Valentine's Day Preference

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    Dean: He stays in bed with you all day, just tracing your skin and listening to soft background music. Once it gets closer to dinner, he takes you out to somewhere nice. You've tried to tell him take out will suffice but he never listens. You get all dolled up and Dean looks sharp in a tux. Dean is the perfect gentleman at the restaurant. After you've both finished, he drives to some field in the middle of no where. Lighting a couple candles, you watch the sun set and the stars beginning to pop out from the hood of the impala. He'll kiss you until you can hardly breathe then come back for more. You stay like that until the sun comes back up and your clothes are strung thought the backseat.

   Sam: Sam will wake you up with a healthy breakfast in bed. After you have both had your full, he'll pack a basket and drive to a local park. Finding somewhere reclusive, you both sit on the blanket Sam threw on the ground. You help him unpack all the goodies he prepared. Sam and you lay there eating and laughing for hours. As the sun begins to set, he pulls you into his arms and you can't wait until next year.

    Castiel: Cas(s) doesn't really understand the concept of Valentine's Day. However, you convince him to lounge on the couch with you, just watching movies and snuggling all day. He poofs in lots of desserts including your all time favorite candies. Cas(s) pulls you onto his lap when your heart melts at the sappy romance movie playing. He wipes away your tears and slightly smiles. Smiling back at him, you bury yourself into his trademark trench coat. Periodically, he'll kiss your forehead, cheek, back of the neck, anywhere he can reach. Cas(s) lowly mummers how he is beginning to enjoy the idea of Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day! Or Singles' Awareness Day for others lol. I'm pretty proud, I actually have a valentine other than my parents. Have a good good/day. Rock on pretties!


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