Dance With Me

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You hummed along to the radio, drumming the beat on your stomach. Getting an idea, you leaned over the couch and saw no one in sight. You grinned and got up and began to twirl around. You let the slow music flood your mind and let your body flow to the beat. Without even realizing it, you had began waltzing. You were positive it looked goofy since you had your arms up as if holding on to an actual person. The song ended but you kept spinning around and around. Spinning so much that you didn't hear the flapping of wings and you didn't see a certain trench-coated angel.

 You left out a yelp of surprise when you twirled into him and he caught you. "Cas! You scared me." You took a step back and he just stared at you. "My apologizes. That was not my intention. What were you doing, moving your body like that?" You furrowed your brows at the man. "You mean there's no dancing in heaven?" A head shake was your answer. You scoffed and moved to get your aux cord. "Castiel you're about to learn how to waltz. Take off you coat please." He did as he was told while you searched for a perfect song. You found one of your favorite slow songs. You went back to Castiel and put his arms in the correct position. "Okay, so you're going to hold on to my hip...yeah just like that. Cas... you're gonna have to be closer to me or this is never gonna work, there you go. So when we do this for real you have to lead, but for now I will until you get the hang of it. When I step back you step forward, then to the side and now back okay now to the left no Cas your left. Okay now forward again and we repeat. Now, since you've got the hang, try it without me saying anything but try to make the steps bigger than we have been doing." You coached and Castiel was a fantastic dancer once he knew what he was doing. You both danced for a few more minutes until you deemed he was ready. 

You walked back to your phone and let the song play through the speakers. "Here we go Cas. Just like we've been doing." Both of you got in position and began to move. You left like you were the most graceful thing on the planet, with the smooth way you moved with Cas and the way he was looking at you. His eyes were full of happiness and pride and a hint of was that love? You both continued dancing until the song was more than over. "___ I'd like to kiss you now, if that's alright." Castiel whispered, leaning in. You could only nod. The kiss was sweet and soft, no rush at all, just you and your angel in the world. Once you broke for air, Cas was thinking he would be perfectly content to kiss you for ever. He broke the comfortable silence with "Would you mind to play the song again?" You quietly laughed and pecked his lips, then moved to hit repeat. The song would be on repeat for the next hour oops.

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