Preference: what he hates

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      Dean: He hates leaving you alone. You've told him countless times that you can take care of yourself. But, of course, Dean doesn't listen. You asked him about it once and his response almost made you cry. "Every time any one in my life is alone, they die. I can't let you die, sweetheart."

     Sam: Asia. Every song they sing is forbidden. For the longest time you never understood why, until finally after he woke up from a terrible nightmare, Sam told you about the mystery spot. He told you about how he had to watch, helplessly, as his hero died over and over again. You stayed up for hours, just holding him and whispering how much you loved him.
    Castiel: He hates when you wake up screaming from a nightmare. What he hates more is when you refuse to tell him what scared you so badly. You usually tell him you're fine and to just forget about it. Castiel will wrap you in his onyx wings and whisper in your ear how much you mean to him and that he's right there with you until your shaking subsides.

    Gabriel: Vegetables. Telling him they're good for you doesn't budge him. You once told him that he would get a cavity from all the candy he eats. Gabriel laughed and gestured to himself saying,"Heeelllooo archangel here!" He refused to speak to you for a few hours when you dipped different greens in chocolate to mess with him. However Gabriel very quickly perked up when you kissed him to apologize.

     Crowley: He absolutely hates it when demons take you. Every time he gets you back, he will not let you move. You sooth him and tell him you're fine. When he finds out just how badly you're hurt when you slightly wince, he loses it. Crowley will come back once the screaming has stopped and lay with you. He'll rub your back and play with your hair until you fall fast asleep. Once you're asleep, he'll whisper,"Who knew I'd have such deep feelings for a human."

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