Chapter 2: Quiet Hikes and Fangirls

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[Sawyer's POV]

We exit the car once everything was okay.

We breathed in the nature. I haven't hiked in a while because I usually just go to the gym. But I do still remember the fresh breeze and no traffic lights. Joey started to walk towards the trail and stood there. I walked up next to him.

"Hey," I say. "You okay there?"

Joey snapped out of his small trance. Possibly, he was in deep thought.

"Yeah." He reassures me, but it sounds more like he's reassuring himself.

We both walked along the dirt trail.. We stay quiet, enjoying the peaceful area. Once and a while, there was a nice cool breeze blowing by. We were soon high up into the mountains. We could see the whole LA situation from up here. Joey sat down near the edge. I sat next to him.

Joey looked in the distance. I stare at him then look down. For some reason, I felt embarrased that I was just staring at him like that.

"What're you thinkin' about?" I say, mentally telling myself to not stupid because of embarrassment.

Joey looked at me. He smiled.

"Nothing in particular, really."

He looked away. I looked at Joey. Then I looked down at his hand. Then back at him.

"Do you want to go and get some lunch?" I offer. "I'll pay. After that, we can go straight home if you'd like."

Joey nodded. He quickly got up and took his phone out. I could tell he was on Youtube and was looking at comments. When we got to the car, Joey started to sniffle. I looked at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's just that these comments hurt so much, at times." He says. He takes a deep breath to continue. "For example, a few are saying I'm a fag. I mean, why the fuck would you say that?"

"Don't let them get to you." I reply.

"It's just.." He sighs again "It pisses me off and.."

Joey began to sob uncontrollably. I realized then, that Joey is really emotional when it comes to these things. I'd get pretty upset too if people called me that. Anyone would feel that way. I put my hand on his back and rubbed his back softly to calm him down. He slowly regained his calm self.

"This is embarrasing." He whispers.

"What's embarrasing?" I ask, placing the key into the ignition.

"You probably think I'm a crybaby." He says, rubbing his eyes.

"Of course not. I wouldn't think of anything like that about you." Joey nodded, still seeming unconvinced.

"Do you want to go to Starbucks?" I ask. Joey nods again.

They sold some pretty good stuff there. So, why not? A good coffee can soothe you.

[Joey's POV]

I watched Sawyer drive. I turned up the volume for the radio. Treasure by Bruno Mars was on.

"If you'd let me treasure you."

All of a sudden, all I thought about was Sawyer. His smile made me blush accidentally. His eyes. Oh, his eyes. I could stare longingly at them for hours beyond hours if I could. His lips always stay plump and pink. They look so freaking cute when you're up close. You can imagine them kissing you softly all around your skin.

Woah, what the hell am I thinking? His lips, his eye, his smile? What kimd of lovey-dovey bullshit is really in my mind? Have I done this before and haven't noticed? Probably, because everytime I see him, I begin to feel hot and fluttery inside and I daydream. I don't even know what that feeling is, though. Is it the feeling of love; something that I have never actually felt before?

Soon enough, Sawyer parks the car at Starbucks.

He took off his seatbelt and sighed. I looked over at him. He looked at me and I looked out the window. I got out of the car and a girl screams wildly. I looked over and a fan came running over. My heart began pounding against my chest even harder as she approaches me. It's normal; seeing fans since the more days go by, the more familiar I get to other people. But for some reason, I didn't feel comfortable around fans when I'm with other guys. Easily, the fams can assume things and spread certain rumors around Twitter or Facebook.

"Holy shit! You're Joey Graceffa!" The girl exclaims excitedly. I nod and smile.

The girl hugs me tightly and kiss me. I was surprised and didn't do anything. She pulled back and began to hyperventilate.

"Oh my God! Sorry! Can you uh..sign my arm?" She pauses and takes a breath. "Please?"

"Uh, sure."

She gave me a red Sharpie. I signed my name on her arm.

"Can you kiss my cheek?" She asks.

I didn't want to but, I guess I could. I was about to kiss her cheek and she turned her head. I accidentally kissed her lips. Once again, I have psychopaths as fans. She shrieked and ran away. I stood there. Sawyer walked up to me.

"See, you have your psychopaths." He says.

"Yeah.." I mumble. "I guess I do.

We both walked into Starbucks. I hoped another fan wouldn't kiss me. I love my pyschopaths but, the fan was crazyanya! Sawyer and I got our drinks. We sat at a table near the window. Then we talked.

"How can you handle that?" He asks.

"I don't know, to be honest." I say.

"What if you had a girlfriend and they caught you kissing another girl?" Sawyer looked at me seriously, then takes a sip of his drink.

"I would never have a girlfriend. You know I don't believe in-"

"Love..I know." He finishes. It cute how he finishes my sentence.

It's hard for me to find someone I actually like. It's just.. hard. I always was picked on and those comments saying I'm gay let me down even more. I started to cry silently. Why am I such a crybaby?

Sawyer put his hand on my shoulder. He was warm. Possibly from his coffee. I stopped crying. He comforts me a lot and hes always trying to make me laugh. At first, when I moved in with Sawyer, I had some sort of feeling. I don't know what it was. It was just, there..

[Sawyer's POV]

Joey was crying again. I hated to see him like that. He was having a bad day today. I got up. Then he did. We both walked to the car silently. Joey got his phone out and started texting. We got to the car and Joey started talking.

"Hey Sawyer,"He begins to ask. "Can you drop me off at Luke's house?"

I nodded. I started the car. Then I drove to Luke's house.


2nd chapter! Woo! Well, I hope this is gonna be a good Jawyer story for you guys! <3 I thought it through and, I'm pretty satisfied with what I'm doing. May the odds be ever in your favor! Please like! Good damn bye! ;D

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