Panic! At the Convention

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You were walking down the sidewalk to the building, weeding in and out of people's way. You tried to not think about the hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people attending this event. As you stopped on the first step, you smooth out your cosplay, took a deep breathe, and walked in.

The entire building was overflowing with people. You looked around, taking in all the cosplays and booths. Many of the outfits made you jealous of their skill and ability. Others made you swoon in admiration. You had gotten a few compliments which helped ease your nerves. As you walked around, you made sure to stay close the wall so you wouldn't run in to anyone. A couple people accidentally shoved into your, one almost knocked your off your feet. A fem!Dean actually did shove you hard enough to put you on your butt. She only sneered and continued walking. Once you got back on your feet, you felt your body temperature increase as dd your breathing. Feeling like you were suffocating, you found an empty corner towards the back of the building and tried to calm yourself down. Your head was pounding and it felt like cotton was shoved down your throat. Panicking even more when you couldn't catch your breath, you didn't realize someone was standing in front of you.

"Hey. You okay?" A deep voice asked you. You shakily shook your head and the person came closer. You were staring at the carpet, trying to ground yourself when two pairs of boots came in to your view. "Is there anything we can do?" A different, but still deep, voice called while shuffling his feet. "C-Can I get some w-water? You stuttered. The first voice spoke and then took off, leaving you with the one who moved his feet a lot. Silence hovered for a few seconds while you were slowing coming back to your senses. The man was now squatting down on his knees and you looked up for the first time.

Jared frigging Padalecki was in front of you! Your breath caught and you knew your face was bright red. "Hi." You shyly waved. Jared softly smiled and waved back. "You feeling any better?" You nodded and played with your fingers. "A-a little, I'm still shaky. Thank you." Jared opened his mouth to say something as the other man came back. A hand put a water bottle in your hand and you turned to thank him. "Th-thank you Mr. Ackles." His chest puffed out and he smiled. "Finally. A girl with manners." A small laugh escaped. "Momma always said to be polite around adults, especially famous adults." Jared helped you twist the cap as he chuckled. "Well, your momma knows how to raise a good mannered daughter." You took a swig of the water and thanked him. "Thank you for checking on me. And for the water. And for calming me down. It helped a lot." They both smiled and you were moving to let them leave but Jared caught your elbow. "Where are you going?" You turned your eyes to his, with confusion written all over your face. "Uh, to let you guys do your thing? I know you're both like super busy with panel and pictures and blah blah blah." Jensen shared a look with his friend and turned back to you, while you were glancing between the both of them during their silent conversation. Jensen held out his arm and you carefully took it. "Where are we going?" You looked up to question him. "You can help us with our panel." You immediately stopped. "W-What? I-I can't. Like I literally can't. Isn't that illegal anyway?" They both laughed and Jared wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "C'mon ___." You stopped when Jared said your name. "Woah woah woah. How do you know my name?" They laughed a little, not being mean, and Jensen pointed at your name tag. Crimson colored your cheeks and you mumbled a quiet oops. You three continued walking until you reached the stage. So this is actually happening.

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