't have to!" ___ kissed me and whispered, "We know, but where's the fun in that?" I chuckled and opened Cas' first. He got me some whiskey and socks. I laughed hard and thanked him. Then, I opened Sam's. My baby brother got me some oil for Baby and some new cassettes. "Thanks Sammy. I love it." ___ handed me her gift and I teared up as I saw what it was. It was a locket, a locket that had a picture the four of us on one side a picture of it. We were laughing and smiling in the library with ignored research all around us. On the other side was ____ and I. We were both leaning against Baby with my arms around her waist, kissing her cheek, while ___ tried to smile but ended up caught mid-laughter at my cheesy antics. "Thank you sweetheart. I love it so much." I slipped it on and then kissed her softly. "Alright, alright. Enough mush, we still have one more thing." Sammy pretended to gag. I glanced up at ___ who just smirked at me. 

             ___ carried out a pie with a single candle on it, while they all sang happy birthday. Happy birthday to you!  "Make a wish, baby." ___ smiled as she set it down in front of me. I didn't have to think hard about it. I closed my eyes and gently blew out the candle. They clapped as I opened my eyes. "What did you wish for, Dean?" Cas asked. "To spend my birthday with the people I love. Oh look, it already came true." ___ blushed shyly and Sam seemed happy too. I could almost make out a small smile on Cas' face. 

      I laid in bed that night with ___'s head on my chest, playing with her hair. "Thank you for the amazing day. I forgot what it was like to be a hunter for a while." I whispered to her hair. ____ tilted her head to smile at me, "I'm glad to see you laughing and happy. I love seeing you smile." I smiled softly and she leaned up to kiss me. I didn't hesitate to reciprocate the gesture. 

     "Happy birthday Dean." ____ whispered against my lips. 

                  Best birthday ever.

Happy happy birthday to Dean Winchester. Thanks to Jensen for bringing him to life all these years and thanks to Eric for dreaming him up. I tried to make this fluffy, so I hope it gave everyone good vibes. Thank you for continuing to read! Love you guys! Rock on!


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