Chapter 21: Kim & Cat

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*High School Years*

[Kim's POV]

I sat on the cold bench. The snow lightly poured down from the sky, leaving tiny bits of snow on my winter jacket. New York is pretty cold in the Winter.. I rubbed my mittens together, attempting to get warmth. I thought over what had just happened at my house..


Kim: Mom..Uh..I'm bi..

Mom: Kim, this family doesn't allow BISEXUAL people!

Kim: You don't accept me?

Mom: I sure don't!

Kim: Mom! Are you sober?

Mom: Hell yeah, I am! Get out my house, bitch!

I grabbed my jacket and ran out


I cried. Even sober, my mom hated me. I looked straight ahead of me. A figure in a dark hoodie walked towards me and put their hand on my shoulder..

Person: Hey, you okay?

Kim: Uh, to be

Person: Can I... sit here with you?

I nodded. The person sat next to me. I knew I wasn't suppose to talk with strangers but at this point, I didn't care. Even if a person raped me, I wouldn't care.

Person: My name's Cat..

Kim: Kim..

Cat: Hey..

She pulled down her hoodie. Her brunette hair was soon covered in tiny snow pieces. I simply nodded at her again, not trusting myself to talk much.

She looked my age, 17. Her brunette hair was silky-looking, flowing down her shoulders and back a little bit while my dirty blonde hair was in a messy bun. She was very pretty unlike me and I wondered why she would even bother to me, the freak.

Cat: Tell me what's wrong..

I told her everything and she sat there, understanding every word as if she'd gone through the same thing. I started to tear up once again..

Cat: Hey, It's ok. So you don't have a place to stay?

I shook my head. She nodded and held my hand. It was warm and I never wanted to let go. I couldn't have a crush on this piece of perfection...She got up and I got up as well.

Cat: Hey, you can stay at my place?

Kim: What'll your parents say?

Cat: They're drunk as fuck all the time and their at clubs, they won't give a shit.

I nodded. Were her parents the same as mine?

We arrived at her house minutes later and sure enough, her parents were drunk as hell. They were making out at the kitchen which disgusted me completely. They needed to get a room. Cat quickly lead me up to her room which was gray and pink. How could a person like this live with drunk parents and live a very stable room? My room was a mess and completely ugly.

Cat: Sorry about that..

Kim: It's okay..

I smiled over at her and she smiled back.

*A Year Later*

Cat and I walked out of school together. My life had completely changed ever since that ugly day with my mom. I was dating a boy named Sawyer. I had feelings for him of course but, I had a bit of feelings for Cat as well.

Cat: Hey Kim, your boyfriend's walking over here.

Cat knew what had happened to me. Sawyer walked over with his friend, Joey. I hated that Joey guy with all my guts. He seemed so attached with Sawyer. Couldn't he see that Sawyer was mine? Sawyer started cracking up when he walked towards me. Joey smiled. He flipped his Justin Bieber looking hair from his face.

Sawyer: Hey..

Kim: Hey.

Joey walked next to Cat. Cat knew I hated Joey but, she sort of liked him. Sawyer pulled me away from Joey and Cat.

Sawyer: I, uh, gotta tell you something.

Kim: Yup?

Sawyer: We should, um, break up..


Sawyer: I-I'm sorr-

Kim: That Joey did this..

Sawyer: You shouldn't blame him...

Kim: Hell, I WILL!

I stormed away.


I looked over at Cat.

Cat: Joey didn't come back.

Kim: Don't worry, he'll come back.

Cat: And you'll have Sawyer right?

Kim: Yup.

I thought about Sawyer and I suddenly didn't want to be with him anymore.. Ever since he broke up with me in high school, my mind has been set to be with him. I shook my head and realized I shouldn't be with him anymore. I looked over at Cat. She was the one.. The one I told everything to. The one I told I was bi. The one that I met first. The one that I secretly loved..


BAHM ! =) I know, I know, you're probably like, " WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SEX SCENE!?" About that..I need help, lol. Guys, please help me with it. For me its sort of awkward to write those scenes but, I MUST LEARN! So just message me a sex scene written by you and I SWEAR it'll be in the next chapter. If you don't see yours then, it'll probably be in another chapter.

No Question Of Le Day!

May the odds be ever in your favor! Goodbyee!

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