Bonus 2

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Q2) What happens after they return from their trip, into their normal lives. What's the changes in their lives?

Sam's POV :

Dear diary,

Finally the sun rays, that I always strived to find in my darkness, is with me.

Sarah is with me.

After we returned from our, memorable trip to the farm house, the first change that I had was I can now pick eggs. I can milk cows and I can ride a horse.

Okay, jokes apart.

Now everything is different. With her and with me. Firstly, I pick her up from school because she's really lazy and always is late for school.

Then we have most of our classes together where we both are inseparable. Between classes sometimes I sneak out with her and have fun.

Last day, we went to a long drive.

Then during break all friends sit together and talk. Now each of us, have a pair. Brittany isn't attending school yet and Aron is mostly seen in my house, near her.

After I complete my school works I again go out and return home by bus. I love bus rides now. In a crowded bus, with my girl flirting with me for the window seat.

Sarah, is that selfish.

Sorry, I was just kidding.

Then we both get down on her bus stop and then reaching to her, to her door steps, I walk the rest way.

Going home the rest time, I talk to her by texts, calls or face time. Each hour of my life now, includes her.

Oh and I forgot. One night, I sneaked into her room at mid night. She was about to scream rapist. But however I stopped her to do so.

It's a mess with her now. My perfect life isn't really perfect now as a clumsy little girl, named Sarah is there in my life.

But you know what...

I love this mess.


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