Chapter twenty seven

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-an last chapter people c: :c -an

The doorbell rings breaking us all out of our blissful daze. Chris leaps up excitedly to answer the door. The man answers the door cheerfully and passes Chris the pizza. He begins to flirt with Chris subtly and i glance over at Pj.He sucks in a breath through his teeth and then stands up to join Chris. he digs the money for the food out of his pocket and flicks it in the direction of the delivery man before wrapping his arms posessivley around Chris's waist. "thanks." snaps Pj before slamming the door in his face.I look at Dan who looks completly shocked and then begins to giggle helplessly.His laugh is infectious and i join in.Eventually we are all laughing hysterically. "why...are..we...laughing?" gasps Chris inbetween laughs.It's to laugh even if it is for no reason.Suddenly i see Dan stop laughing abruptly and look horrified.I put my hand on his arm carefully. "Dan?" i ask "whats wrong?" he looks up at me, looking disgusted. "there has been pizza here for over five minutes and nobody has gone near it..." he whispers wretchedly.I lean over and grab the box containing the pizza.I offer it to him and he takes it faking a sniffle as he does so.He opens the box and as soon as i smell it i realise how hungry i really am.He takes a peice and puts it into his mouth his eyes shiny.I take the box from him and he looks personally offended like i have taken a new born baby out of his arms. "its not just for you Dan." i tell him grinning and he reluctantly hands it over. "fine." he mutters.I share out the pizza generously and then give the box back to Dan who pouts like a child when he sees how little there is left.We all squash up on the sofa again and watch crap on the TV, making fun of contestants on game shows and laughing at a random comedy film we happen across. I glance at the time and gasp. Its nearly 12 o'clock!! I pick up all the wrappers and boxes and leaflets and tidy them away so that I won't have to do it in the morning. Chris and Pj looks tired and Dan looks ready to drop. I walk over to Pj. "You and Chris can stay here tonight if you like." I whisper. He nods at me tiredly and curls up on the sofa. After a minute Chris hauls himself up from the floor and pushes Pj slightly to wake him up. Pj looks up at him and opens his arms. Chris curls up against him and sighs contentedly. I look around the room for Dan and see he must have already gone to bed. "Night." I whisper into the empty air. I get a mumbled "mhm." From Pj in response. I roll my eyes smiling and make my way back to Dans room. He is already in bed with his eyes closed. I rifle through his draws until I find some clean Pyjamas. I get changed and brush my teeth in the bathroom trying to be as quiet as I can so I don't wake anyone up. I look at myself in the mirror and for the first time ever I smile. My face is tired, but my eyes have lost the dead, worried look they had earlier. Now they are bright blue and shining with happiness. I tidy my fringe and then exit the bathroom to go back to Dans bedroom. He is sitting up in bed when I go back in. He smiles at me and I notice it in his eyes as well. Pure happiness is radiating from him. He opens his arms to me and I cross the room and get into the bed. I lie down on the soft mattress and pull him close to me. He places his head on my chest and curls his arms and legs up against me. He takes hold of one of my hands and brings it to his lips to kiss. I tickle his cheek with my fingertips and I feel him smile against my hand. He brings my hand to his waist and I wrap both arms around him properly and he curls into me like a second skin. "I'm so tired Phil," He mumbles "But I'm also the happiest I have ever been." He finishes looking up at me and smiling perfectly his face outlined by the pale moonlight shining in through the cracks in the curtains. "You are my everything and I love you so much you are mine and I want you to be mine forever and ever." Dan whispers sleepily against my chest. I lean down kiss his forehead and whisper in his ear. "I love you too. And I will be yours forever and ever. I promise."

An-awh c: that last little scene is very personal to me and I think it was cutesy and a nice way to end the chapter and if you're disappointed then I'm really really sorry:( I tried my absolute best to end this story well:( I just want to say I love all of you so very extremely much and thank you all for reading this c: I have a few final things to say:

1) thank you to each and every person who voted and commented I love you all and I want you all to be my best friends.

P.s if you read this story after this last note has been posted please still do vote and comment because I WILL reply and I really love to read them it makes me very happy c:

2) a shoutout to:










@MrsVengelfe (your comments make me die bae c;)

For giving the nicest most helpful feedback in the history of forever and for reading and pestering me to update I genuinely love all of you *internet hugs you*

And also a shoutout to every single person that ever voted or read my story c:

3) (some shameless self promotion here)

If you haven't already please please please check out my Phan oneshots c: if you go onto my profile they will be there and if you vote and comment there I will love you forever (I will soon be adding a new one so add it to your library as well c:)

4) there will be no sequel to this! But I will be going through the entire thing and editing it and making it longer and better c:

5) although there will be no sequel...


*runs around excitedly*

And in regards to that I want some of YOU lot to be in the story c:

So finally:

6) if you would like to be involved as a character in my new story/one of my oneshots/ would like to request a oneshot then please message me or comment below and tell me c:

Thank you very much for reading and if you got this far then I love you okay c:

Other stories: magnets (can be found on my profile) and Phan oneshots (can also be found on my profile)

Twitter: @phandomdanosaur

thank you c:


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