Chapter 56: I F--ked Up

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[Joey's POV]

For some reason, his small quote reminded me of yesterday's events. Although I was intoxicated, I still remembered. I sigh as Sawyer gets up to go retrieve something.

"Can you.." I begin. "Tell me about yesterday?"

"Uh, didn't we already talk about it?" Sawyer says, returning to where he originally was. He sits closer to me and lightly rub my leg. I shiver at his slight touch.

I take the blue blanket off of me. Sawyer puts the blanket back on me. I sigh.

"I know. I just need more details." I say.

"Okay, well, Tyler promised he wouldn't go in between us."

"Then why'd he kiss you?" I ask, irritated from the hangover and from what he's saying.

"I guess he couldn't handle himself."

"I want to talk to him. Call him for me, please?"

"Jo-" Before he speaks, I kiss him hard enough so he couldn't breathe. I grip onto his gray T-shirt, pulling him closer to me. He moans into my mouth and I let go. I smile.

"Please?" I ask, again, as if nothing had even happened.

"Um, yeah." He says, looking satisfied yet, confused. He hands me his phone and I call Tyler. He answers quickly with a happy 'Hello!?'

"Tyler!" I say, pretending to be enthusiastic.

"Joey?" I could immediately hear the sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, it's me." Sawyer stands up and walks out the room. I believe it's to give me privacy.

"Oh, hey, how come you're using Sawyer's phone?" Tyler asks, sounding suddenly very curious.

"I wanted to call you." I reply. "Anyway, I saw what you did yesterday."

"Joey I couldn't handle myself, I'm sorry."

"Just don't go anywhere near him or talk to him, okay?" I say, completely ignoring his apology.

"How are you going to prevent me from talking to-" I sneeze, interuppting him. "Wait, are you sick?" He asks.

"Yup." I grab a tissue and wipe my nose. "Continue."

"How are you going to prevent me from talking to Sawyer?"

"I'll find a way." I say, hanging up.

Minutes later, Sawyer walks into the room.

"Really, Joey?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

"You're doing that? Making him

not talk to me?" I shrug.

"I just don't want us to argue about bullshit like this."

"Joey, shit happens, so let it happen!"

"But, I don't want to see your lips against someone else's!"

"Oh, so you d-"

"Don't remind me of it."

"I thought you weren't the jealous type, Joey." He sighs. "Obviously, I was wrong."

"Sawyer, I just hate it when others to get their way with you! You just let it happen!"

"Joey, you did the exact same thing! In fact, you cheated!"

I could tell he might point out practically all my flaws.

"Well fuck, guess I made too many mistakes, huh?" I ask.

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