Chapter 41: "Goodnight, Joey."

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[Joey's POV]

I was in a small clearing. The trees surrounded me. In front of me, there was a small pond.

Why are my dreams always in nature?

I looked around, searching for any sight of nearby people. Nobody was here. But why do I have a feeling that someone is watching me?

I walked towards the pond. I kneeled down, slowly touching the water with my fingers. The water felt soothing and relaxing.

Then all of a sudden, the pond turns black after I stand up. I kneel back down, practically afraid. I slowly put my hand in the pond amd I was pulled in.

I was drowning. I never realized how deep it was. It felt more like an ocean than a pond.

I tried swimming up as fast as I could, but I was being pulled down.

I need to breathe, I thought. I need to breathe.. I stop trying to swim up. I'm practically giving in.

"You can't reach the top, when you're slowly sinking to the bottom."



I woke up with beads of sweat trickling down my forehead. My breathing was fast and heavy. I look around at my surroundings. I'm in a room, next to...Cat?

Since when do I sleep with Cat? I always sleep with Sawyer.


Why am I not next to him?

I got up, quickly. My eyes practically bulging out of my sockets. I try to think back to yesterday, although it's sort of a blur. Then I remember yesterday afternoon.

I broke up with him.

How stupid was I yesterday? How could I break up with my one and only? I'm crazy!

I stumbled over to the bathroom. I closed the door shut once I was inside. I stared at the mirror and a horrid monster stared back at me.

His hair looked weird. It was messy and it seems as if it hadn't ben cut and treated fir centuries. His eyes look dull and tired. The gray-ness in his eyes completely affecting him as well. His teeth weren't perfectly white anymore.

This is not Joey Graceffa.

I shook my head. How could I do this to myself?

I think I'm on drugs. Who gave them to me? ...


My lips curved downwards.

She's ruining me!

I opened the door and Cat was standing there with a creepy ass smile.

Cat: "Hi, Joey."

I opened my mouth to speak when Cat presses a fabric onto my nose and mouth. She was prevent me from breathing.

I could smell what the fabric was. I think you might know what it is.

I fell on the floor and passed out. Then I only heard the faint voice of Cat's.

"Goodnight, Joey."

(A/N - Crazy Bitch.)

[Sawyer's POV]

I sat in the tub, the water high. Only my face wasn't covered.

Can I drown myself? In this very tub?

I pushed the thought away.

I can't be thinking like that. Those thoughts are very depressing.

But what is holding me back? Nothing. Joey isn't here. I don't think he would care of I even died. I never thought he was cold-hearted.

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