Missed Calls

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    Hey! You've reached ___'s phone! if you leave-- Sammy stop! Put me down you butt! Ugh... ya'll know what to do! ~beeeeep~

   Sam ended the call, with tears rolling down his scruffy cheeks. Clutching his phone, he broke down. He had called your phone almost a hundred times just to hear your voice. It had been six months since that hunt went wrong. Sam was close to hyperventilating when his brother walked in. Dean rushed over and held his grieving hero. "Hey, it's okay Sammy. Just calm down. It's okay, you can't pass out again. Just breathe with me. In...out...in...out, good keep going." He coached his brother through the familiar routine after he called your phone again and again. Sam's breathing finally returned to normal. Holding onto a picture he snagged from his nightstand, he dismissed Dean. 

   The picture was his favorite of you. You were leaning against your dream car, blowing a kiss to him. It was in the dead of summer so you were sunkissed while wearing your favorite outfit. The sun was hitting you just right so it looked like a halo was around your entire body. Your eyes were sparkling and you couldn't look happier. A few teardrops hit the protective glass but Sam wiped them away regardless. Needing to hear your voice and your laughter, he called it. Instead of your voicemail, like he expected, your voice rang through. "Sammy?"

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