Chapter 60: Hate

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[Sawyer's POV]

I sit on the bed, lightly petting Hitch. I'm on my laptop, searching for something. Something that could probably change both Joey and I's relationship..Maybe..

I'm debating on whether I should go back to college. I want to get a degree on photography. That'd boost me up to be a professional photographer.

It's my hobby, taking pictures. It's been a passion of mine since the age of 10. I will never forget the day my mother gave me my first camera. God, I remember like it was yesterday.

I don't plan on telling Joey about this. I might surprise him if I get accepted. But, would it be a good or bad surprise for him?

Multiple colleges I'd like to apply to are not really what I'm looking for. But there's one that I love. And, it's all the way in..New York. I sigh. It looks like the best photography college ever. But will Joey and I handle long distance?

Joey walks in and I immediately delete the tab. Since I had on another tab, I go on that one. The tab was Twitter. It was basically my cover-up.

"Hey." Joey says.

"Hi." I say. The room is filled with silence other than our small breaths and Hitch's breath as well. Hitch jumps off the bed and trots out the room.

Suddenly, I am attacked by Joey's lips. His soft hands are on my face. I'm too stunned, but somehow, I am kissing him as well. Joey slides his tongue into my mouth. They dance with each other. They excitedly explore each other's mouths.

Joey pushes me down against the bed. He pushes the laptop out of the way and the tab I was trying to hide pops up. I thought I had deleted it! I pray to God that Joey doesn't see it. But, he takes a quick glance at the screen. His eyes widen and he shuffles off of me. He picks up the laptop and places it on his lap securely.

So much for trying to keep a secret.

"W-What's this?" Joey asks, scrolling through the page. He gives me a look of concern.

"I was just looking, y'know." I reply, hoping I can still cover this up.

"Are you sure? I mean, well, I don't know.." He stumbles over his words.

"Joey," I begin to lie. "I won't ever go to college, okay?" I smile. His eyes are glued to the screen. I put three fingers under his chin and make him face me. "Okay?" I ask.

"Yeah.." He says. "Yeah, okay." It sounds like he's not convinced, but he doesn't say another word.

"Where were we, again..?" I ask, trying to get his mind off of the college situation. Forcefully, Joey puts his lips on mine. After a few seconds, he lets go. He gets off the bed and closes his eyes.

"Hey.." I say softly. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I-I can't." He says. "I'm not in the mood, anymore." I nod. I realized that the mood was ruined by that stupid tab.

**The Next Day**

I woke up thinking about the college. It's so faraway from here. It seems almost impossible to go there. The only thing stopping me is Joey. His upset face somehow knows that I might go.

I stare at him while he sleeps. Of course, as usual, we are spooning. I play with his hair, soft enough so that he won't wake up. I get up and head out the room.

I go to the breakfast area and sit down. My leg bounces up and down as the anticipation of doing something about that college hurts my mind. I bury my

head in my arms on the table.

Eventually, I fall asleep.


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