Life After You

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So this was requested by @winterlillie ! I hope it's how you want it!

The world had almost ended...again. Thankfully, you and the boys saved the day. Dean and Cas had went on a beer run. Dean especially needed something alcoholic and fast. You and Sam stayed back, to rest and regroup. Sam wasn't very talkative and, if you were honest, you didn't feel like talking either. Dean had almost died and no matter how many times they both leave, you know how hard it is on the two of them. It was ridiculously hard you for as well, watching your boyfriend go through something like this. You got up to get something caffeinated to get your mind off of it when you noticed a figure lurking in the corner. Standing tall, you reached for your gun, when you remembered you left it in the living room.

"What do you want?" You asked the unfamiliar woman. "To kill Sam Winchester." You laughed at her ignorance. "You really don't know the boys do you?" The woman smirked at raised at gun at your chest. "Oh I know them too well. You see, killing Sam would make things too easy. But by killing you...well then, Sam will do the job for me." Without another word, she pulled the trigger.


It felt like thousands of shards of glass penetrated your skin. You gasped and stumbled back, falling to the hard ground. You could faintly hear Sam running through the ringing in your ears. Taking a ragged breath, you saw the woman slip out of your sight. "___!" Sam worriedly yelled. You tried to call out to him, but you started choking on your own blood. His kind face came swimming into your sight. "___?" His usually strong voice cracked. Sam's hands were shaking and tears were streaming down his face. You saw him reach for your hand while getting his phone out. "Dean you have to come back! ___'s hurt really badly!" Sam was almost sobbing by now. You lightly squeezed his hand to let him know you were there.  Sam moved the phone slightly away from his mouth to encourage you. "That's right princess, keep squeezing my hand."

You zoned out after that, the pain paralyzing you. "___ I need you to stay with me okay, don't go running off day dreaming. I know how much you love doing that, but you have to stay with me right now." His eyes were killing you and you knew that if Cas didn't get there soon you wouldn't make it. "Sam. It hurts, make it stop." You whispered, gasping. Sam let out another sob and nodded his head. "I would if I could princess. Cas and Dean will be here in no time. He'll fix you up and then we have to plan something if you say yes." Your brain was fuzzy and didn't register what he was talking about. "Plan?" Sam smiled that small smile that only you could bring out and pulled a box from his pocket. "I wanted to ask this at a better time, but I need you to know much I love you. ___ will you make the happiest man alive and marry me?" Tears of joy were streaming down your pale cheeks. "Took you long enough sweetheart." You both laughed, but yours was more of a cough. Sam kissed your lips softly just as Cas busted through the door.

"I am here. Where is she?" Sam yelled for them and you could hear pairs of footsteps. Dean squatted down next to you and noticed the shine on your hand. "Proud of you, congratulations." You smiled faintly and looked to Cas, who had his fingers to your forehead. A warmth and light filled your body, the wound and blood gone in a second. Sam carefully sat you up and you flexed your fingers and toes. "Thank you Cas!" You brought him in for a hug and he awkwardly patted your back. You released him, then beckoned for Sam. He placed his lips on yours, not willing to let you go. Not when he had a lifetime to spend with you.

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