Preference: How He Asks You Out

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Dean: He baked your favorite type of pie. You walked into the kitchen and were pleasantly surprised to find the pie. Assuming it was Dean's, you had to take a few bites of it. You got close to the middle when a small piece of paper caught your eye. Will you be my cherry pie?  You eyes went wide and you turned when you heard a small cough behind you. Dean was standing behind you holding a single red rose with the cutest blush and hesitant smile on his face. You giggled and walked over to him. Tilting your head, you kissed him long and slow. "I'd love to be your cherry pie."

Sam: You reached up and grabbed a small piece of hair and began twirling it around your finger again and again. Completely engrossed in your favorite love story, you didn't realize you had finished the book. You smiled slightly and turned the final page. Stuck to the back cover of the book was a sticky note. You remind me so much of (female character), so will you be my (female character) and I'll be your (male character)?  The sweet note shocked you. Who had read it other than you? You didn't have much to ponder on that question when Sam came up behind you and rested his hands on yours. You looked up at him and smiled. Tangling your fingers in his soft hair,"I couldn't say no to that, now could I?"

Castiel: You woke up to a pair of beautiful azure eyes staring at you. Startled, you screamed and fell out of bed. "Cas!! Don't do that!" You lightly pushed him. He frowned slightly and apologized," I am sorry Y/N. I did not mean to frighten you." He helped you up and then his face light up. "I have something to show you." Smiling, you asked,"What is it?" All of a sudden you could make out wings. Huge, beautiful, onyx wings were right in front of you. You gasped and covered your mouth with one hand. "Can...can I touch them?" You timidly asked Castiel. He nodded and gracefully moved one wing toward you. Carefully, you reached out and petted it. Castiel then wrapped you up in his wings and asked,"Y/N, will you, what is the proper terminology, "go out" with me?" Laughing, you beamed,"I'd love to angel."

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