Brothers Dearest p2 ~ Sister!Reader

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    The year slowly passed by with countless hours of how to stop the deal from happening and one too many tears shed when nothing turned up. Sighing, you leaned back in your chair. "Guys, I don't think anything is going to help. Let's face it, I'm done for." Dean's head snapped up to yours. "Don't you dare talk like that. We will find something so stop talking like you're gonna die, cause you're not." He snapped at you. You couldn't blame his shortness with you. You knew that in the time you had spent with them, you had become the sister they always wanted. Sam reached over and grabbed your hand. "We'll figure it out. Someone has to know how to fix this." You smiled weakly and prayed he was right.


   It was two months until the dreaded mark. Your attempts were futile, nothing was popping up. You were just about to call it quits and begin the process of getting ready to die. Then Sam came sprinting into the room. "So get this, a demon deal was broken out in California." Your heart skipped a beat. "How? Sam, please tell me you aren't messing with me!" you pleaded with your brother. He smiled victoriously, "____, I'm being serious. Where's Dean? We've gotta go." You turned your eyes towards his room. "Probably drinking until he passes out again." you sadly stated. Sam walked bound and determined to get Dean sober and on the road.

   It was a two days drive to California. You had your headphones in for most of the drive and you slept the rest of it. Lazily, you had your hand out the backseat window, just messing with the wind. The air was warm and vaguely salty. "Could we stop by the ocean? I've never seen it." You said wistfully. Dean gazed at you through the rearview. "Sure, princess, anything." He smiled, almost sadly. He parked the Impala in a spot as close to the sea as he could. Before he even turned off the car, you were racing to the clear blue water. Once you hit the water, you slowed. The water was cold enough to cool you down, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath in, you smiled to yourself. You hugged yourself, just staring out into the horizon, wanting to memorize every detail, knowing you've never see it again. Dean and Sam made their way next to you, each taking your hand. "Can we stay just a little longer please?" you whispered, looking up with heart breaking eyes. Sam leaned down and kissed your forehead, "Of course kitten. We'll go check it out and you stay right here, okay?" You smiled brightly and threw your arms around both of them, "Really?! I won't go anywhere I promise! I won't move from this spot. Thanks bubbies!" You let go and sat down at the waters edge, not noticing the tears in their eyes. That was the first time you had ever called them anything like that.

    You sat there for a few hours, playing in the sand and splashing around in the water. You couldn't wipe the huge grin of your face but you didn't care in the slightest. The ocean was your second favorite spot, the Impala always taking first. Looking around, you smiled sweetly at the couples holding hands while walking along the waters edge, the older couples doing the same, families setting up food and playing radios, parents swinging their child's hands, and college kids playing sports in and out of the water. This hit you hard as you thought you'd never get to experience any of that. Tears began to slowly roll down your sunkissed cheeks. You grabbed your bag and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. You breathed in and tried to steady your shaky hands and began to write.

Dear Bubbies,

    I hoped that this letter never had to be written, but honestly, I'm glad that it has. I can't thank you enough for being the family I only dreamed of. Thank you for kissing me goodnight when you thought I was asleep. Thank you for tucking me in even though I'm (your/age) old. Thank you for checking on me during hunts, when you both know I'm a total bad ass. There's so much more I need to thank you for, but that would take forever, which I don't really have right now. I know sometimes I can be crazy and loud, but you put up with it. Especially you Dean, sorry about waking you up at 6 am every day. But hey, you can't sleep the day away!

       I'm going to miss you both more than words can express, but I can try. I'm going to miss talking about cars with you Dean, even though I barely knew what I was saying. I'm going to miss going running with you Sam, even when I thought I would pass out. I'm going to miss our movie nights when I finally dragged you both away from trying to save me. But I'm going to miss the memories we've shared. I love you both so much.

   - Your Princess and Your Kitten

    The pages were sprinkled with tears and some words bled a little. But you felt better and you hoped they would find it and smile when they thought of all the good times you had together. Sniffling, you put the pages and pen back in your bag. You almost laughed at the boys impeccable timing as they walked up. You lifted your eyes to them and smiled, "Hi boys! I missed you. How did it go?" It was then that you noticed the tears in their eyes. You lost your smile. "Guys?" you asked worriedly. They sat down beside and wrapped their arms around. It was silent for a while until Dean spoke up. "It was a bogus search. The deal went through, the person didn't make it." You said nothing, just turned your eyes back to the sea. "So be it. I'm ready." They tried to interrupt you, saying they would find another way. You held up a hand to stop them. "Please. I need to say this. I don't want to be buried. I want to be cremated, whether it be by a hunter's funeral or the actual way. Then I want to be thrown in this ocean right here. I want Bobby to say a few words, you two as well. Finally, I want my favorite song to be played once you all are done. Can you both do that, for me?" you finished with a shaky voice and your brothers were full on crying, something you had only seen once. You wished you weren't the cause of it.


    Today was the day, the day you had to say goodbye. It was getting close to 11:45 when your brothers numbly walked toward you. Reaching up, you cupped Dean's cheek. "I'll be okay bub. You just take care of yourself and Sammy. Don't clam up and push him away cause he'll be grieving too. You look out for each other, alright? I love you so much Deanie Beenie." You finished with a kiss to his cheek and a tight hug from your eldest brother. You reluctantly let go, but not before you memorized the way he hugged you. He always came down to your height and hooked his arms under your shoulders, then he would always squeeze right before he released you.

    Then, you moved to Sammy, your shoulder to cry on, your best friend. He already had tears rolling down his face from your goodbye to Dean. You held your arms wide open and beckoned for him. "Come here Sammy." He let out a watery chuckle and picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair, calming him down. "It's okay Sammy, it's okay. I'll be okay, I'll be just fine. You keep on keeping on, but don't push Dean away okay. I know that won't be easy cause I know you deal with grief very differently, but please try. You make sure you or Dean don't drink yourselves to death. You let Bobby do his thing and you make sure to check up him too. I love you Sammy kinz." Sam was a sobbing mess by the time you finished and you had to have Dean's help removing yourself from Sam's death grip. You glanced at the clock, it was 11:59.

     You turned to your two favorite people in the entire world. "I love you both so much. God I love you both so much. Look in my bag when you get back from my funeral, okay. There's something in there you need to read. Do not make any deals or I'll kick both your asses. See you on the other side, but it better not be for a long long time." You ended with a watery smile. Just as the clock struck midnight, a white light flashed throughout the room and a deep, gravelly voice called out, 

   "My name is Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord." You heard the whimper of hellhounds, then the light slowly faded.

I made myself sad writing this tbh. I'm sorry for sad feels, but I could not have you die, I mean come on! Rock on!


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