Legit Positive p2

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So I know this one is from when I first started, but someone requested it (@okchristina77) hope it's okay if I put your name! 

Dean was coming back from the hunt any second. Your heart was pounding and you couldn't keep your hands from shaking. Trying to steady your breathing, knowing you were breathing for two now, you watched the clock tick tock tick tock. Once you heard the engine of a car and two doors open, you looked over to find Bobby standing in the doorway. "I'll be here the entire girly. I ain't going no where." Smiling from his comfort, you turned your attention to the two giants now standing in the living room. 

You got up and grinned as Dean grabbed you for a hug and a long kiss. Bobby coughed and you remembered why you were so nervous. "Sam? Bobby? Can you give us a minute?" Sam looked confused while Bobby nodded with understanding. Dean glanced down at you in curiosity. "What's up babe?" You bit your lip and wrung your hands. "Can we talk?" He nodded and sat down. You remained standing and began to pace. "So I have some news and I'm not exactly sure how you're going to take it, but just know that I'm going to love you no matter what happens." Dean jumped to his feet and held your hands. "___, did you make a deal?" You smiled and shook your head, glad that you didn't have to make a deal for this to happen. "No Dean, nothing like that. I'm pregnant." His green eyes widened in shock and surprise. "I totally understand if you want nothing to do with us, I would do the same thing." Catching you off guard, Dean picked you completely off the ground and spun you around. You could feel his laughter vibrate throughout his chest while in the air.

Once he set you down, he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You laughed quietly. "So I guess that's a yes." His smile got bigger than you thought possible. "That's a hell yes sweetheart." Dean was quiet for a moment. "I'm gonna be a dad?" You covered his hand cradling your stomach in your own. "The best dad Dean. I'm proud of us." Another kiss was exchanged. 

I hope this went somewhat how you wanted honey! Don't forget to request! Rock on my beauties! -J

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