Chapter 63: Leaving Party

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[Sawyer's POV]

I get a letter in the mail the next day. Lazily, I had shuffled to the mailbox, opened it up, and there peered a white envelope. The envelope is labeled after the college I had applied to and my heart begins to beat rapidly.

I walk back into the house, staring directly at the envelope. I debate on whether I should open it now or open it later. I finally decide to open it now.

Slowly, I open up the envelope, not making too much noise because Joey is sleeping. I slide out a paper and hold mg breath. I read it quickly, stumbling over a few words.

Then, I read the happiest words ever.

You have been accepted.

It says. A smile forms on my face as I slide the paper back into the envelope.

It informed that the upcoming semester, I'd have to be there. When I'm there, I'll get a dorm to live in because I won't be living it a penthouse.

I'll take Hitch with me, for sure. Dogs are allowed.

Joey walks in the room unexpectadly. He was just asleep. He was even snoring. His arms find his way around my waist and he kisses my neck lightly.

"Good morning, Jo-Jo." I say, trying out the nickname.

"Jo-Jo?" He questions. "What a name. Anyway, why are you up so early?" He asks.

"I had to grab something from the mailbox." I point at the envelope. Joey looks at it, then looks at me. He releases me from his grasp and walks over to the envelope. His fingers wrap around the envelope and he smiles.

"They accepted you, didn't they?" I nod, excited. He pulls me in for a tight hug and lets me go happily. "That's great!" I kiss his cheek. I love his enthusiam towards all of this. Before, he despised the fact that I was considering on going to college.

"I have a little longer until I leave. So, what would you like to do?"

"How about..having a party, tonight?" Joey smiles. I take him by the waost and pull him towards me, his back against my cheat. I lightly bite his neck and he moans.

"Or maybe..something else?" I begin to suggest.

"We're going to become sex addicts." He jokes. "So, no. We can do that later." I frown.

"Pleeeease?" I beg like a little child asking for new video game.

"No, you horny slut."I give him a puppy face and he turns his head. His hand slides up to my right cheek, pulling my face closer to his.

He kisses my face gingerly. The taste of his lips slowly bring me to the clouds. He closes his eyes and so do I. So, I begin to feel like Joey and I are floatimg.

I open my eyes again to see Joey. His eyes open again and he smiles. We let go from each other.

"You're so fucking adorable." I blurt out. He laughs.

"Thank you, dear Mr.Hartman." He says, smiling. He hugs me. "I'm going to miss you." He buries his head into

my chest. I hear sniffles and I rub his back.

"It'll be okay. I promise." He nods, then takes away his head from his chest. He wipes off unfallen tears and smiles, his eyes red.

"Yeah, it will." He nods. "Let's invite some people for this party, shall we? We shall!" He takes out his phone and rushes to the couch, almost tripping over himself. He flops onto the couch and begins typing on his phone. "Do you think we should invite Tyler?" He asks.

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