No Strings On Me

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 Your heart was pounding. The sirens were screaming and the red lights kept rhythmically blinking. Rushing a hand through your hair, you searched for a place to hide. You heard his heavy footsteps and sucked in a breath. Pressing yourself against the wall, praying to whoever was alive that he would walk past you. His footsteps faded and you turned around, going to find Sam. Whoosh!

A hammer almost collided with your face. Ducking just in time, the hammer embedded itself in the wall. You looked up from your crouched position into his green eyes that were slowly blackening. "Dean." You whimpered out. He only smirked and wrapped his hand around your neck. He pulled you up to your feet against the wall. Flailing your arm, clawing your nails into his own arm, trying to get his grip to loosen. "D-Dean, please. This is-isn't you." You were gasping for oxygen. Sam ran around the corner and stopped in his tracks at the sight of his brother chocking the only person he loved. "Dean stop!" He pleaded, holding a knife to his throat. Dean turned his eyes to his brother in rebellion. "Do it. It's all you." You could see Sam's internal struggle. You slowly stopped fighting and your eyes slipped shut. Dean's hand squeezed harder to wake you up. "Oh no, no. I want you awake for this. I want to see the light drain from your pretty (e/c)s." You were fading and darkness was threatening to overtake you. You heard Sam pleading for your life, but it took all you had to keep your eyes open. A single tear escaped your eye. 

Dean's hand was ripped from your neck and you crumpled to the ground. Castiel! He had his arms locked around Dean's, keeping him still. But Dean still thrashed around, trying to break loose. Glancing up, your heart dropped when you noticed his eyes. The beautiful green was now replaced with a sickening black. You were hacking and intaking air faster than you wanted, but you were breathing. Your eyes were still fighting to close and take you out. Dean smiled evilly and called out to you. "This isn't over ___. I'm going to get loose again and when I do... we'll, let's just say you should keep your door locked." Dean winked and Castiel carted his back to his holding cell. 

Sam rushed over to you and tried to calm you down. "It's okay ___. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore. We'll get him back and everything will be okay. Just deep breaths. In, out, in, out, there we go." You slowly got your breathing steadied, but you were insanely tired. "C-can you help me to my room please?" You quietly asked. He nodded and carefully helped you up. Hobbling to your room, Sam sat you down and kissed your forehead. "Get some sleep ___." You silently nodded and pulled the covers over you once your laid down. The sound of Dean creepily singing No Strings On Me floated to your room. You shoved your hands over your ears and fell into a fitful sleep. 

Hi my lovelies! I was thinking about part 2ing this, like the aftermath. Thoughts? Rock on! xxx -J

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